• ROUND 36

    CAPRI: Critical Assessment of PRediction of Interactions

    Community wide experiment on the comparative evaluation of protein-protein docking for structure prediction

    Hosted By EMBL/EBI-PDBe Group

    Unfortunately the round 36 is canceled because the structure of the complex is described in a paper available at - http://www.jbc.org/content/early/2016/02/29/jbc.M116.715474

    Round 36 will have following targets :

    Target 108-109 : protein-protein complexes

    Round 36 features 2 targets, T108 and T109, representing the same protein-peptide complex, offered by Prof. Reuven Wiener from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The protein is UFM1, and the peptide is a segment from the UBA5 protein, which is the E1 of UFM1.

    • February 22 - registration begins

    Part 1 - T108
    • March 07 - prediction Round opens
    • March 09 - deadline for server submissions
    • March 30 - deadline for submitting predictions
    • March 31 - scoring Round uploader deadline
    • April 04 - scoring Round set available
    • April 09 - scoring Round submission deadline

    Part 2 - T109
    • April 25 - Prediction Round opens
    • April 27 - deadline for server predictions
    • May 18 - deadline for submitting predictions
    • May 19 - scoring Round uploader deadline
    • May 21 - Scoring Round set available
    • May 27 - Scoring Round submission deadline

    Documentation and Targets Round 36


    Scorers can download the server set of submissions from
    http://cb.iri.univ-lille1.fr/capri/ using the same login user/pass as distributed for Capri round36. Full details and deadlines are given on this site.

    Email Problems or Queries to Sameer Velankar
