CHEBI:191412 - 2-aminoacetyl fluoride

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name 2-aminoacetyl fluoride
Definition An acyl flouride that is acetyl fluoride substituted by an amino group at position 2. It is a carcinogenic agent which induces hepatocellular carcinoma in rodents.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Submitter Stan Laulederkind
Supplier Information
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Formula C2H4FNO
Net Charge 0
Average Mass 77.058
Monoisotopic Mass 77.02769
InChI InChI=1S/C2H4FNO/c3-2(5)1-4/h1,4H2
Roles Classification
Chemical Role(s): Bronsted base
A molecular entity capable of accepting a hydron from a donor (Bronsted acid).
(via organic amino compound )
Biological Role(s): carcinogenic agent
A role played by a chemical compound which is known to induce a process of carcinogenesis by corrupting normal cellular pathways, leading to the acquistion of tumoral capabilities.
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ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing 2-aminoacetyl fluoride (CHEBI:191412) has functional parent acetyl fluoride (CHEBI:191932)
2-aminoacetyl fluoride (CHEBI:191412) has role carcinogenic agent (CHEBI:50903)
2-aminoacetyl fluoride (CHEBI:191412) is a acyl fluoride (CHEBI:38110)
2-aminoacetyl fluoride (CHEBI:191412) is a organofluorine compound (CHEBI:37143)
2-aminoacetyl fluoride (CHEBI:191412) is a primary amino compound (CHEBI:50994)
glycyl fluoride
Synonyms Sources
2-aminoacetylfluorine SUBMITTER
2-aminoethanoyl fluoride SUBMITTER
Citations Waiting for Citations Types Sources
22121493 PubMed citation Europe PMC
28876464 PubMed citation SUBMITTER
29732980 PubMed citation Europe PMC
30324893 PubMed citation SUBMITTER
3416305 PubMed citation Europe PMC
Last Modified
17 May 2022