CHEBI:65911 - FR177391

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name FR177391
Definition A 14-membered macrolide isolated from the Serratia liquefaciens and exhibits anti-hyperlipidemic activity.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Supplier Information
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Formula C23H31ClO8
Net Charge 0
Average Mass 470.94000
Monoisotopic Mass 470.17075
InChI InChI=1S/C23H31ClO8/c1-13(10-21(27)28)9-18(26)23-20-11-17(31-23)8-7-16(24)6-4-5-14(2)19(30-15(3)25)12-22(29)32-20/h5-6,9,17-20,23,26H,4,7-8,10-12H2,1-3H3,(H,27,28)/b13-9+,14-5-,16-6-/t17-,18-,19-,20-,23-/m1/s1
SMILES [H][C@@]1(O[C@@H]2CC\C(Cl)=C\C\C=C(C)/[C@@H](CC(=O)O[C@@H]1C2)OC(C)=O)[C@H](O)\C=C(/C)CC(O)=O
Metabolite of Species Details
Serratia liquefaciens (NCBI:txid614) of strain 1821 See: PubMed
Roles Classification
Chemical Role(s): Bronsted acid
A molecular entity capable of donating a hydron to an acceptor (Bronsted base).
(via oxoacid )
Biological Role(s): metabolite
Any intermediate or product resulting from metabolism. The term 'metabolite' subsumes the classes commonly known as primary and secondary metabolites.
Application(s): antilipemic drug
A substance used to treat hyperlipidemia (an excess of lipids in the blood).
View more via ChEBI Ontology
ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing FR177391 (CHEBI:65911) has role antilipemic drug (CHEBI:35679)
FR177391 (CHEBI:65911) has role metabolite (CHEBI:25212)
FR177391 (CHEBI:65911) is a acetate ester (CHEBI:47622)
FR177391 (CHEBI:65911) is a bridged compound (CHEBI:35990)
FR177391 (CHEBI:65911) is a cyclic ether (CHEBI:37407)
FR177391 (CHEBI:65911) is a hydroxy monocarboxylic acid (CHEBI:35868)
FR177391 (CHEBI:65911) is a macrolide (CHEBI:25106)
FR177391 (CHEBI:65911) is a organic heterobicyclic compound (CHEBI:27171)
FR177391 (CHEBI:65911) is a organochlorine compound (CHEBI:36683)
FR177391 (CHEBI:65911) is a secondary alcohol (CHEBI:35681)
(3E,5R)-5-[(1R,5R,6Z,9Z,13R,15R)-5-(acetyloxy)-10-chloro-6-methyl-3-oxo-2,14-dioxabicyclo[11.2.1]hexadeca-6,9-dien-15-yl]-5-hydroxy-3-methylpent-3-enoic acid
Citations Waiting for Citations Types Sources
16392679 PubMed citation Europe PMC
16392680 PubMed citation Europe PMC
16392681 PubMed citation Europe PMC
16392682 PubMed citation Europe PMC
Last Modified
28 January 2013