CHEBI:66504 - zhankuic acid B

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ChEBI Name zhankuic acid B
Definition A steroid acid that is ergosta-8,24(28)-dien-26-oic acid substituted by a hydroxy group at position 3, a methyl group at position 4 and oxo groups at positions 7 and 11 (the 3α,4α,5α stereoisomer). Isolated from Antrodia cinnamomea and Antrodia camphorata, it exhibits cytotoxic, anticholinergic and antiserotonergic activities.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Supplier Information
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Formula C29H42O5
Net Charge 0
Average Mass 470.64080
Monoisotopic Mass 470.30322
InChI InChI=1S/C29H42O5/c1-15(17(3)27(33)34)7-8-16(2)19-9-10-20-25-23(31)13-21-18(4)22(30)11-12-28(21,5)26(25)24(32)14-29(19,20)6/h16-22,30H,1,7-14H2,2-6H3,(H,33,34)/t16-,17?,18+,19-,20+,21+,22-,28+,29-/m1/s1
SMILES [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])C3=C(C(=O)C[C@]12C)[C@@]1(C)CC[C@@H](O)[C@@H](C)[C@]1([H])CC3=O)[C@H](C)CCC(=C)C(C)C(O)=O
Metabolite of Species Details
Taiwanofungus camphoratus (NCBI:txid196114) Found in fruit body (BTO:0000487). See: PubMed
Taiwanofungus camphoratus (NCBI:txid196114) Found in fruit body (BTO:0000487). See: PubMed
Taiwanofungus camphoratus (NCBI:txid196114) Found in fruit body (BTO:0000487). Parasitic to the inner heartwood wall of old hollow trunks of Cinnamomum kanehirai, EtOH extract See: PubMed
Roles Classification
Chemical Role(s): Bronsted acid
A molecular entity capable of donating a hydron to an acceptor (Bronsted base).
(via oxoacid )
Biological Role(s): metabolite
Any intermediate or product resulting from metabolism. The term 'metabolite' subsumes the classes commonly known as primary and secondary metabolites.
cholinergic antagonist
Any drug that binds to but does not activate cholinergic receptors, thereby blocking the actions of acetylcholine or cholinergic agonists.
serotonergic antagonist
Drugs that bind to but do not activate serotonin receptors, thereby blocking the actions of serotonin or serotonergic agonists.
Application(s): antineoplastic agent
A substance that inhibits or prevents the proliferation of neoplasms.
cholinergic antagonist
Any drug that binds to but does not activate cholinergic receptors, thereby blocking the actions of acetylcholine or cholinergic agonists.
serotonergic antagonist
Drugs that bind to but do not activate serotonin receptors, thereby blocking the actions of serotonin or serotonergic agonists.
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ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing zhankuic acid B (CHEBI:66504) has role antineoplastic agent (CHEBI:35610)
zhankuic acid B (CHEBI:66504) has role cholinergic antagonist (CHEBI:48873)
zhankuic acid B (CHEBI:66504) has role metabolite (CHEBI:25212)
zhankuic acid B (CHEBI:66504) has role serotonergic antagonist (CHEBI:48279)
zhankuic acid B (CHEBI:66504) is a 11-oxo steroid (CHEBI:47787)
zhankuic acid B (CHEBI:66504) is a 3α-hydroxy steroid (CHEBI:36835)
zhankuic acid B (CHEBI:66504) is a 7-oxo steroid (CHEBI:47789)
zhankuic acid B (CHEBI:66504) is a monocarboxylic acid (CHEBI:25384)
zhankuic acid B (CHEBI:66504) is a steroid acid (CHEBI:47891)
(3α,4α,5α)-3-hydroxy-4-methyl-7,11-dioxoergosta-8,24(28)-dien-26-oic acid
Synonym Source
3α-hydroxy-4alpha-methylergosta-8,24(28)-dien-7,11-dione-26-oic acid ChEBI
Registry Number Type Source
9825705 Reaxys Registry Number Reaxys
Citations Waiting for Citations Types Sources
15095145 PubMed citation Europe PMC
21028898 PubMed citation Europe PMC
8594142 PubMed citation Europe PMC
Last Modified
05 December 2013