Family G3


Summary Holotypes Genomes Literature Architecture

Summary for family G3

Family type peptidaseG03.001 - strawberry mottle virus glutamic peptidase (strawberry mottle virus), MEROPS Accession MER1365461 (peptidase unit: 1102-1335)
Content of family
History Identifier created: MEROPS 12.1 (26 Apr 2019)
Catalytic typeGlutamic
Active site residuesE1192 E1274 
Molecular structure
Distribution of family Bacteria -  
Archaea -  
Protozoa -  
Fungi -  
Plants -  
Animals -  
Viruses details  
Biological functions
Statistics for family G3Sequences:2
Identifiers with PDB entries:0
Downloadable files Sequence library (FastA format)
Sequence alignment (FastA format)
Peptidases and Homologues MEROPS ID Structure
strawberry mottle virus glutamic peptidaseG03.001-