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Model space in neurodegeneration - model landscape map.
This cellular and molecular process diagram of neurodegeneration was created by
integrating the mechanisms described in 89 neurodegenerative disease models published
in the literature. It is an abstract representation of the processes involved,
i.e. only important mechanisms of each process are shown for better visualisation.
Boundaries of subcellular organelles are represented as solid lines, cell boundaries
as thick solid lines and the blood-brain barrier as thick dotted lines. The 15
biological processes associated with ND that the models describe are in capital
bold red font. The models falling under each of these processes are displayed as
numbers and hyperlinked to the original publication or if the models exist in
BioModels it is linked to model page in BioModels. Models involving more than one
process are over-lined. The density of distribution of models in each process is
illustrated as colour gradient (gradient definition is provided in the figure).
AgedBrainSYSBIO has received funding from the European Union's Seventh
Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement
No 305299