CHEBI:76697 - EC 5.99.* (other isomerases) inhibitor

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name EC 5.99.* (other isomerases) inhibitor
Definition An isomerase inhibitor that interferes with the action of any member of the group of 'other isomerases' (EC 5.99.*.*).
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing EC 5.99.* (other isomerases) inhibitor (CHEBI:76697) is a EC 5.* (isomerase) inhibitor (CHEBI:75596)
Incoming EC 5.99.1.* (miscellaneous isomerase) inhibitor (CHEBI:76830) is a EC 5.99.* (other isomerases) inhibitor (CHEBI:76697)
Synonyms Sources
EC 5.99.* (miscellaneous isomerases) inhibitor ChEBI
EC 5.99.* (miscellaneous isomerases) inhibitors ChEBI
EC 5.99.* (other isomerase) inhibitor ChEBI
EC 5.99.* (other isomerase) inhibitors ChEBI
EC 5.99.* (other isomerases) inhibitors ChEBI
EC 5.99.* inhibitor ChEBI
EC 5.99.* inhibitors ChEBI
Last Modified
03 January 2014