CHEBI:83662 - lysidine monophosphate(1−)

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name lysidine monophosphate(1−)
ChEBI ASCII Name lysidine monophosphate(1-)
Definition An organophosphate oxoanion that is CMP(2−) in which the 2-keto group on the cytosine ring is substituted by an ε-L-lysyl residue. Major structure at pH 7.3 (according to Marvin v. 6.2.0).
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Submitter Anne Morgat
Supplier Information
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Formula C15H25N5O9P
Net Charge -1
Average Mass 450.36140
Monoisotopic Mass 450.13954
InChI InChI=1S/C15H26N5O9P/c16-8(14(23)24)3-1-2-5-18-15-19-10(17)4-6-20(15)13-12(22)11(21)9(29-13)7-28-30(25,26)27/h4,6,8-9,11-13,21-22H,1-3,5,7,16H2,(H,23,24)(H2,17,18,19)(H2,25,26,27)/p-1/t8-,9+,11+,12+,13+/m0/s1
SMILES [NH3+][C@@H](CCCCNc1[nH+]c(=N)ccn1[C@@H]1O[C@H](COP([O-])([O-])=O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O)C([O-])=O
ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing lysidine monophosphate(1−) (CHEBI:83662) is a organophosphate oxoanion (CHEBI:58945)
lysidine monophosphate(1−) (CHEBI:83662) is conjugate base of lysidine monophosphate (CHEBI:83661)
Incoming lysidine monophosphate (CHEBI:83661) is conjugate acid of lysidine monophosphate(1−) (CHEBI:83662)
lysidine monophosphate zwitterion residue (CHEBI:83665) is substituent group from lysidine monophosphate(1−) (CHEBI:83662)
Last Modified
21 January 2015