CHEBI:230497 - PLX5622

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This entity has been annotated by a third party. If you would like more information added to this entry, please contact ChEBI via email or GitHub.
ChEBI Name PLX5622
Definition PLX5622 is a highly selective brain penetrant and orally active CSF1R inhibitor. PLX5622 allows for extended and specific microglial cells elimination, preceding and during pathology development. PLX5622 demonstrates desirable PK properties in varies animals. PLX5622 is mostly used in the way of feed free diet.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by a third party.
Submitter Delphine Zhou
Supplier Information
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Formula C21H19F2N5O
Net Charge 0
Average Mass 395.414
Monoisotopic Mass 395.15577
InChI InChI=1S/C21H19F2N5O/c1-12-5-17-14(9-26-20(17)25-8-12)6-13-3-4-18(28-19(13)23)24-10-15-7-16(22)11-27-21(15)29-2/h3-5,7-9,11H,6,10H2,1-2H3,(H,24,28)(H,25,26)
ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing PLX5622 (CHEBI:230497) is a organic molecular entity (CHEBI:50860)
Registry Number Type Source
1303420-67-8 CAS Registry Number SUBMITTER