CHEBI:23218 - choloyl-CoAs

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name choloyl-CoAs
Definition A steroidal acyl-CoA formed by thioester formation between coenzyme A and any cholic acid.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Roles Classification
Chemical Role(s): acyl donor
Any donor that can transfer acyl groups between molecular entities.
(via acyl-CoA )
View more via ChEBI Ontology
ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing choloyl-CoAs (CHEBI:23218) is a steroidal acyl-CoA (CHEBI:52135)
Incoming β-muricholoyl-CoA (CHEBI:138378) is a choloyl-CoAs (CHEBI:23218)
3-oxochenodeoxycholoyl-CoA (CHEBI:137532) is a choloyl-CoAs (CHEBI:23218)
3-oxocholan-24-oyl-CoA (CHEBI:137539) is a choloyl-CoAs (CHEBI:23218)
3-oxocholoyl-CoA (CHEBI:137534) is a choloyl-CoAs (CHEBI:23218)
3-oxodeoxycholoyl-CoA (CHEBI:137537) is a choloyl-CoAs (CHEBI:23218)
chenodeoxycholoyl-CoA (CHEBI:28701) is a choloyl-CoAs (CHEBI:23218)
choloyl-CoA (CHEBI:15519) is a choloyl-CoAs (CHEBI:23218)
lithocholyl-CoA (CHEBI:87769) is a choloyl-CoAs (CHEBI:23218)
ursodeoxycholoyl-CoA (CHEBI:138379) is a choloyl-CoAs (CHEBI:23218)
Synonyms Sources
choloyl-CoA ChEBI
choloyl-coenzyme As ChEBI
cholyl-CoA ChEBI
cholyl-coenzyme A ChEBI
Last Modified
04 September 2017