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Leishmania tarentolae proteasome 20S subunit in complex with compound 2

Release date: Sept. 28, 2022
Resolution: 2.7 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 7zyj
Q-score: 0.565

Koester DC, Marx VM, Williams S, Jiricek J, Dauphinais M, Rene O, Miller SL, Zhang L, Patra D, Chen YL, Cheung H, Gable J, Lakshminarayana SB, Osborne C, Galarneau JR, Kulkarni U, Richmond W, Bretz A, Xiao L, Supek F, Wiesmann C, Honnappa S, Be C, Maser P, Kaiser M, Ritchie R, Barrett MP, Diagana TT, Sarko C, Rao SPS

J Med Chem (2022) 65 pp. 11776-11787 [ DOI: doi:10.1021/acs.jmedchem.2c00791 Pubmed: 35993839 ]

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Leishmania tarentolae proteasome 20S subunit complexed with LXE408

Release date: Aug. 26, 2020
Resolution: 3.4 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 6tcz
Q-score: 0.514

Nagle A, Biggart A, Be C, Srinivas H, Hein A, Caridha D, Sciotti RJ, Pybus B, Kreishman-Deitrick M, Bursulaya B, Lai YH, Gao MY, Liang F, Mathison CJN, Liu X, Yeh V, Smith J, Lerario I, Xie Y, Chianelli D, Gibney M, Berman A, Chen YL, Jiricek J, Davis LC, Liu X, Ballard J, Khare S, Eggimann FK, Luneau A, Groessl T, Shapiro M, Richmond W, Johnson K, Rudewicz PJ, Rao SPS, Thompson C, Tuntland T, Spraggon G, Glynne RJ, Supek F, Wiesmann C, Molteni V

J Med Chem (2020) 63 pp. 10773-10781 [ DOI: doi:10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00499 Pubmed: 32667203 ]

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Leishmania tarentolae proteasome 20S subunit complexed with LXE408 and bortezomib

Release date: Aug. 26, 2020
Resolution: 3.2 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 6td5
Q-score: 0.512

Nagle A, Biggart A, Be C, Srinivas H, Hein A, Caridha D, Sciotti RJ, Pybus B, Kreishman-Deitrick M, Bursulaya B, Lai YH, Gao MY, Liang F, Mathison CJN, Liu X, Yeh V, Smith J, Lerario I, Xie Y, Chianelli D, Gibney M, Berman A, Chen YL, Jiricek J, Davis LC, Liu X, Ballard J, Khare S, Eggimann FK, Luneau A, Groessl T, Shapiro M, Richmond W, Johnson K, Rudewicz PJ, Rao SPS, Thompson C, Tuntland T, Spraggon G, Glynne RJ, Supek F, Wiesmann C, Molteni V

J Med Chem (2020) 63 pp. 10773-10781 [ DOI: doi:10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00499 Pubmed: 32667203 ]

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