The IPD-IMGT/HLA Database does not only contain sequence data on HLA sequences it also contains a detailed record on the cell/individual from which the sequence was derived. The database provides a detailed entry for each cell including full annotation on:

  • Name, and any local names.
  • Ethnic origin
  • Serological, DNA Typing and IEF-Subtype profiles
  • Lab. of origin and availability
  • Cell workshop data
  • Serological, DNA Typing and IEF-Subtype profiles

The database currently holds information on around 8,000 cells, and will continue to expand as new sequences are submitted to both this database and to the EMBL sequence database.

This page has been provided to explain all fields used and to assist the user in constructing and performing queries. The following tables detail the fields displayed for queries of cells in the IPD-IMGT/HLA Database.

The cell query form is split into two main sections, general cell queries and HLA typing and serology queries. Both sections follow the same general guidelines. To perform a query select the field from the drop down menu and then enter your search term in the text box provided. Wild cards are automatically added to the term but additional wildcards can be added using an asterisk (*). The cell query form also allows you to combine queries using the AND/OR button, setting this to 'AND' returns only those cells that match all search terms, 'OR' returns all matches to any term. To query multiple fields just select a new field from each drop down menu and enter the search term in the text box.

Name This field search both the primary cell name, and any other known synonyms for the cell.
Acc Number: A unique internal ID assigned to all cells in IPD-IMGT/HLA Cell Database.
Sex: Sex of the cell donor. Sex is marked as 'X' when not known.
Ethnic Origin: Ethnic origin of cell donor. The Cell database contains a list of over 200 ethnic origins. See Ethnic Origins page for further details.
Consang: Records the consanguineous status of the cell donor. Accepted values are Y, N and X.
Homo: Whether the cell donor is homozygous for the HLA region. Accepted values are Y, N and X.
Cell Bank: Current location of any available cells.
Material: This details the type of material used for producing the HLA sequence.
Workshop: Workshop numbers assigned to a cell. This fields includes the IHW Cell No.

The HLA typing and serology of the cell can also be queried by selecting the locus and entering the typing or serology query into the text box. For example to query for all A*01:01:01:01 cells, select 'A*' from the typing menu and then enter '01:01:01:01' in the text box.

General Cell Information:
Name: The primary name of the cell. The name the cell is commonly known by. Synonyms for the cell are included in brackets.
ID: A unique internal ID assigned to all cells in IPD-IMGT/HLA Cell Database.
Submitted: Date submitted to any version of the HLA Database, includes those held by Tissue Antigens Laboratory at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund and Anthony Nolan Research Institute.
Last Updated: Date entry was last updated in the IPD-IMGT/HLA Cell Database
Ethnic Origin: Ethnic origin of cell donor. The Cell database contains a list of over 200 ethnic origins. See Ethnic Origins page for further details.
Sex: Sex of the cell donor. Sex is marked as 'X' when not known.
Consang: Records the consanguineous status of the cell donor
Homo: Whether the cell donor is homozygous for the HLA region.
Comments: Additional cell information
Typing Profiles:
DNA Typing This field contains the DNA typing profile of the cell. Polymorphic values are separated by a comma (,). For example a cell DNA typed as HLA-A*02:01 would be entered as 02:01 in the HLA-A* box. Additional alleles would be displayed as 02:01, 30:01 for example.
Serological Typing This field includes the serological typing of the cell. The serological type is given as the highest subtype specificity. Polymorphic regions should be separated by a comma (,). For example a cell typed serologically as A2,A24(9) would appear as 2,24 in the HLA-A field.
IEF Sub-Typing This field details the IEF-Sub type of the cell. Again polymorphic regions are separated by a comma (,)
Cell Availability:
Submitter: Submitter of cell
Lab of Origin: Laboratory of submitter, includes department and institute details
Material: Type of cell line publicly available. Only cell lines are recorded here. The main entry records if the data is derived from a cell line. This field details the type of cell line that was used, and is available from the various cell banks.
Cell Bank: Cell bank or location of publicly available material. This includes the original lab. and both 'Not Available' - for those cells who are not public, and 'Unconfirmed' for cell where the location of stored cells has not been ascertained.
Cell Workshop Information:
IHW No: Workshop No. provided by the International Histocompatibility Workshop.
7th - 12th Workshop: 7th - 12th International Histocompatibility Workshop Committee No.
Misc Workshop: Various other workshop numbers assigned to a cell. This fields includes the 4AOHWS numbers.

Further Information

For more information about the database, queries (including website) or to subscribe to the IPD mailing lists please contact IPD Support.

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