• ROUND 36

    CAPRI: Critical Assessment of PRediction of Interactions

    Community wide experiment on the comparative evaluation of protein-protein docking for structure prediction

    Hosted By EMBL/EBI-PDBe Group

    The CAPRI round 37 is in collaboration with 12th CASP session and will take place between May 1 and August 2016

    Members of both the CASP and CAPRI communities will be invited to model the interfaces of protein hetero-complexes, homo-multimers and domain-domain
    interactions in appropriate CASP12 targets.

    Description of the CASP12 experiment can be found at: http://predictioncenter.org/casp12/index.cgi

    As in 2014, the number or type of targets that will be made available for this round are currently unknown, as targets are being submitted to CASP piecemeal
    during the entire duration of the CASP12 session. Decision on targets designated for CAPRI docking and scoring predictions (only a subset of the CASP12
    targets prediction is expected to represent appropriate CAPRI targets) will be made by CAPRI MC members (Shoshana Wodak, Sameer Velankar, and Marc Lensink).
    Information on these targets and submission deadlines (for servers, dockers and scorer) will be provided on the CAPRI website.

    Registration: CAPRI participants wishing to take part in this CAPRI prediction round are invited to register for the entire round in advance. CAPRI registration
    for Round 37 will be open starting May 4, and the first targets will be announced on Mon May 9. We also encourage CAPRI participants to register with the
    CASP12 session, which is already open. When registering with CASP, participants should click the radio button "Do you want to receive an e-mail when a target
    is designated as CAPRI?" In this case they will be receiving an automatic message each time a new CAPRI target is designated.

    Upon receiving this message participants should consult the CAPRI site for additional target information and for the timelines for submission of server models,
    docking models, uploading of models and the scoring submissions. Participants registered for Round 37 with CAPRI should submit models only to the CAPRI website.
    Not to both!

    All the submitted models of homo- and hetero- complexes will be evaluated by the CAPRI evaluation team, as usual. The possibility of applying additional
    evaluation procedures by the CASP independent team will be examined at a meeting mid June in Rome, to which the CAPRI assessment team will be invited. These
    additional procedures are likely to apply only to the prediction of domain-domain interactions in multi-domain proteins. Any suggestions from the CASP
    assessment team for additional evaluation measures to be applied to predicted complexes, will first be examined by the CAPRI MC in consultations with the
    CAPRI community, before they are accepted as part of the official CAPRI assessment procedure.

    Documentation and Targets Round 37

    (CAPRI ID) (CASP ID) Server Predictor deadline Manual Predictor deadline Download available Scorer deadline
    T110 T0860 Thu May 12 Thu May 12 Fri May 13 Tue May 17
    T111 T0867 Tue May 17 Tue May 17 Thu May 19 Mon May 23
    T112 T0881 Thu May 19 Thu Jun 2 Mon Jun 6 Thu Jun 9
    T113 T0884 and T0885Thu May 19 Thu Jun 2 Mon Jun 6 Thu Jun 9
    T114 T0875 Thu May 19 Thu Jun 2 Mon Jun 6 Thu Jun 9
    T115 T0877 Thu May 19 Thu Jun 2 Mon Jun 6 Thu Jun 9
    T116 T0893 Thu Jun 2 Tue Jun 14 Fri Jun 17 Mon Jun 20
    T117 T0903 and T0904 Sun Jun 12 Thu Jun 23 Mon Jun 27 Thu Jun 30
    T118 T0906 Mon Jun 20 Sun Jul 3 Tue Jul 5 Fri Jul 8
    T119 T0917 Mon Jun 20 Sun Jul 3 Tue Jul 5 Fri Jul 8
    T120 T0921 and T0922 Fri Jun 24 Mon Jul 11 Wed Jul 13 Sat Jul 16


    Scorers can download the server set of submissions from
    http://cb.iri.univ-lille1.fr/capri/ using the same login user/pass as distributed for Capri round37. Full details and deadlines are given on this site.

    Email Problems or Queries to Sameer Velankar
