CHEBI:33853 - phenols

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name phenols
Definition Organic aromatic compounds having one or more hydroxy groups attached to a benzene or other arene ring.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Secondary ChEBI IDs CHEBI:2857, CHEBI:13664, CHEBI:13825, CHEBI:25969, CHEBI:29322
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Formula C6HOR5
Net Charge 0
Average Mass (excl. R groups) 89.072
Monoisotopic Mass (excl. R groups) 89.00274
SMILES C1(=C(C(=C(C(=C1*)*)*)*)*)O
ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing phenols (CHEBI:33853) is a organic aromatic compound (CHEBI:33659)
phenols (CHEBI:33853) is a organic hydroxy compound (CHEBI:33822)
Incoming α-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-N-tert-butylnitrone (CHEBI:77433) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHEBI:64340) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
α-mangostin (CHEBI:67547) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
α-peltatin (CHEBI:10324) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
β-isosalicin (CHEBI:153572) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
β-peltatin (CHEBI:74867) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
γ-Glu-Tyr (CHEBI:82969) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
γ-mangostin (CHEBI:67548) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-(3S)-1,7-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-(6E)-6-hepten-3-ol (CHEBI:70686) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-(4S,5S,10R)-10,12,18-trihydroxy-7-oxo-20-norabieta-8,11,13-triene (CHEBI:70568) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-(5R,10S)-12-hydroxy-7-oxo-20-norabieta-8,11,13-triene (CHEBI:70567) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-(7R,7'R,7''R,8S,8'S,8''S)-4',4''-dihydroxy-3,3',3'',5,5',5''-hexamethoxy-7,9':7',9-diepoxy-4,8''-oxy-8,8'-sesquineolignan-7'',9''-diol (CHEBI:67635) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-(7R,7'R,7''R,8S,8'S,8''S)-4',4''-dihydroxy-3,3',3'',5,5'-pentamethoxy-7,9':7',9-diepoxy-4,8''-oxy-8,8'-sesquineolignan-7'',9''-diol (CHEBI:67633) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-(7R,7'R,7''R,8S,8'S,8''S)-4',4''-dihydroxy-3,3',3'',5-tetramethoxy-7,9':7',9-diepoxy-4,8''-oxy-8,8'-sesquineolignan-7'',9''-diol (CHEBI:67631) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-(7R,7'R,7''S,8S,8'S,8''S)-4',4''-dihydroxy-3,3',3'',5,5',5''-hexamethoxy-7,9':7',9-diepoxy-4,8''-oxy-8,8'-sesquineolignan-7'',9''-diol (CHEBI:67636) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-(7R,7'R,7''S,8S,8'S,8''S)-4',4''-dihydroxy-3,3',3'',5,5'-pentamethoxy-7,9':7',9-diepoxy-4,8''-oxy-8,8'-sesquineolignan-7'',9''-diol (CHEBI:67634) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-(7R,7'R,7''S,8S,8'S,8''S)-4',4''-dihydroxy-3,3',3'',5-tetramethoxy-7,9':7',9-diepoxy-4,8''-oxy-8,8'-sesquineolignan-7'',9''-diol (CHEBI:67632) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-(7R,7'R,8S,8'S)-4'-hydroxy-3,3',4,5,5'-pentamethoxy-7,9':7',9-diepoxylignane (CHEBI:67630) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-(7R,8R,8'R)-4,4'-dihydroxy-3,3',5'-trimethoxy-7,9'-epoxylignan (CHEBI:68167) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-5'-desmethylyatein (CHEBI:90894) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-gynuraone (CHEBI:68289) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-lariciresinol (CHEBI:67244) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-larreatricin (CHEBI:69246) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-marinopyrrole A (CHEBI:66678) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-marinopyrrole B (CHEBI:66679) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-microdiplodiasolol (CHEBI:68285) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-phaseolin (CHEBI:108) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(−)-pluviatolide (CHEBI:90896) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(β-D-glucosyl)-O-mycofactocinone (CHEBI:156519) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(1R)-1,12-dihydroxy-20-norabieta-5(10),8,11,13-tetraene (CHEBI:70569) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(3R)-1,7-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-(6E)-6-hepten-3-ol (CHEBI:70687) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(5S)-12-hydroxy-2-oxo-20-norabieta-1(10),8,11,13-tetraene (CHEBI:70571) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(5S,10R)-10,12-dihydroxy-7-oxo-20-norabieta-8,11,13-triene (CHEBI:70566) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(5S,7R)-7-ethoxy-12-hydroxy-2-oxo-20-norabieta-1(10),8,11,13-tetraene (CHEBI:70572) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(7''S,8S,8'R,8''R)-4,4''-dihydroxy-3,3',3'',5'-tetramethoxy-4',8''-oxy-8,8'-sesquineolignan-7''-ol (CHEBI:68152) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(7R,7'R,7''R,7'''R,8S,8'S,8''S,8'''S)-4'',4'''-dihydroxy-3,3',3'',3''',5,5'-hexamethoxy-7,9':7',9-diepoxy-4,8'':4',8'''-bisoxy-8,8'-dineolignan-7'',7''',9'',9'''-tetraol (CHEBI:67637) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(7R,7'R,8S,8'S)-4'-hydroxy-3,3',4,5,5'-pentamethoxy-7,7'-epoxylignan-9,9'-diol (CHEBI:67629) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(7S,8R,8'R)-5,5'-dimethoxylariciresinol (CHEBI:67650) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(7S,8S)-1',4-dihydroxy-3,3',5'-trimethoxy-7',8',9'-trinor-8,4'-oxyneolignan-7,9-diol (CHEBI:67623) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(7S,8S)-4-hydroxy-3,3',5'-trimethoxy-8',9'-dinor-8,4'-oxyneolignan-7,9-diol-7'-oic acid (CHEBI:67624) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(8R,8'R)-4-hydroxy-5-methoxy-1',2',3',4',5',6'-hexanor-2,7'-cyclolignan-7'-one (CHEBI:68156) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(8S,8'R)-4,4'-dihydroxy-3,3',5'-trimethoxylignan (CHEBI:68161) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(8S,8'R)-4-hydroxy-3,3',4',5'-tetramethoxylignan (CHEBI:68162) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(8S,8'R)-9'-acetoxy-4,4'-dihydroxy-3,3',5'-trimethoxylignan (CHEBI:68164) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-(8S,8'R)-9-acetoxy-4,4'-dihydroxy-3,3',5'-trimethoxylignan (CHEBI:68163) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-5'-methoxylariciresinol (CHEBI:67651) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-N-(methoxycarbonyl)-N-norboldine (CHEBI:66701) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-asperteretone A (CHEBI:209002) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-asperteretone B (CHEBI:209030) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-conocarpan (CHEBI:69251) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-diversonol (CHEBI:68282) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-geodin (CHEBI:150867) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-jasplakinolide Z3 (CHEBI:68276) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-jasplakinolide Z1 (CHEBI:68274) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-jasplakinolide Z2 (CHEBI:68275) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-lariciresinol (CHEBI:67246) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-larreatricin (CHEBI:67153) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-methyl sydowate (CHEBI:216913) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-pestalachloride E (CHEBI:228128) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-pestalachloride F (CHEBI:228130) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-pisiferal (CHEBI:70573) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-pisiferic acid (CHEBI:70576) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+)-tephrosone (CHEBI:66201) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+/-)-asperteretal D (CHEBI:215447) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+/-)-asperteretone E (CHEBI:209017) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+/-)-conipyrrolidone A (CHEBI:218944) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+/-)-conipyrrolidone B (CHEBI:218971) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+/-)-conipyrrolidone C (CHEBI:218977) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+/-)-conipyrrolidone D (CHEBI:218910) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(+/-)-tylopilusin B (CHEBI:200937) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(-)-asperteretone A (CHEBI:208996) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(-)-asperteretone B (CHEBI:209024) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(-)-pestalachloride E (CHEBI:228129) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(-)-pestalachloride F (CHEBI:228131) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(10)-Gingerol (CHEBI:81134) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(14S,16S,2R,3E,5E,12S,13E)-84-chloro-14,85-dihydroxy-2-methoxy-6,13,15-trimethyl-12,10-dioxo-9-aza-1(4,6)-oxazinana-8(1,3)-benzenacyclopentadecaphane-3,5,13-trien-12-yl methylcarbamate (CHEBI:209919) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(15:1)-Cardanol (CHEBI:146) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(17Z)-Tricyclo[,7]hexacosa-1(24),2(7),3,5,17,22,25-heptaene-3,5,24,25-tetrol (CHEBI:181032) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(2-hydroxyphenyl)acetic acid (CHEBI:28478) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(2E)-3-(4-{[1-hydroxy-1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-3-(sulfooxy)propan-2-yl]oxy}-3-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-enoic acid (CHEBI:91208) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(2E,6Z)-13-hydroxy-1-(2-hydroxy-5-methoxy-3-methylphenyl)-3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadeca-2,6,14-triene-5,12-dione (CHEBI:65995) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(2R*,3R*)-2,3-dihydro-7-hydroxy-2,3-dimethyl-2-[4,8-dimethyl-3(E)-7-nonadien-6-onyl]furo[3,2-c]coumarin (CHEBI:65928) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(2S*,3R*)-2,3-dihydro-7-hydroxy-2,3-dimethyl-2-[4,8-dimethyl-3(E),7-nonadien-6-onyl]-furo[3,2-c]coumarin (CHEBI:65929) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(2S,3R)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-[4-(2-piperidin-1-ylethoxy)phenyl]-2,3-dihydro-1,4-benzoxathiin-6-ol (CHEBI:42292) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(2S,3S)-2,3-dihydro-3-hydroxymethyl-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5-(E)-propenylbenzofuran (CHEBI:69248) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(2E,4E)-1-(2,6-dihydroxy-3,5-dimethyl-phenyl)hexa-2,4-dien-1-one (CHEBI:209988) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(2E,4E)-N-[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)ethyl]-2,4-decadienamide (CHEBI:70084) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(2E,4E)-N-[2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl]dodeca-2,4-dienamide (CHEBI:183416) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(2S)-2-amino-3-[[5-(2-aminoethyl)-2,3-dihydroxyphenyl]thio]propanoic acid (CHEBI:125550) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(2S,3R,3aS,7aR)-2-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-3a,7a-dimethoxy-3-methyl-5-prop-2-enyl-3,7-dihydro-2H-1-benzofuran-6-one (CHEBI:182542) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(2′R)-2-(2′-hydroxypropyl)-4-methoxyl-1,3-benzenediol (CHEBI:222406) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(3-chloro-4-hydroxyphenyl)acetic acid (CHEBI:47106) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(3R)-3,8,9,10-tetrahydroxy-6-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroanthracen-1-one (CHEBI:150021) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(3S)-9,10-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-3-(2-oxopropyl)-1H,3H,4H-naphtho[2,3-c]pyran-1-one (CHEBI:146011) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(3S,11aS)-3-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-2-[(1S)-1-{[2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl]carbamoyl}butyl]-4-oxo-3,6,11,11a-tetrahydro-4H-pyrazino[1,2-b]isoquinolin-2-ium-1-olate (CHEBI:44532) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(3S)-3-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-1-(3,5-dimethyl-1-piperidinyl)-3-(2-hydroxy-4,6-dimethoxyphenyl)-1-propanone (CHEBI:91672) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(3Z)-3-[(E)-1-Hydroxy-2,4-dimethyloct-6-enylidene]-5-[hydroxy-(4-hydroxyphenyl)methyl]pyrrolidine-2,4-dione (CHEBI:182893) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(3Z,6Z)-3-(4-hydroxybenzylidene)-6-isobutylidenepiperazine-2,5-dione (CHEBI:211829) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)ethanol (CHEBI:173769) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(4S)-4-butyl-1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-phenylpyrazolidine-3,5-dione (CHEBI:44535) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(4aR,10bS)-noroxomaritidine (CHEBI:136560) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(4aS,10bR)-noroxomaritidine (CHEBI:136557) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(4E)-6-hydroxy-1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)tetradec-4-en-3-one (CHEBI:190807) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(5R)-5-Hydroxy-1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)decan-3-one (CHEBI:181480) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(5R)-5-hydroxy-1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)tetradecan-3-one (CHEBI:143749) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(6aS,11aS)-2-dimethylallyl-3,6a,9-trihydroxypterocarpan (CHEBI:50118) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(6aS,11aS)-4-dimethylallyl-3,6a,9-trihydroxypterocarpan (CHEBI:50036) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(7R,8R)-α-diversonolic ester (CHEBI:68225) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(7R,8R)-AGI-B4 (CHEBI:68224) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(7S,11S,12S)-cystoketal (CHEBI:224163) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(7S,11S,12S,14R)-4',14-dimethoxyamentol (CHEBI:217172) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(7S,11S,12S,14R)-4'-methoxyamentol (CHEBI:208332) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(8)-Gingerol (CHEBI:81133) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(8S)-annullatin E (CHEBI:195221) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(8S)-annullatin J (CHEBI:195222) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(E)-1,7-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-6-hepten-3-one (CHEBI:70698) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(E)-5-hydroxy-6-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)-2-(pent-1-enyl)benzofuran-4-carbaldehyde (CHEBI:68701) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(E)-ferulic acid β-D-glucuronate ester (CHEBI:231332) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(E)-nesocodin (alcohol-form) zwitterion (CHEBI:191394) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(E)-sinapaldehyde (CHEBI:27949) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(R)-7-butyl-6,8-dihydroxy-3-[(3E)-pent-3-en-1-yl]-3,4-dihydroisochromen-1-one (CHEBI:65537) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(R)-N-trans-feruloyloctopamine (CHEBI:67373) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(S)-codamine (CHEBI:145336) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(S)-DNPA (CHEBI:31034) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(S)-nandinine (CHEBI:132749) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(Z)-dehydrotyrosine (CHEBI:23596) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(E)-1-[2,4-dihydroxy-3-(2-hydroxyethyl)-6-methoxyphenyl]but-2-en-1-one (CHEBI:212987) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(E)-2-((isobutylimino)methyl)phenol (CHEBI:220083) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(E)-2-((isopentylimino)methyl)phenol (CHEBI:220102) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(E)-4-[5-(4-Hydroxyphenoxy)-3-penten-1-ynyl]phenol (CHEBI:174490) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(R)-3-Hydroxy-1-[(R)-4-hydroxy-1,3-dihydroisobenzofuran-1-yl]butan-2-one (CHEBI:69694) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(R)-3-Hydroxy-1-[(S)-4-hydroxy-1,3-dihydroisobenzofuran-1-yl]butan-2-one (CHEBI:69695) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(R)-alternariphent A (CHEBI:213969) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(R)-desferri-ferrithiocinmethylester (CHEBI:215257) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(S)-2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-4-hydroxymethyl-4,5-dihydrooxazole (CHEBI:204493) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(s)-5-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5-ethylhydantoin (CHEBI:190944) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(S)-[10]-Gingerol (CHEBI:175490) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(S)-[8]-Gingerol (CHEBI:171697) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(S)-alternariphent A (CHEBI:213963) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(Z)-1-(3-hydroxyphenyl)nonadec-9-en-2-one (CHEBI:193421) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(Z)-3-(henicos-14-en-1-yl)phenol (CHEBI:173211) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
(Z)-3-[3-hydroxy-4-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)phenyl]-5-(4-hydroxybenzylidene)-4-methyldihydrofuran-2(3H)-one (CHEBI:198826) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1'-carboxy-chondrochloren A(1−) (CHEBI:231889) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1'-carboxy-chondrochloren B(1−) (CHEBI:231890) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1'-Hydroxychavicol acetate (CHEBI:173929) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)propan-2-ol (CHEBI:31035) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1,3,5,6-tetrahydroxy-4,7,8-tri(3-methyl-2-butenyl)xanthone (CHEBI:66213) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1,3,5-trihydroxy-2-(2',2'-dimethyl-4'-isopropenyl)cyclopentanylxanthone (CHEBI:66053) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1,3,7-trihydroxy-2,4-diisoprenylxanthone (CHEBI:67549) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1,3-benzodioxole-5-carboxylic acid [2-[[[(3-fluorophenyl)-oxomethyl]hydrazinylidene]methyl]phenyl] ester (CHEBI:121940) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1,3-dimethyl 2,4-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)cyclobutane-1,3-dicarboxylate (CHEBI:183440) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1,4-dihydroxy-2,6-dimethoxybenzene (CHEBI:188954) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1,7-bis (4-hydroxyphenyl)-1,4,6-heptatrien-3-one (CHEBI:65502) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1,7-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-3-heptanone (CHEBI:70700) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1,7-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)hepta-4E-6E-dien-3-one (CHEBI:70702) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1,7-dihydroxy-4-methoxyxanthone (CHEBI:67553) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-(2-hydroxy-3,4,5,6-tetramethoxyphenyl)-3-(2,3,4,6-tetramethoxyphenyl)-2-propen-1-one (CHEBI:79422) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-(2′-Hydroxy-4′-methoxy-5′-methylphenyl)-E,E-2,4-hexadien-1-one (CHEBI:211597) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-(3,4,5-trihydroxy-7-methoxynaphthalen-2-yl)propan-2-one (CHEBI:146020) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)ethane-1,2-diol (CHEBI:125412) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-(3-Methoxy-4-hydroxy)-phenyl-6,7-dihydroxy-isochroman (CHEBI:174747) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-(4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxyphenyl)-7-phenyl-3-heptanone (CHEBI:66033) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)ethanol (CHEBI:86532) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-2-aminoethanol hydrochloride (CHEBI:181454) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-7-phenyl-(6E)-hept-6-en-3-one (CHEBI:70699) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethane-1,2-diol (CHEBI:125383) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)pentan-3-one (CHEBI:167949) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-(4-{[1,3-dihydroxy-1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propan-2-yl]oxy}-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)propane-1,2,3-triol (CHEBI:91183) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-(p-Hydroxyphenyl)ethylamine (CHEBI:581) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-aci-nitro-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethane (CHEBI:136446) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-O-3,4-dimethoxy-5-hydroxyphenyl-(6-O-3,5-dimethoxygalloyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside (CHEBI:67505) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-O-3,4-dimethoxy-5-hydroxyphenyl-(6-O-vanilloyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside (CHEBI:67506) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-O-feruloyl-β-D-glucose (CHEBI:81321) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-[2'-hydroxy-3'-methoxy-5'-(hydroxy-methyl)phenyl]-3-methyl-but-2-ene (CHEBI:200723) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-[2,3-Dihydro-6-hydroxy-4,7-dimethoxy-2S-(prop-1-en-2-yl)benzofuran-5-yl]ethanone (CHEBI:67487) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-[3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)oxiran-2-yl]ethan-1-one (CHEBI:193979) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-[4-(2-methoxyethyl)phenoxy]-3-(propan-2-ylamino)-2-propanol (CHEBI:94836) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-feruloyl-sn-glycerol (CHEBI:149477) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-hydroxy-4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)butan-2-one (CHEBI:194007) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
1-isomangostin (CHEBI:636) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
10-deoxygerfelin (CHEBI:64412) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
10-epi-pyriculol (CHEBI:156356) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
10-hydroxyicajine (CHEBI:132699) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
11β,13-dihydrolactucopicrin (CHEBI:90283) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
11β,13-dihydrolactucopicrin 15-oxalate (CHEBI:90281) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
11-hydroxyicajine (CHEBI:132700) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
11-methoxy-17-formyl-17-demethoxy-18-O-21-O-dihydrogeldanamycin (CHEBI:198726) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
12-demethylmulticaulin (CHEBI:66408) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
12-hydroxy-1-oxo-20-norabieta-5(10),6,8,11,13-pentaene (CHEBI:70570) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
13-hydroxy-α-tocopherol (CHEBI:84962) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
13-hydroxy-γ-tocopherol (CHEBI:84963) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
14-hydroxypretenellin A (CHEBI:214395) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
15α-hydroxyestradiol (CHEBI:87593) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
15α-hydroxyestrone (CHEBI:87618) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
16α-hydroxyestrone 16-O-(β-D-glucuronide) (CHEBI:137489) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
16β-hydroxyestradiol (CHEBI:87620) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
16β-hydroxyestrone (CHEBI:87628) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
17α-estradiol 17-O-(β-D-glucuronide) (CHEBI:137490) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
17-(4-hydroxyphenyl)heptadecanoic acid (CHEBI:127343) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
17-Formyl-17-demethoxy18-O,21-O-dihydrogeldanamycin (CHEBI:200257) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
19-(4-hydroxyphenyl)nonadecanoic acid (CHEBI:127547) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2',4',5',7'-tetrabromo-2,3,4,5-tetrachlorofluorescein (CHEBI:87193) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2',6'-dimethoxy-4'-hydroxyacetophenone (CHEBI:27769) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2'-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)-2,5'-bibenzimidazole (CHEBI:46885) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2'-O-methylisoliquiritigenin (CHEBI:519567) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2'-O-methyllicodione (CHEBI:15789) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2'-aminodechlorogeodoxin (CHEBI:210956) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2'-aminodechloromaldoxin (CHEBI:210949) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2'-Hydroxyacetanilide (CHEBI:88870) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2'-hydroxychalcone (CHEBI:27916) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,2',3-trihydroxydiphenyl ether (CHEBI:27381) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,2'-(1-phenyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole-3,5-diyl)diphenol (CHEBI:855) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,2-dimethyl-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-ethyl-2H-1-benzopyran-7-ol (CHEBI:79574) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,2-dimethyl-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-ethyl-6-(1-pyrrolidinylmethyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-7-ol (CHEBI:79678) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,2-dimethyl-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-ethyl-8-(1-pyrrolidinylmethyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-7-ol (CHEBI:79680) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,3,4,7,9-pentahydroxy-6-methyl-1H-phenalen-1-one (CHEBI:142620) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,3,5-trichloro-4,6-dimethoxy-phenol (CHEBI:200853) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,3,5-trimethoxy-6-methylphenol (CHEBI:193997) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,3,5-trimethylphenol (CHEBI:38570) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,3,6,8,9-pentahydroxy-3-(2-oxopropyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroanthracen-1-one (CHEBI:146216) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,3-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionitrile (CHEBI:63949) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)-7-hydroxy-6-methoxy-1-tetralone (CHEBI:70192) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,3-dimethoxybenzene-1,4-diol (CHEBI:193972) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,3-dimethoxyphenol (CHEBI:193967) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,3-Epoxysesamone (CHEBI:174606) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,4'-dihydroxyacetophenone (CHEBI:35164) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,4,5-Trichlor-3,6-dimethoxy-phenol (CHEBI:203886) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,4,6-trichloro-3-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:204938) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,4,6-Trimethoxyphenyl acetate (CHEBI:174166) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,4-di-tert-butylphenol (CHEBI:89188) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,4-Dihydroxy-3,6-dimethylbenzaldehyde (CHEBI:226409) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,4-dihydroxyacetophenone-5-O-sulfate (CHEBI:144465) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,4-dimethoxy-6-methylbenzene-1,3-diol (CHEBI:200566) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,4-xylenol (CHEBI:34241) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,5-bis[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methylidene]-1-cyclopentanone (CHEBI:111330) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,5-di-tert-butylphenol (CHEBI:143859) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,5-Dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl)phenol (CHEBI:173945) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,5-Dimethoxyphenol (CHEBI:183271) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,5-ditert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:94135) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,5-xylenol (CHEBI:191381) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,6,7-trihydroxy-3-methylnaphthalene-1,4-dione (CHEBI:69474) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (CHEBI:34247) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,6-di-tert-butylphenol (CHEBI:131421) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:183868) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,6-dichloroindophenol (CHEBI:945) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,6-Dimethoxy-4-(1-propenyl)phenol (CHEBI:173948) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,6-Dimethoxy-4-methylphenol (CHEBI:172423) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,6-Dimethoxy-4-propylphenol (CHEBI:169375) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2,6-dimethoxyphenol (CHEBI:955) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(1,1-diallylbut-3-enyl)-5-nonylphenol (CHEBI:215854) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(1,2-Diamino-1-propenyl)phenol (CHEBI:179723) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(1,3-benzothiazol-2-yl)phenol (CHEBI:180629) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(1,3-benzoxazol-2-yl)phenol (CHEBI:180630) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(1-Ethoxy-2-hydroxy)propyl-4-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:228963) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(1-Ethoxy-2-hydroxy)propyl-4-methoxyphenol-2-methyl-butyrate (CHEBI:228964) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(2,5-dihydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)acetic acid (CHEBI:193226) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(2-chloroanilino)-5-[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methylidene]-4-thiazolone (CHEBI:125327) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-2-oxoacetic acid (CHEBI:193221) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-5-(3-hydroxypropyl)benzofuran (CHEBI:69249) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)ethanol (CHEBI:64803) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(3,3-dimethyl-2-oxobutylidene)-5-[(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)methylidene]-4-thiazolidinone (CHEBI:113105) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(3,4-dihydroxy-5-methoxyphenyl)acetic acid (CHEBI:193993) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenylethyl)-6-epi-elenaiate (CHEBI:175849) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(3,5-diphenyl-3,4-dihydropyrazol-2-yl)-2-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)acetonitrile (CHEBI:114467) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid (CHEBI:131432) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(3-hydroxyprop-1-en-1-yl)-5-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:193733) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(3-hydroxyprop-1-en-1-yl)-6-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:193731) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(4-ethylanilino)-5-[(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)methylidene]-4-thiazolone (CHEBI:115040) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-3-(hydroxymethyl)-2,3-dihydro-7H-pyrano[2,3-g][1,4]benzodioxin-7-one (CHEBI:91204) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)-5-methoxybenzene-1,3-diol (CHEBI:194062) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(4-hydroxyanilino)-5-[(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)methylidene]-4-thiazolone (CHEBI:105631) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(4-hydroxyanilino)-5-[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methylidene]-4-thiazolone (CHEBI:94180) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(4-hydroxybenzyl)quinazolin-4(3H)-one (CHEBI:68112) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-benzofuran-5-ol (CHEBI:39921) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-3-methylbutyric acid (CHEBI:39359) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5-(E)-propenylbenzofuran (CHEBI:69252) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethanol (CHEBI:1879) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(4-hydroxyphenylazo)benzoic acid (CHEBI:64341) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(p-coumaroyl)malic acid (CHEBI:134253) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(hydroxymethyl)-3,5-dimethoxyphenol (CHEBI:193753) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(hydroxymethyl)-4-(1-hydroxy-2-{[6-(4-phenylbutoxy)hexyl]amino}ethyl)phenol (CHEBI:64064) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-(hydroxymethyl)-5-methoxy-4-methylbenzene-1,3-diol (CHEBI:193750) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-O,3-dimethylflaviolin (CHEBI:82611) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-O-sulfate-4-hydroxyacetophenone (CHEBI:143237) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-sec-butylphenol (CHEBI:34303) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole (CHEBI:76357) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[(1H-1,2,4-triazol-3-ylimino)methyl]phenol (CHEBI:228720) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[(3,3-dimethyloxiran-2-yl)methyl]-5-methoxybenzene-1,3-diol (CHEBI:194009) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[(4-acetyloxy-3-ethoxyphenyl)methylidene]-7-methyl-3-oxo-5-(2-phenylethenyl)-5H-thiazolo[3,2-a]pyrimidine-6-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (CHEBI:112863) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[(4-acetyloxyphenyl)methylidene]-7-methyl-3-oxo-5-(2-phenylethenyl)-5H-thiazolo[3,2-a]pyrimidine-6-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (CHEBI:111331) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[(4-hydroxyphenyl)methyl]propanedinitrile (CHEBI:114192) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[(4-hydroxyphenyl)methylidene]propanedinitrile (CHEBI:107642) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[(ethylsulfanyl)methyl]phenol (CHEBI:38487) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[1-(p-chlorophenyl)ethyl]-4,6-dinitrophenol (CHEBI:74325) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[1-hydroxy-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)propyl]-3,5-dimethoxyphenol (CHEBI:168286) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[2,4,6-trihydroxy-3-(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)phenyl]acetic acid (CHEBI:192122) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[2-hydroxy-3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propyl]benzene-1,3,5-triol (CHEBI:193286) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[2-nitro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]sulfinylacetic acid (4-chlorophenyl) ester (CHEBI:93918) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[3-(3,5-dihydroxyphenyl)-2-hydroxypropyl]benzene-1,3,5-triol (CHEBI:193368) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[3-(hydroxymethyl)oxiran-2-yl]phenol (CHEBI:193718) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[3-ethyl-5-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]phenol (CHEBI:73970) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[4,6-dihydroxy-2-methoxy-3-(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)phenyl]-2-(sulfooxy)acetic acid (CHEBI:193888) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[4,6-dihydroxy-2-methoxy-3-(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)phenyl]acetic acid (CHEBI:193415) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[5-[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methylidene]-4-oxo-2-sulfanylidene-3-thiazolidinyl]-2-phenylacetic acid (CHEBI:116370) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[[2-(6-oxo-1-cyclohexa-2,4-dienylidene)-3H-1,3,4-oxadiazol-5-yl]thio]acetic acid (2,6-dimethylphenyl) ester (CHEBI:115490) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[[2-(6-oxo-1-cyclohexa-2,4-dienylidene)-3H-1,3,4-oxadiazol-5-yl]thio]acetic acid (4-phenylmethoxyphenyl) ester (CHEBI:121015) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[[2-[(2-hydroxyphenyl)-oxomethoxy]-1-oxoethyl]amino]-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-4H-cyclohepta[b]thiophene-3-carboxylic acid methyl ester (CHEBI:121777) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-[[3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-thiadiazol-5-yl]thio]acetic acid (4-acetamidophenyl) ester (CHEBI:123359) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-acetamidophenol (CHEBI:143107) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-acetylamino-3-hydroxyl-4-methyl-benzoic acid methyl ester (CHEBI:212165) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-acetylphenol (CHEBI:145716) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-allylphenol (CHEBI:39826) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-amino-3,4-dihydroxy-5-methoxybenzamide (CHEBI:207193) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-amino-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)buta-1,3-diene-1,1,3-tricarbonitrile (CHEBI:93930) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-amino-5-[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methylidene]-4-thiazolone (CHEBI:94179) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-amino-5-[(4-hydroxyphenyl)methylidene]-4-thiazolone (CHEBI:94658) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-amino-5-chlorophenol (CHEBI:75051) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-amino-5-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:195241) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-cyclopentylphenol (CHEBI:167798) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-deoxy-α-L-fucosylaclacinomycin S (CHEBI:79297) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-ethoxyphenol (CHEBI:141701) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-Ethylphenol (CHEBI:34275) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-furancarboxylic acid [3-[[[1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl(oxo)methyl]hydrazinylidene]methyl]phenyl] ester (CHEBI:121267) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-furancarboxylic acid [3-[[[4-anilino-6-(4-morpholinyl)-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]hydrazinylidene]methyl]phenyl] ester (CHEBI:94203) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-furancarboxylic acid [4-[(2,4-dioxo-5-thiazolidinylidene)methyl]-2-methoxyphenyl] ester (CHEBI:121210) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-furancarboxylic acid [4-[(3-methyl-4-oxo-2-sulfanylidene-5-thiazolidinylidene)methyl]phenyl] ester (CHEBI:116203) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-furancarboxylic acid [4-[[[(2-methylpropan-2-yl)oxy-oxomethyl]hydrazinylidene]methyl]phenyl] ester (CHEBI:115655) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-furancarboxylic acid [4-[[[oxo(2-pyridinyl)methyl]hydrazinylidene]methyl]phenyl] ester (CHEBI:112892) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxy-2-(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)acetic acid (CHEBI:193994) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-Hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid (CHEBI:181726) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxy-3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)propanal (CHEBI:193715) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoic acid (CHEBI:27683) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde 2-pyridylhydrazone (CHEBI:75054) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxy-3-methoxystrychnine (CHEBI:132705) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxy-3-methylbenzoic acid (3-cyano-4-imino-2-oxopentyl) ester (CHEBI:112747) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxy-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)butanoic acid (CHEBI:167739) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxy-4-hydroxymethylbenzylidenepyruvic acid (CHEBI:19610) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde (CHEBI:183274) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxy-4-methylbenzoic acid [2-(2-chloroanilino)-2-oxoethyl] ester (CHEBI:116485) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxy-5-[(4-methoxyphenyl)sulfamoyl]benzoic acid [2-[1-(3-bicyclo[2.2.1]heptanyl)ethylamino]-2-oxoethyl] ester (CHEBI:121984) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxy-5-methoxy-6-(3-methylbut-3-en-1-ynyl)benzylalcohol (CHEBI:200480) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxy-5-{1-hydroxy-2-[(4-phenylbutan-2-yl)amino]ethyl}benzamide (CHEBI:167638) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxy-6-[2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-oxo-ethyl]benzoic acid (CHEBI:68126) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxybenzoic acid (3,3,5-trimethylcyclohexyl) ester (CHEBI:91642) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxybenzoic acid [2-(2-ethoxyanilino)-2-oxo-1-phenylethyl] ester (CHEBI:114677) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxybenzoic acid [2-[[(1-methyl-2-pyrrolyl)-oxomethyl]amino]-2-oxoethyl] ester (CHEBI:108199) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxyethyl salicylate (CHEBI:86541) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxyisophthalic acid (CHEBI:19643) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxymethyl-3-pentylphenol (CHEBI:195220) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-hydroxyphenylalanine (CHEBI:91038) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-iodo-6-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:31084) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-isopropoxyphenol (CHEBI:38547) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-isopropylphenol (CHEBI:38506) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-Methoxy-4-(4-methyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)phenol (CHEBI:174054) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-methoxy-4-[(oxiran-2-yl)methyl]phenol (CHEBI:193732) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-Methoxy-4-[2-(2-methoxy-4-prop-2-enylphenoxy)propyl]phenol (CHEBI:182347) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-Methoxy-4-methylphenol (CHEBI:89886) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol (CHEBI:42438) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-Methoxy-5-methylphenol (CHEBI:194904) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-methoxy-6-[[(1-methyl-2-benzimidazolyl)amino]methyl]phenol (CHEBI:107842) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-methoxy-6-[[(1-propyl-5-benzimidazolyl)amino]methyl]phenol (CHEBI:115738) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-methoxyestrone (CHEBI:1189) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-methoxyhydroquinone (CHEBI:176649) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-Methoxyresorcinol (CHEBI:165231) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-Methylphenyl 2-methylpropanoate (CHEBI:173828) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-polyprenylphenol (CHEBI:1269) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-propylphenol (CHEBI:147331) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-thiophenecarboxylic acid (4-acetamidophenyl) ester (CHEBI:108545) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-thiophenecarboxylic acid [2-ethoxy-4-[(3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-4-pyrazolylidene)methyl]phenyl] ester (CHEBI:107924) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-thiophenecarboxylic acid [3-[[1-(3-chloro-4-fluorophenyl)-3,5-dioxo-4-pyrazolidinylidene]methyl]phenyl] ester (CHEBI:107461) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-thiophenecarboxylic acid [4-[2-cyano-2-(6-methyl-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)ethenyl]phenyl] ester (CHEBI:119878) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-{3-[(3,3-dimethyloxiran-2-yl)methyl]-4,6-dihydroxy-2-methoxyphenyl}acetic acid (CHEBI:193291) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-{4,6-dihydroxy-2-methoxy-3-[3-methyl-4-(sulfooxy)but-2-en-1-yl]phenyl}acetic acid (CHEBI:194041) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
2-{[(2E)-3-iodoprop-2-en-1-yl](propyl)amino}tetralin-7-ol (CHEBI:64137) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3β,12-dihydroxy-13-methyl-5,8,11,13-podocarpatetraene-7-one (CHEBI:65781) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3β,12-dihydroxy-13-methyl-6,8,11,13-podocarpatetraene (CHEBI:65782) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3'-Deoxyoleacein (CHEBI:174919) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3'-hydroxy-4'-methoxydiclofenac (CHEBI:223404) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3'-hydroxydiclofenac (CHEBI:223792) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3'-Hydroxytrimethoprim (CHEBI:186190) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,4,5-tribromo-2-(2,4-dibromophenoxy)phenol (CHEBI:68326) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,4,5-trimethoxyphenol (CHEBI:2760) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,4,5-Trimethoxyphenyl acetate (CHEBI:172465) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,4,5-trimethylphenol (CHEBI:38896) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,4-DHPEA-EA (CHEBI:89421) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,4-Dihydro-8-hydroxy-3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-1H-2-benzopyran-1-one (CHEBI:174724) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,4-dimethoxybenzene-1,2-diol (CHEBI:193971) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,4-xylenol (CHEBI:39839) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,5,7-trihydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-5-methoxyphenyl)-5H-chromen-5-yl (CHEBI:194039) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzamide (CHEBI:19896) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile (CHEBI:17192) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid (CHEBI:28128) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,5-diiodothyropropionic acid (CHEBI:134267) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,5-dimethoxybenzene-1,2-diol (CHEBI:193970) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,5-Dimethoxyphenol (CHEBI:88715) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,5-dimethyl-4-(methylsulfanyl)phenol (CHEBI:38509) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,5-dimethyl-4-oxo-6-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidinecarboxylic acid (4-methylphenyl) ester (CHEBI:121812) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,5-Dimethylcatechol (CHEBI:201793) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,5-dinitro-4-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid (CHEBI:27981) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,5-Dinitroguaiacol (CHEBI:80927) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,5-xylenol (CHEBI:38572) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,6,7,9-tetrahydroxy-3-methyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-naphtho[2,1-b]pyran-1-one (CHEBI:142801) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,6-Dimethoxy-5-methylbenzene-1,2-diol (CHEBI:203691) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3,8,9,10-tetrahydroxy-6-methyl-1,4-dihydroanthracen-1-one (CHEBI:150020) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-1-(2,6-dimethyl-4-morpholinyl)-3-(2-hydroxy-4,6-dimethoxyphenyl)-1-propanone (CHEBI:91815) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-3-(2-hydroxy-4,6-dimethoxyphenyl)-1-(3-methyl-1-piperidinyl)-1-propanone (CHEBI:91635) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-3-(2-hydroxy-4,6-dimethoxyphenyl)-1-(4-methyl-1-piperidinyl)-1-propanone (CHEBI:91814) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(10-Heptadecenyl)phenol (CHEBI:168324) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(1′-Hydroxypentyl)phenol (CHEBI:204880) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(2-furanyl)-2-propenoic acid (3-formylphenyl) ester (CHEBI:117241) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-enal (CHEBI:193976) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propanal (CHEBI:193730) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-enal (CHEBI:193977) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)oxirane-2-carbaldehyde (CHEBI:186762) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)oxirane-2-carboxylic acid (CHEBI:169558) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)propanal (CHEBI:193674) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid (CHEBI:16104) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(2-Methylpropanoyloxy)-8-(2-methylbutanoyloxy)-9,10-epoxy-p-mentha-1,3,5-triene (CHEBI:173230) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(2-Methylpropanoyloxy)-8-(3-methylbutanoyloxy)-9,10-epoxy-p-mentha-1,3,5-triene (CHEBI:173268) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(2′-(4′-hydroxyphenyl)acetoxy)-2S-methylpropanoic acid (CHEBI:216003) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzyl)-6-isobutyl-2,5-diketopiperazine (CHEBI:204108) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-3-hydroxypropanoic acid (CHEBI:86369) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)oxirane-2-carboxylic acid (CHEBI:193983) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanal (CHEBI:193677) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(3-Hydroxyphenyl)propanenitrile (CHEBI:184351) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(4-amino-1-tert-butyl-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidin-3-yl)phenol (CHEBI:40421) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(4-ethoxyphenyl)-5-[(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)methylidene]-2-(3-nitrophenyl)-1,1-dioxo-1,3-thiazolidin-4-one (CHEBI:123263) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(4-Hydroxy-2-methoxyphenyl)-2-propenal (CHEBI:189757) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(4-hydroxy-3,5-diiodophenyl)lactic acid (CHEBI:16122) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)oxirane-2-carboxylic acid (CHEBI:193839) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)propanoylpyrrole (CHEBI:70085) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propane-1,2-diol (CHEBI:125366) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-1-propanol (CHEBI:179258) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-isobutyl-1H-pyrrole-2,5-dione (CHEBI:207391) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)lactic acid (CHEBI:17385) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)oxirane-2-carbaldehyde (CHEBI:193701) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)oxirane-2-carboxylic acid (CHEBI:189043) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propanohydrazide (CHEBI:228417) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(8,11,14-Pentadecatrienyl)phenol (CHEBI:171704) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(hydrazinylmethyl)phenol (CHEBI:104133) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-(hydroxyamino)phenol (CHEBI:50446) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-O-(cis-4-coumaroyl)-β-D-glucopyranose (CHEBI:76093) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-O-(trans-4-coumaroyl)-β-D-glucopyranose (CHEBI:76094) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-O-acetyl-4'-O-demethylpapaveroxine (CHEBI:141643) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-O-methylcalopocarpin (CHEBI:66369) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-O-vanillyceanothic acid (CHEBI:66348) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole (CHEBI:76358) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-[(2E,4E,8S,10E,12Z)-4,8-dimethyltetradeca-2,4,10,12-tetraenoyl]-4-hydroxy-5-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1,2-dihydropyridin-2-one (CHEBI:155889) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-[(R)-[1-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)ethyl]-4-piperidinyl]-hydroxymethyl]-2-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:93603) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-[(S)-[1-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)ethyl]-4-piperidinyl]-hydroxymethyl]-2-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:92559) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-[1-Hydroxy-2-(methylamino)ethyl]phenol (CHEBI:182853) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-[1-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)prop-2-enylidene]-6-methylpyran-2,4-dione (CHEBI:114226) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-[2-(ethylamino)-1-hydroxyethyl]phenol (CHEBI:91518) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-[3-hydroxy-4-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)phenyl]-5-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-4-methyldihydrofuran-2(3H)-one (CHEBI:208188) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-amino-5-[(4-hydroxyphenyl)methyl]-4,4-dimethylpyrrolidin-2-one (CHEBI:153570) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-benzyl-4-hydroxy-5-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-one (CHEBI:183721) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-butylphenol (CHEBI:215759) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-Chloro-1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,2-propanediol (CHEBI:169563) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-decaprenyl-4-hydroxy-5-methoxybenzoic acid (CHEBI:50776) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-dimethylallyl-4-hydroxymandelic acid (CHEBI:31112) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-dimethylallyl-4-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid (CHEBI:31113) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-Ethylphenol (CHEBI:34332) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-formylsalicylic acid (CHEBI:34334) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxy-2,8-dichlorodibenzofuran (CHEBI:79745) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxy-2-propionamidobenzamide (CHEBI:211299) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxy-3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)propanal (CHEBI:193716) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxy-3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid-O-sulphate (CHEBI:88716) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxy-4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)butan-2-one (CHEBI:194003) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxy-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5-[(4-hydroxyphenyl)methyl]-5-methoxy-furan-2-one (CHEBI:211853) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxy-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)butan-2-one (CHEBI:193737) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-Hydroxy-4-methoxymandelate (CHEBI:173981) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxy-9,10-secoandrosta-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione (CHEBI:63245) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxy-9-oxo-9,10-seco-23,24-bisnorchola-1,3,5(10)-trien-22-oic acid (CHEBI:83796) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxybenzoic acid [2-(1H-indol-3-yl)-2-oxoethyl] ester (CHEBI:121037) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxybenzyl acetate (CHEBI:156232) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxybenzyl alcohol (CHEBI:17069) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxybenzyl benzoate (CHEBI:156231) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxykynurenamine (CHEBI:27421) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxymandelic acid (CHEBI:86553) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxyphenyl propanoate (CHEBI:65228) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (CHEBI:17445) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid (CHEBI:167870) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-Hydroxyphenylurea (CHEBI:229247) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-iodothyronamine (CHEBI:89700) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-isopentyl-4-hydroxy phenylacetic acid methyl ester (CHEBI:217345) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-linalylflaviolin (CHEBI:79196) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethyleneglycol (CHEBI:1576) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-Methoxy-4-Hydroxyphenylglycol sulfate (CHEBI:89644) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycolaldehyde (CHEBI:27932) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-methoxy-5-hexylphenol (CHEBI:203381) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-Methoxy-5-methylbenyene-1,2-diol (CHEBI:221066) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-Methoxy-5-methylphenol (CHEBI:167432) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-methoxycatechol monosulfate (CHEBI:133590) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:52678) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-methoxytyramine (CHEBI:1582) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-Methoxytyramine-betaxanthin (CHEBI:81319) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-methylsalicylaldehyde (CHEBI:20110) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-nonadecylphenol (CHEBI:186844) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-nonaprenyl-4-hydroxy-5-methoxybenzoic acid (CHEBI:62790) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-Pentadecylphenol (CHEBI:174189) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-tridecylphenol (CHEBI:186150) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-{6-[5-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)-1H-imidazo[4,5-b]pyridin-2-yl]-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl}phenol (CHEBI:45348) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-{[2-(1H-benzimidazol-1-yl)-6-{[2-(diethylamino)ethyl]amino}pyrimidin-4-yl]amino}-4-methylphenol (CHEBI:39650) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3-{[4-(2,4-dimethyl-1,3-thiazol-5-yl)pyrimidin-2-yl]amino}phenol (CHEBI:41490) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3097-B2 (CHEBI:201044) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3097-C2 (CHEBI:201876) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
3S-hydrangenol 4ʼ-O-α-L-rhamnopyranoysl-(1→3)-β-D-glucopyranoside (CHEBI:68124) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4ʼʼ-deoxyterphenyllin (CHEBI:67535) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4',5-dihydroxydiclofenac (CHEBI:223401) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4'-(4,5-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)methyl-phenol (CHEBI:204617) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4'-O-methylbavachalcone (CHEBI:85123) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4'-demethyldeoxypodophyllotoxin (CHEBI:1729) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4'-demethylepipodophyllotoxin (CHEBI:74422) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4'-demethylpodophyllotoxin (CHEBI:1730) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4'-hydroxy torasemide (CHEBI:155915) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4'-hydroxychalcone (CHEBI:34360) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4'-hydroxydiclofenac (CHEBI:59613) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4,4',4''-(4-propylpyrazole-1,3,5-triyl)trisphenol (CHEBI:64110) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4,4'-Dihydroxy-2',6'-dimethoxychalcone (CHEBI:174868) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4,4'-dihydroxy-3,5-dimethoxydihydrostilbene (CHEBI:28571) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4,4'-dihydroxybenzyl sulfone (CHEBI:65786) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4,4'-thiodiphenol (CHEBI:38957) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4,5-dimethoxybenzene-1,3-diol (CHEBI:193973) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(1-hydroxy-3-phenylprop-2-en-1-yl)-5-methoxy-2,6-dimethylbenzene-1,3-diol (CHEBI:193502) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(1-hydroxy-3-phenylpropyl)-5-methoxy-2,6-dimethylbenzene-1,3-diol (CHEBI:184702) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(1-hydroxyethyl)phenol (CHEBI:31042) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(2',3'-dihydroxy-3'-methylbutanoxy)phenethanol (CHEBI:211756) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(2,4,7-trioxa-bicyclo[4.1.0]heptan-3-yl)phenol (CHEBI:141302) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(2,4-dihydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)butan-2-one (CHEBI:194006) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(2,4-dihydroxy-5-methoxyphenyl)butan-2-one (CHEBI:194005) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(2-Amino-1,3-thiazol-4-yl)phenol (CHEBI:194604) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(2-amino-1-hydroxypropyl)-2-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:125356) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(2-amino-3-hydroxyphenyl)-2,4-dioxobutanoic acid (CHEBI:27593) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(2-hydroxypropoxy)-3,5-dimethyl-Phenol (CHEBI:197092) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(3,4-dihydroxy-5-methoxyphenyl)butan-2-one (CHEBI:194004) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(3-hydroxybutyl)-2-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:169651) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)butan-2-one (CHEBI:194011) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-6-methyl-2-oxo-3,4-dihydro-1H-pyrimidine-5-carboxylic acid (3-methylcyclohexyl) ester (CHEBI:116549) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-6-methyl-2-oxo-3,4-dihydro-1H-pyrimidine-5-carboxylic acid (4-methoxyphenyl)methyl ester (CHEBI:123407) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)butan-2-one oxime (CHEBI:183749) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(4-hydroxyphenethoxy)-4-oxobutanoic acid (CHEBI:213196) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-2-butanol (CHEBI:81278) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(6-imidazolidin-2-yl-1H,3'H-2,5'-bibenzimidazol-2'-yl)phenol (CHEBI:43279) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(7-butyl-5H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyrazin-6-yl)phenol (CHEBI:40736) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(acetylamino)-3-hydroxyphenyl hydrogen sulfate (CHEBI:82942) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(Ethoxymethyl)-2-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:179570) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(hydroxymethyl)-5-methoxy-2-methylbenzene-1,3-diol (CHEBI:193751) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(methoxymethyl)phenol (CHEBI:133885) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(methylsulfanyl)-m-cresol (CHEBI:38681) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(methylsulfanyl)phenol (CHEBI:38862) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(methylsulfinyl)phenol (CHEBI:38688) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(R)-hydroxysattabacin (CHEBI:217418) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(tert-butyl)phenyl 3,5-dimethylisoxazole-4-carboxylate (CHEBI:192626) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(trifluoromethyl)phenol (CHEBI:42578) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-(trimethylsilyl)phenol (CHEBI:39394) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-({4-[(2,3,3-Trichloroacryloyl)oxy]phenyl}sulfonyl)phenyl 2,3,3-trichloroacrylate (CHEBI:149854) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-({4-[4-methyl-2-(methylamino)-1,3-thiazol-5-yl]pyrimidin-2-yl}amino)phenol (CHEBI:41583) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-tert-butylphenol (CHEBI:34444) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-[(1S,3aR,4S,6aR)-4-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)tetrahydrofuro[3,4-c]furan-1-yl]-2-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:141003) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-[(3,4,5-tribromo-1H-pyrrol-2-yl)methyl]phenol (CHEBI:218817) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-[(E)-2-hydroxyethenyl]-2-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:193719) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-[2-(4-methoxyphenyl)propan-2-yl]phenol (CHEBI:131346) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-2-hydroxypropyl]benzene-1,2,3,5-tetrol (CHEBI:193423) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-[3-(hydroxymethyl)oxiran-2-yl]phenol (CHEBI:193720) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-[[(4S)-3-[2-(1-adamantyl)ethyl]-2-amino-4,5-dihydroimidazol-4-yl]methyl]phenol (CHEBI:121868) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Allyl-1,2-diacetoxybenzene (CHEBI:190293) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-allyl-2,6-dimethoxyphenol (CHEBI:86562) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-aminosalicylic acid (CHEBI:27565) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-benzyloxy-2'-hydroxy-3',4',5',6'-tetramethoxychalcone (CHEBI:79599) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-chloro-2-methylphenol (CHEBI:1800) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-chloro-3,5-dimethylphenol (CHEBI:34393) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-coumaric acid methyl ester (CHEBI:86904) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-coumaroyltriacetic acid lactone (CHEBI:78023) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-cyanophenol (CHEBI:38622) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-cyclopentylphenol (CHEBI:167800) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Demethoxycarbonyl-2-O-methylbutyrolactone I (CHEBI:226711) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Dodecylphenol (CHEBI:34402) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-ethenyl-2,6-dimethoxybenzene-1,3-diol (CHEBI:193991) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-ethenyl-2-methoxybenzene-1,3-diol (CHEBI:193712) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-ethenyl-6-methoxybenzene-1,3-diol (CHEBI:193710) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Ethoxyphenol (CHEBI:179262) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Ethyl-2,6-dimethoxyphenol (CHEBI:179568) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Ethyl-2-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:179252) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-ethyl-6-methoxybenzene-1,2,3-triol (CHEBI:193749) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-ethylphenol (CHEBI:49584) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-fluoro-4'-hydroxybenzophenone (CHEBI:176638) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-formylsalicylic acid (CHEBI:20367) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Gingerol (CHEBI:156171) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Hydroxy-2',3,4',6'-tetramethoxychalcone (CHEBI:180969) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Hydroxy-2,3,6-trimethylphenyl acetate (CHEBI:194834) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxy-2,6-dimethylaniline (CHEBI:55545) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxy-2-methoxyphenyl 1-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (CHEBI:68337) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxy-2-methylacetophenone (CHEBI:87314) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-N-[[1-(phenylmethyl)-3-indolyl]methylideneamino]benzamide (CHEBI:109671) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxy-3-methylacetophenone (CHEBI:166495) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxy-4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)butan-2-one (CHEBI:194008) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxy-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)butan-2-one (CHEBI:193192) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Hydroxy-5-(4'-hydroxyphenyl)-valeric acid-4'-O-sulphate (CHEBI:88683) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxy-5-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)pentanoic acid (CHEBI:190890) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxy-6-methylaniline (CHEBI:55546) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Hydroxy-alprenolol (CHEBI:172038) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Hydroxy-benzenepropanedioate (CHEBI:89654) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Hydroxyatomoxetine (CHEBI:169767) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxybenzenediazonium (CHEBI:199354) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxybenzoate ester (CHEBI:79323) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxybenzohydrazide (CHEBI:195425) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Hydroxybenzyl isothiocyanate (CHEBI:178135) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxychalcone (CHEBI:34423) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Hydroxydihydrocinnamaldehyde (CHEBI:80671) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxyglenoblone (CHEBI:140123) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxyindole (CHEBI:24702) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxymandelate (CHEBI:32804) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxymandelic acid (CHEBI:16388) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxymandelonitrile (CHEBI:18115) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxymellein (CHEBI:141335) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxymethamphetamine (CHEBI:76833) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxymethylsalicylaldehyde (CHEBI:20414) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Hydroxyphenethyl 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetate (CHEBI:213946) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxyphenethyl 2-(4-oxo-5,6-dihydro-2H-pyran-3-yl) acetate (CHEBI:203722) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Hydroxyphenethyl methyl succinate (CHEBI:202286) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxyphenyl-l-azoformamide (CHEBI:214568) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (CHEBI:18101) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxyphenylglyoxylic acid (CHEBI:28719) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid (CHEBI:15999) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid oxime (CHEBI:131385) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxyphenytoin (CHEBI:63804) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxyphthalic acid (CHEBI:27600) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Hydroxysattabacin (CHEBI:215206) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-hydroxystyrene (CHEBI:1883) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Isopentylphenol (CHEBI:34428) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-isopropylphenol (CHEBI:167172) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-methoxy-17β-estradiol (CHEBI:136975) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Methoxy-2-allylphenol (CHEBI:165226) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-methoxy-6-pentyl-1,2-dihydroxybenzene (CHEBI:214527) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-methoxybenzene-1,2-diol (CHEBI:193963) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-methoxybenzene-1,3-diol (CHEBI:193962) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-methoxyestrone (CHEBI:136972) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-methoxytyramine (CHEBI:89641) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Methyl-2,4-bis-(p-hydroxyphenyl)pent-1-ene (CHEBI:31129) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-methylaeruginoic acid (CHEBI:66368) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-methylaminophenol (CHEBI:55416) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Methylphenyl 3-methylbutanoate (CHEBI:179912) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Methylphenyl dodecanoate (CHEBI:192138) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Methylphenyl octanoate (CHEBI:196146) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-n-Butylphenol (CHEBI:34437) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-n-Heptylphenol (CHEBI:34438) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-n-Hexylphenol (CHEBI:34439) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-n-Pentylphenol (CHEBI:34441) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-nonylphenol (CHEBI:34440) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-O-demethylisobutyrolactone II (CHEBI:218556) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-octylphenol (CHEBI:34432) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Tritylphenyl 5-hexynoate (CHEBI:188802) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-Vinylsyringol (CHEBI:197097) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-{2-[(2-hydroxybenzyl)amino]ethyl}-2,5-dimethoxybenzonitrile (CHEBI:145979) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4-{bis[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]methyl}phenol (CHEBI:76210) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
4R,5R,6S-Trihydroxy-2-hydroxymethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one 6-(2-hydroxy-6-methylbenzoate) (CHEBI:174940) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5ʼ-hydroxy-asperentin-8-O-methylether (CHEBI:68702) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5'-(3'-Methoxy-4'-hydroxyphenyl)-gamma-valerolactone (CHEBI:165227) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5,4'-Dimethyl-6-hydroxyluteolinidin (CHEBI:197250) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5,7-dihydroxy-4-methylphthalide (CHEBI:68194) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-(3',4'-dihydroxyphenyl)-γ-valerolactone 3'-O-sulfate (CHEBI:134254) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-(3',4'-dihydroxyphenyl)-gamma-valerolactone-3'-O-glucuronide (CHEBI:89287) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-(3',5'-Dihydroxyphenyl)-gamma-valerolactone-O-sulphate-O-methyl (CHEBI:89538) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-(3-hydroxypropyl)-2-(2-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)benzofuran (CHEBI:69245) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-(4-acetyloxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2,7-dimethyl-3-oxo-5H-thiazolo[3,2-a]pyrimidine-6-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (CHEBI:117124) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-(4-bromophenyl)-4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-3-methyl-2,4-dihydropyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrazol-6-one (CHEBI:114227) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-(4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethylphenoxy)-2,2-dimethyl-Pentanoic acid (CHEBI:190788) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)pentanoic acid (CHEBI:190376) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-(diethylsulfamoyl)-2-hydroxybenzoic acid [2-oxo-2-[4-(trifluoromethoxy)anilino]ethyl] ester (CHEBI:123403) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-(pentadeca-8,11,14-trien-1-yl)resorcinol monomethyl ether (CHEBI:52681) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-[(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)methyl]oxolan-2-one (CHEBI:193344) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-[(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)methylidene]-1-phenyl-1,3-diazinane-2,4,6-trione (CHEBI:107299) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methylidene]-2-(2-methoxyanilino)-4-thiazolone (CHEBI:94021) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methylidene]-2-(2-pyridinylamino)-4-thiazolone (CHEBI:125324) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methylidene]-2-(4-methoxyanilino)-4-thiazolone (CHEBI:109016) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methylidene]-2-(4-methyl-1-piperidinyl)-4-thiazolone (CHEBI:113221) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-[(4-hydroxyphenyl)methyl]-3-imino-4,4-dimethylpyrrolidin-2-one (CHEBI:150864) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-[2-(feruloyl)ethen-1-yl]thalidomide (CHEBI:74774) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-amino-4-chloro-2-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)pyridazin-3(2H)-one (CHEBI:17147) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-amino-5-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-6-(D-ribitylimino)-5,6-dihydrouracil (CHEBI:85936) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-aminosalicylaldehyde (CHEBI:20550) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-epi-pretrichodermamide A (CHEBI:223549) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-epi-trithiopretrichodermamide A (CHEBI:223554) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-ethenyl-3-methoxybenzene-1,2-diol (CHEBI:193711) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-Ethoxy-10-Gingerol (CHEBI:228842) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-formylsalicylic acid (CHEBI:137371) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-hydroxy-2-(1'-hydroxyethyl)naphtho[2,3-b]furan-4,9-dione (CHEBI:66028) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-hydroxy-2-methylchromone-7-O-rutinoside (CHEBI:66371) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-hydroxy-6,7-dimethoxy-2-methylchromone (CHEBI:67369) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-hydroxy-6-methoxy-2-methylchromone-7-O-rutinoside (CHEBI:66370) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-hydroxybenzimidazole (CHEBI:137404) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-Hydroxyconiferaldehyde (CHEBI:31134) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-hydroxydiclofenac (CHEBI:59612) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-hydroxypropafenone (CHEBI:171897) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-Isoxazoleacetic acid, 4,5-dihydro-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-, methyl ester (CHEBI:230666) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-methoxy-2-(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)benzene-1,3-diol (CHEBI:182974) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-methoxy-2-[[(1-methyl-2-benzimidazolyl)amino]methyl]phenol (CHEBI:112780) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-methoxy-2-methylbenzene-1,3-diol (CHEBI:193966) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-methoxysalicylaldehyde (CHEBI:137359) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-pyridoxolactone (CHEBI:2124) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5-sulfosalicylic acid (CHEBI:68555) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5E-7-oxozeaenol (CHEBI:67558) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5Z-7-oxozeaenol (CHEBI:67559) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
5′-formyl-2′-hydroxyl-4′-methoxy-(E,E)-sorbophenone (CHEBI:218291) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6β-hydroxyestrone (CHEBI:87626) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6β-hydroxyferruginol (CHEBI:70577) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6,8-dihydroxy-3-(2-oxopropyl)-isocoumarin (CHEBI:155858) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6-(2-amino-2-carboxyethyl)-4-hydroxybenzothiazole (CHEBI:84343) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6-(hexylthio)-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-oxo-3,4-dihydro-1H-pyridine-5-carbonitrile (CHEBI:122203) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6-O-(trans-4-coumaroyl)-α-D-glucopyranose (CHEBI:76092) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6-O-(trans-4-coumaroyl)-β-D-glucopyranose (CHEBI:76089) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6-O-methyl-2-deprenylrheediaxanthone B (CHEBI:66366) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6-bromo-2-fluoro-3-(hexyloxy)phenol (CHEBI:231895) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6-dimethyl-4-hydrxy-2-methoxybenzaldehyde ( (CHEBI:199828) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6-ethyl-2-hydroxy-4-methoxy-3-methylbenzaldehyde (CHEBI:209143) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6-Gingediol (CHEBI:229029) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6-Gingesulfonic acid (CHEBI:175607) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6-Hydroxyshogaol (CHEBI:172141) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6-linalyl-2-O,3-dimethylflaviolin (CHEBI:82610) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6-methoxy indan-5-ol (CHEBI:86574) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
6-methoxy-3,5-dimethylbenzene-1,2,4-triol (CHEBI:193752) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7α-hydroxyestradiol (CHEBI:87598) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7,2'-dihydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavan quinonemethide (CHEBI:72655) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7,9,10-trihydroxy-3-(2-oxopropyl)-1H-benzo[g]isochromen-1-one (CHEBI:146009) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7-(2-amino-2-carboxyethyl)-5-hydroxy-2H-1,4-benzothiazine-3-carboxylic acid (CHEBI:84301) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7-(2-amino-2-carboxyethyl)-5-hydroxy-3,4-dihydro-2H-1,4-benzothiazin-3-one (CHEBI:84344) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7-(2-hydroxyphenyl) butane-7,8,9-triol (CHEBI:209099) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7-epi-zeaenol (CHEBI:67557) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7-O-geranyl-2-O,3-dimethylflaviolin (CHEBI:78590) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7-hydroxy-1,2,3,6,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran (CHEBI:79746) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7-hydroxy-3,4-dichlorodibenzofuran (CHEBI:79747) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7-hydroxy-5-hydroxymethyl-2H-benzo[1,4]thiazin-3-one (CHEBI:66030) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7-Isopropenylbicyclo[4.2.0]octa-1,3,5-triene-2,5-diol (CHEBI:208483) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7-methoxydeoxymorellin (CHEBI:66704) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7-O-descarbamoyl-17-O-demethylreblastatin (CHEBI:225894) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7-oxo-8,9-dihydroxy-4'-N-demethyl staurosporine (CHEBI:66840) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
7-oxohernangerine (CHEBI:66841) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
8'-epi-cleomiscosin A (CHEBI:65642) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
8,8a-epoxymorellic acid (CHEBI:66402) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
8-epi-ilicicolin H (CHEBI:155888) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
8-demethyl-8-(α-L-rhamnosyl)tetracenomycin C (CHEBI:78283) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
8-demethyl-8-(2,3,4-O-trimethyl-α-L-rhamnosyl)tetracenomycin C (CHEBI:78287) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
8-demethyl-8-(2,3-O-dimethyl-α-L-rhamnosyl)tetracenomycin C (CHEBI:78286) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
8-demethyl-8-(2-O-methyl-α-L-rhamnosyl)tetracenomycin C (CHEBI:78285) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
8-Gingediol (CHEBI:229037) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
8-hydroxy-2-(1'-hydroxyethyl)naphtho-[2,3-b]-furan-4,9-dione (CHEBI:66029) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
8-hydroxy-3-chlorodibenzofuran (CHEBI:79743) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
8-Hydroxy-7-methoxy-4-methyl-5H-indeno[1,2-b]pyridin-5-one (CHEBI:70621) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
8-OH-DPAT (CHEBI:73364) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
9,10-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-3-(2-oxopropyl)-1H-benzo[g]isochromen-1-one (CHEBI:146010) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
9-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2,7-phenanthroline (CHEBI:40444) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
9-acetoxy-8,10-dehydrothymol 3-O-tiglate (CHEBI:67427) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
9-acetoxy-8,10-epoxythymol 3-O-tiglate (CHEBI:67426) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
9-hydroxy-2,6-dichlorodibenzofuran (CHEBI:79749) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
9-hydroxy-3,4-dichlorodibenzofuran (CHEBI:79748) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
9-hydroxymicroperfuranone (CHEBI:224293) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
m-hydroxyhippuric acid (CHEBI:70824) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
meso-3,3'-didemethoxynectandrin B (CHEBI:69247) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
meta-hydroxyphenylhydracrylic acid (CHEBI:78336) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N'-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-N,N-dimethylformamidine (CHEBI:38493) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N,O-didesmethylvenlafaxine (CHEBI:83529) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-(2,3-dihydroxybenzoyl)serine (CHEBI:143101) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-(2-hydroxyphenyl)malonamic acid (CHEBI:195238) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-(p-hydroxyphenyl)glycine (CHEBI:55443) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-trans-cinnamoyltyramine (CHEBI:177872) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-[2-hydroxy-5-(1-hydroxy-2-{[1-(4-methoxyphenyl)propan-2-yl]amino}ethyl)phenyl]formamide (CHEBI:63082) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-acetylserotonin (CHEBI:17697) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-acetyltyrosine (CHEBI:68561) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-arachidonoyl-2-oxoserotonin (CHEBI:132256) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-arachidonoylserotonin (CHEBI:132255) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-feruloylserotonin (CHEBI:85158) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-methylserotonin (CHEBI:48294) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-{5-chloro-4-[(4-chlorophenyl)(cyano)methyl]-2-methylphenyl}-2-hydroxy-3,5-diiodobenzamide (CHEBI:77054) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
nor-toralactone (CHEBI:146018) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
O-desmethylvenlafaxine (CHEBI:83527) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Oplophorus luciferin (CHEBI:2311) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
p-coumaroylagmatine (CHEBI:32818) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
p-coumaryl glycerol (CHEBI:139373) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
p-coutaric acid (CHEBI:77439) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol (CHEBI:67410) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
p-hydroxyphenylbut-3-ene-2-one (CHEBI:68636) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
rel-(−)-(7S,7'R,8S,8'R)-4,4'-dihydroxy-3,3',5'-trimethoxy-7,7'-epoxylignan (CHEBI:68166) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
rel-(+)-(7'S,8S,8'S)-4,4'-dihydroxy-3',5,5'-trimethoxy-2,7'-cyclolignan (CHEBI:68159) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Renilla luciferin (CHEBI:16531) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
S-(5-acetamido-2-hydroxyphenyl)-N-acetyl-L-cysteine (CHEBI:133435) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
S-(5-acetamido-2-hydroxyphenyl)cysteine (CHEBI:133066) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tert-butyl 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoate (CHEBI:142523) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
trans-2-coumaric acid (CHEBI:18125) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
trans-p-coumaryl alcohol (CHEBI:64555) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
trans-anol (CHEBI:73343) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
trans-coumaryl acetate (CHEBI:73346) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
trans-sinapyl actetate (CHEBI:156067) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
D-glucosyl salicylate (CHEBI:133564) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
L-m-tyrosine (CHEBI:44303) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
L-tyrosinal (CHEBI:46209) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
L-tyrosyl ester (CHEBI:21415) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-3-oxopropoxy]sulfonic acid (CHEBI:193828) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[10]-Gingerdione (CHEBI:175457) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[10]-Paradol (CHEBI:191802) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[10]-Shogaol (CHEBI:192883) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[12]-Gingerdione (CHEBI:179572) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[12]-Gingerol (CHEBI:169737) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[12]-Shogaol (CHEBI:230991) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[4]-Gingerdiol 3,5-diacetate (CHEBI:172578) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[6-hydroxy-2-methoxy-3-(3-phenylprop-2-en-1-yl)phenyl]oxidanesulfonic acid (CHEBI:180702) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[6]-Gingerdiol 5-acetate (CHEBI:175306) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[6]-Gingerdione (CHEBI:10135) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[6]-Paradol (CHEBI:10137) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[6]-Shogaol (CHEBI:10138) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[7]-Paradol (CHEBI:174779) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[8]-Gingerdione (CHEBI:175095) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[8]-Paradol (CHEBI:174936) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[8]-Paradyl acetate (CHEBI:175458) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
[8]-Shogaol (CHEBI:174643) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
abyssinone I (CHEBI:2367) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
abyssinone V (CHEBI:2368) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
acetic acid [2-(4-acetamido-6-phenyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)phenyl] ester (CHEBI:94017) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
acetic acid [2-[2-acetyl-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydropyrazol-5-yl]phenyl] ester (CHEBI:114682) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
acetic acid [3-[3-(dimethylamino)-1-oxopropyl]-5-benzofuranyl] ester (CHEBI:94299) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
acetic acid [4-(1-acetyl-3,6-dihydro-2H-pyridin-4-yl)-2-methoxyphenyl] ester (CHEBI:93094) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
acetic acid [4-[(1-oxo-2-phenylethyl)amino]phenyl] ester (CHEBI:109299) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
acetic acid [4-[oxo-(2-phenylethylamino)methyl]phenyl] ester (CHEBI:116461) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
acetosyringone (CHEBI:2404) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Acetyleugenol (CHEBI:34522) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
aclacinomycin A (CHEBI:74619) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
aclacinomycin N (CHEBI:75091) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
aclacinomycin S (CHEBI:79176) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
aclacinomycin T (CHEBI:74351) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
aclacinomycin Y (CHEBI:75093) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
actinodaphnine (CHEBI:2444) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Actinopolymorphol A (CHEBI:206744) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Actinopolymorphol C (CHEBI:201245) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Aculeatusquinone A (CHEBI:213639) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Aculeatusquinone B (CHEBI:213650) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Aculeatusquinone C (CHEBI:198889) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
acumitin (CHEBI:65369) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Adametizine A (CHEBI:218137) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Adametizine B (CHEBI:198680) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
adxanthromycin A (CHEBI:65371) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
adxanthromycin B (CHEBI:65372) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Aegyptolidine A (CHEBI:204036) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Aegyptolidine B (CHEBI:205314) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
aerugine (CHEBI:70579) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
afimoxifene (CHEBI:44616) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
aflatoxin B1 triol (CHEBI:53108) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Agaridin (CHEBI:202991) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Agatharesinol acetonide (CHEBI:69978) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
agnestin A (CHEBI:152052) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
agnestin B (CHEBI:152053) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
agnuside (CHEBI:2515) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
agrochelin (CHEBI:65375) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
alamarine (CHEBI:2534) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
alangimarckine (CHEBI:2536) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
alangimarine (CHEBI:2537) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
alangiside (CHEBI:2538) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
albuterol (CHEBI:2549) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Alcalinaphenol A (CHEBI:208051) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Alcalinaphenol B (CHEBI:198155) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Alcalinaphenol C (CHEBI:202499) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Alcalinaphenol D (CHEBI:227137) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Alcalinaphenol E (CHEBI:208404) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Alcalinaphenol F (CHEBI:223133) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Aleurodisconitrile (CHEBI:198301) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
alizarin blue (CHEBI:87355) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
aloin A (CHEBI:2991) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
aloin B (CHEBI:74131) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
alternariol (CHEBI:64983) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
amaryllisine (CHEBI:2623) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Aminoansamycin B (CHEBI:210059) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Aminoansamycin C (CHEBI:210065) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
aminophenol (CHEBI:28829) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
amodiaquine (CHEBI:2674) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Ampelomin G (CHEBI:223031) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
amylmetacresol (CHEBI:48213) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Anaephene A (CHEBI:214460) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Anaephene B (CHEBI:214454) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Anaephene C (CHEBI:214465) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ankorine (CHEBI:2740) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
anolignan B (CHEBI:65411) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ansaetherone (CHEBI:65412) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Anthocidin A (CHEBI:216279) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Anthocidin B (CHEBI:216285) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Anthocidin C (CHEBI:216290) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Anthocidin D (CHEBI:216297) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
anthracenol (CHEBI:37507) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
anthramycin (CHEBI:40699) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Anti-12-hydroxypretenellin A (CHEBI:221097) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
antimycin A (CHEBI:2762) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
antimycin A9 (CHEBI:65413) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Antrocinnamomin B (CHEBI:214793) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Antrocinnamomin C (CHEBI:215281) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Aperterone B (CHEBI:204881) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Apicularen A (CHEBI:199868) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
apocynol (CHEBI:86590) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Arcuflavin B (CHEBI:219840) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Arnebinol (CHEBI:2827) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
arugosin A (hydroxy-aldehyde form) (CHEBI:64439) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
AS-186a (CHEBI:65443) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
AS-186b (CHEBI:65444) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ascomycotin A (CHEBI:192286) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Asperdiphenol A (CHEBI:205786) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
asperentin-8-methyl ether (CHEBI:68703) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Aspereusin C (CHEBI:215288) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
aspergillusene A (CHEBI:68218) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
aspergillusone A (CHEBI:68221) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
aspergillusone B (CHEBI:68222) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Asperimide A (CHEBI:218229) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Asperjinone (CHEBI:222293) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
aspernidine A (CHEBI:74221) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Asperolan (CHEBI:220264) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Asperteretal G1 (CHEBI:209190) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Asperteretal G2 (CHEBI:209197) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Asperterone (CHEBI:204294) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Asperunguisin B (CHEBI:224171) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Aspulvinone R (CHEBI:208248) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
atrochrysone (CHEBI:150016) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
aureoquinone (CHEBI:65458) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
auricin (CHEBI:156301) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Avenanthramide 1s (CHEBI:191746) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Avenanthramide A2 (CHEBI:191662) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
avenanthramide B (CHEBI:167489) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
avilamycin A (CHEBI:85646) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
avilamycin A precursor (CHEBI:85647) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
B-5354a (CHEBI:222660) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
B-5354b (CHEBI:216555) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
B-5354c (CHEBI:227513) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Barmumycin (CHEBI:206572) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
bauhinoxepin I (CHEBI:65471) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
BE-54238A (CHEBI:65475) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
BE-54238B (CHEBI:65476) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Benwamycin C (CHEBI:225646) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
benzenediols (CHEBI:33570) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
benzenetetrol (CHEBI:22706) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
benzenetriol (CHEBI:22707) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Benzocamphorin H (CHEBI:208790) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Benzophomopsin A (CHEBI:206869) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
benzyl 2,5-dihydroxybenzoate (CHEBI:155896) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Benzyl salicylate (CHEBI:165211) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Beta-Orcinol (CHEBI:144125) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
BF 4 (CHEBI:65488) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
BF 5 (CHEBI:65489) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
BF 6 (CHEBI:65490) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
bidenlignaside A (CHEBI:65494) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
biliatresone (CHEBI:131631) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Bis(2-methylpropanoyloxy)-9,10-epoxy-p-mentha-1,3,5-triene (CHEBI:168879) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
bisphenol (CHEBI:22901) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
bisphenol A sulfate (CHEBI:167305) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
BMS-192548 (CHEBI:133806) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
bracteatin (CHEBI:3163) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Brasiliamide I (CHEBI:220671) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
brasilicardin A (CHEBI:65513) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
brasiliquinone A (CHEBI:65516) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
brasiliquinone C (CHEBI:65518) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
brazilein (CHEBI:69196) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
brevipolide A (CHEBI:65522) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
brevipolide B (CHEBI:65523) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
bromophenol blue (CHEBI:59424) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
bromophycolide A (CHEBI:65525) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
bromosulfophthalein (CHEBI:63836) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Broussonin C (CHEBI:3186) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
bruceolline H (CHEBI:68919) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
bruceolline I (CHEBI:68920) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
brugunin A (CHEBI:67763) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
BU-4601 A (CHEBI:217843) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
BU-4601 B (CHEBI:209591) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
BU-4601 C (CHEBI:198972) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
buddlenol B (CHEBI:86632) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
bulbocapnine (CHEBI:3211) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Bussealin A (CHEBI:70348) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Bussealin B (CHEBI:70349) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Bussealin C (CHEBI:70350) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Butyl salicylate (CHEBI:173949) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Butyrolactone IX (CHEBI:201763) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Butyrolactone VIII (CHEBI:226858) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
C-1027 chromophore (CHEBI:3252) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Caesappanin C (CHEBI:228855) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
caffeoylferuloylspermidine (CHEBI:229855) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
callipeltin A (CHEBI:65556) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
CAN-508 (CHEBI:42356) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
capsiate (CHEBI:134190) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane A (CHEBI:206898) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane B (CHEBI:200488) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane C (CHEBI:207256) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane D (CHEBI:225737) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane E (CHEBI:221079) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane F (CHEBI:203268) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane G (CHEBI:199789) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane M (CHEBI:211875) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane N (CHEBI:211881) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane O (CHEBI:211888) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane P (CHEBI:211895) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane Q (CHEBI:211898) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane R (CHEBI:211903) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane S (CHEBI:211910) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane T (CHEBI:211917) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane U (CHEBI:211922) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Carbamidocyclophane V (CHEBI:215620) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cardanol (CHEBI:186661) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cardanoldiene (CHEBI:190771) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cardanolmonoene (CHEBI:180808) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
carvacrol (CHEBI:3440) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cassiarin A (CHEBI:65596) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cassiaside C2 (CHEBI:65598) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
catechol β-D-glucuronide (CHEBI:133689) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cathestatin B (CHEBI:65600) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
CAY10397 (CHEBI:138839) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
CD437 (CHEBI:88334) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cefatrizine (CHEBI:131730) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
celesticetin (CHEBI:156421) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chaetochromin A (CHEBI:68780) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chaetochromin B (CHEBI:68719) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chaetochromin C (CHEBI:68720) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chaetochromin D (CHEBI:68800) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chaetocyclinone A (CHEBI:192346) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chaetocyclinone B (CHEBI:192287) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chaetocyclinone C (CHEBI:192347) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chaetoxanthone A (CHEBI:65611) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chaetoxanthone B (CHEBI:65612) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chaetoxanthone C (CHEBI:65613) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Chaunolidine A (CHEBI:204911) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Chaunolidine B (CHEBI:211212) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Chaunolidine C (CHEBI:220408) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chavicol (CHEBI:50158) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Chavicol acetate (CHEBI:190292) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chloropeptin I (CHEBI:65618) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Chloropestolide G (CHEBI:200694) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Chloropupukeananin (CHEBI:216291) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Chloropupukeanolide A (CHEBI:199672) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Chloropupukeanolide B (CHEBI:203249) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Chloropupukeanolide D (CHEBI:199597) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Chloropupukeanolide E (CHEBI:226219) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Chloropupukeanone A (CHEBI:207995) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Chlorotrithiobrevamide (CHEBI:214137) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chondramide A (CHEBI:84380) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chondramide B (CHEBI:84381) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chondramide C (CHEBI:84382) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chondramide D (CHEBI:84383) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chondrochloren A (CHEBI:132426) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chondrochloren B (CHEBI:132442) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
chroman-6-ol (CHEBI:78631) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cichorine (CHEBI:64977) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cis-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-isobutyldihydrofuran-2,5-dione (CHEBI:204622) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cis-coniferyl alcohol (CHEBI:86596) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Citreovirenone (CHEBI:168284) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
citrifolinoside (CHEBI:65637) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cladoacetal A (CHEBI:210218) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cladoacetal B (CHEBI:189165) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Clavilactone E (CHEBI:202149) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Clavilactone G (CHEBI:206328) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cleomiscosin A (CHEBI:3740) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Closthioamide (CHEBI:222433) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cochinchinone C (CHEBI:65648) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cochinchinone G (CHEBI:67551) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cochinchinoxanthone (CHEBI:67545) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cochinensoxanthone (CHEBI:67546) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
coelenterazine h dioxetanone (CHEBI:138063) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
comazaphilone A (CHEBI:70010) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
coniferyl acetate (CHEBI:47905) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Coniferyl diangelate (CHEBI:229086) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
coniferyl ester (CHEBI:64292) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Conipyridoin E (CHEBI:218914) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Conipyridoin F (CHEBI:218922) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cordyheptapeptide A (CHEBI:65658) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cratoxylumxanthone B (CHEBI:195292) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cratoxylumxanthone C (CHEBI:195283) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cratoxylumxanthone D (CHEBI:195295) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cresatin (CHEBI:134772) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
crosatoside B (CHEBI:134473) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cryogenine (CHEBI:3929) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cuelure (CHEBI:173583) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cuevaene A (CHEBI:75881) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
curamycin A (CHEBI:71987) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
curtisian A (CHEBI:65696) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
curtisian B (CHEBI:65697) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
curtisian C (CHEBI:65698) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
curtisian D (CHEBI:65699) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cyclo-(D-seryl-L-tyrosyl) (CHEBI:229091) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cyclodepsipeptide 2 (CHEBI:66300) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cyclodopa 5-β-D-glucoside (CHEBI:134458) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
cylindol A (CHEBI:65709) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane A (CHEBI:219813) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane A1 (CHEBI:201330) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane A2 (CHEBI:210208) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane A3 (CHEBI:214532) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane A4 (CHEBI:202870) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane B (CHEBI:218801) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane B4 (CHEBI:222012) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane C (CHEBI:218808) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane C1 (CHEBI:200348) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane C2 (CHEBI:211978) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane C3 (CHEBI:225117) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane C4 (CHEBI:212168) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane D (CHEBI:218813) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane E (CHEBI:218820) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane F (CHEBI:218796) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Cylindrocyclophane F4 (CHEBI:225206) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
daidzein 7-(6-O-acetyl-β-D-glucoside) (CHEBI:133395) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
danielone (CHEBI:4316) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dauricine (CHEBI:4331) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Deacetyldemethylanisomycin (CHEBI:217320) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
debromoaplysiatoxin (CHEBI:4344) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
debromolaurinterol (CHEBI:66556) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
decussatin (CHEBI:65732) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
deferasirox (CHEBI:49005) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dehydrocitreoisocoumarin (CHEBI:155857) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dehydrodiconiferyl dibenzoate (CHEBI:65735) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dehydroluciferin (CHEBI:134221) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
demethoxyshogaol (CHEBI:138766) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Deoxyanserinone B (CHEBI:214150) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
deoxyherqueinone (CHEBI:145901) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dezocine (CHEBI:4474) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
DHQ7 (CHEBI:199837) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dibenzodioxicin (CHEBI:86607) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dichotomide V (CHEBI:70213) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dichotomide VI (CHEBI:70214) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dichotomine E (CHEBI:70223) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dienestrol (CHEBI:4518) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
differentiation-inducing factor (CHEBI:64672) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Dihydoroferuloyl Octylamine (CHEBI:182574) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dihydro sinapyl alcohol (CHEBI:86609) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Dihydrocapsiate (CHEBI:174951) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Dihydroconiferyl aldehyde (CHEBI:165228) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Dihydroeugenol (CHEBI:167417) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Dihydroferuloylglycine (CHEBI:180381) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dihydrogeodin (CHEBI:155891) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dihydropyriculol (CHEBI:142635) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dimethyl 2,2'-(9,9',10,10'-tetrahydroxy-7,7'-dimethoxy-1,1'-dioxo-3,3',4,4'-tetrahydro-[6,6'-binaphtho[2,3-c]pyran]-3,3'-diyl)diacetate (CHEBI:146015) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dimetofrine (CHEBI:134932) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Dinorcapsaicin (CHEBI:172515) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Dinoseb acetate (CHEBI:82240) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Dinoterb (CHEBI:81883) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
diorcinol (CHEBI:64413) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Divergolide A (CHEBI:221837) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dopamine 3-O-sulfate (CHEBI:37946) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dopamine 4-O-sulfate (CHEBI:34729) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
doxorubicinol (CHEBI:133817) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
DS-1-38 (CHEBI:231606) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
dutomycin (CHEBI:171673) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
E-proxamidine (CHEBI:226896) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
edrophonium (CHEBI:251408) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ehretianone (CHEBI:65821) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ekatetrone (CHEBI:141382) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
elloramycin A (CHEBI:78288) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
emericellin (CHEBI:64512) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
emodin anthrone (CHEBI:150013) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
endocrocin (CHEBI:64450) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Enhygrolide B (CHEBI:209880) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Entonalactam A (CHEBI:218982) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Epicoccarine A (CHEBI:217132) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Epiguaymasol (CHEBI:220444) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
erdasporine A (CHEBI:156313) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
erteberel (CHEBI:231600) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
erybraedin A (CHEBI:65862) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
erysodine (CHEBI:192381) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
erythrosin (CHEBI:87117) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
eseroline (CHEBI:48845) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
espicufolin (CHEBI:65867) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
estra-1,3,5(10)-trien-3-ol (CHEBI:62844) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
estriol 16-O-(β-D-glucuronide) (CHEBI:766) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
estrone (CHEBI:17263) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
etamivan (CHEBI:92675) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ethyl 4-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-6-methyl-2-thioxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxylate (CHEBI:143544) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Ethyl 4-ethoxy-2-hydroxy-3,6-dimethylbenzoate (CHEBI:214582) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ethyl 5-ethoxy-2-formyl-3-hydroxy-4-methylbenzoate (CHEBI:227762) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ethyl N-acetyl-L-tyrosinate (CHEBI:28828) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ethyl N-benzoyl-L-tyrosinate (CHEBI:91051) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ethyl vanillin (CHEBI:48408) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Ethylhexyl salicylate (CHEBI:88639) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ethylzingerone (CHEBI:172922) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Etilefrine hydrochloride (TN) (CHEBI:31582) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Etrogol (CHEBI:70079) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Etrogol acetate (CHEBI:199463) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
eudistomin C (CHEBI:80955) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
eugenin (CHEBI:67374) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
eugenol (CHEBI:4917) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Eulatinol (CHEBI:202963) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Eutyscoparol C (CHEBI:214047) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
euxanthone (CHEBI:4946) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Exo2 (CHEBI:188527) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
F-9775A (CHEBI:64405) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
F-9775B (CHEBI:64409) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
F390B (CHEBI:65893) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
F390C (CHEBI:65894) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
FA-2097 (CHEBI:219843) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
fenadiazole (CHEBI:134791) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
fenhexamid (CHEBI:81853) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ferruginol (CHEBI:78274) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
fertaric acid (CHEBI:91032) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ferulic acids (CHEBI:24031) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
feruloylacetic acid (CHEBI:71303) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Feruloylcadaverine (CHEBI:191189) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Feruperine (CHEBI:174039) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
fidaxomicin (CHEBI:68590) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
flavasperone (CHEBI:133814) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
flavokawain B (CHEBI:65899) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
fluorescein (acid form) (CHEBI:172923) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
FluoZin-3 (CHEBI:88218) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
fomesafen (CHEBI:81925) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
fonsecin (CHEBI:64543) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
fonsecin B (CHEBI:133825) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
formobactin (CHEBI:65906) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
FR901469 (CHEBI:68660) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ftivazide (CHEBI:135117) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
fukanefuromarin A (CHEBI:65921) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
fukanefuromarin B (CHEBI:65922) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
fukanefuromarin C (CHEBI:65923) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
fukanefuromarin D (CHEBI:65924) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
fumisoquin A (CHEBI:167211) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
fumisoquin B (CHEBI:167214) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
funalenone (CHEBI:65932) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
futokadsurin A (CHEBI:65936) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
G a G b G (CHEBI:86623) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
G b G AcO (CHEBI:86625) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
G b S (CHEBI:86630) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Ganbajunin A (CHEBI:213114) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Ganbajunin D (CHEBI:198289) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
gentisyl alcohol (CHEBI:5325) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
gilvusmycin (CHEBI:65964) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Gliovirin (CHEBI:220227) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
globosuxanthone A (CHEBI:68712) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
globosuxanthone B (CHEBI:68713) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
globosuxanthone D (CHEBI:68715) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
glyceollin IV (CHEBI:133347) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Glycerol 1-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl benzoate (CHEBI:227951) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
glycycarpan (CHEBI:69090) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
glycyrrhizol B (CHEBI:65977) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
graminone B (CHEBI:65979) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
griffithane D (CHEBI:69703) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
GTRI-02 (CHEBI:65981) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Guaiacol acetate (CHEBI:86645) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
guaiacols (CHEBI:134251) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
guaiacyl chalcone (CHEBI:86646) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
guaiacylglycerol β-coniferyl ether (CHEBI:91172) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Guaicyl acetate (CHEBI:193709) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Guaicyl phenylacetate (CHEBI:173746) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
guattegaumerine (CHEBI:5568) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Guaymasol (CHEBI:202086) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Gyrocyanin (CHEBI:174127) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
H b G AcO (CHEBI:86650) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
halophenol (CHEBI:38856) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Hamigeran H (CHEBI:199341) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Hancockiamide D (CHEBI:221697) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hematein (CHEBI:90116) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hemiustilaginoidin D (CHEBI:194134) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hemiustilaginoidin F (CHEBI:194133) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Hericenol C (CHEBI:225782) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Hericenol D (CHEBI:211641) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Heterocornol E (CHEBI:215015) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Hexahydro-6,7-dihydroxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)-3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-2H-pyrano[2,3-d]oxazol-2-one (CHEBI:174830) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Hierridin B (CHEBI:200987) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Hierridin C (CHEBI:222953) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Homocapsaicin (CHEBI:165229) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Homodihydrocapsaicin (CHEBI:174344) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Homovanillic acid sulfate (CHEBI:88405) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hordatine A (CHEBI:5762) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hordatine B (CHEBI:5763) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
HPI-1 (CHEBI:231759) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydramacrophyllol A (CHEBI:68136) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydramacrophyllol B (CHEBI:68135) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydrangenol (CHEBI:5776) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydrangenol 4ʼ-O-β-D-apiofuranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside (CHEBI:68134) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydrangenol 4ʼ-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (CHEBI:68138) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydrangenol 8-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (CHEBI:68133) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxy-cannabidiol (CHEBI:133048) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxyanthraquinones (CHEBI:37485) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxyaurone (CHEBI:85970) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxybenzaldehyde (CHEBI:24673) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxybenzo[c]phenanthrene (CHEBI:132444) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxybenzoic acid (CHEBI:24676) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxybenzophenone (CHEBI:24677) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxybenzoyl-CoA (CHEBI:24678) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxybenzyl alcohol (CHEBI:24679) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxybiphenyls (CHEBI:24681) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxychrysene (CHEBI:132400) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxyfenbendazole (CHEBI:140184) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxyisoflavanone (CHEBI:72739) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Hydroxymethoxyphenylcarboxylic acid-O-sulphate (CHEBI:89623) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxynaphthalene (CHEBI:24727) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Hydroxyphenylethanol diacetate (CHEBI:86656) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxysafflor yellow A (CHEBI:139030) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxytetracaine (CHEBI:135162) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hydroxytoluene (CHEBI:24751) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hyperaspidinol A (CHEBI:70396) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Hypocrenone B (CHEBI:216790) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Hypocrol A (CHEBI:224568) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
hypothemycin (CHEBI:83275) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Hypoxyphenone (CHEBI:224017) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Hypoxypropanamide (CHEBI:211911) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ibopamine (CHEBI:135306) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Ilanenoid (CHEBI:218453) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Ilanepyrrolal (CHEBI:198532) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ilicicolin H (CHEBI:77772) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
indan-5-ol (CHEBI:59311) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
inumakal (CHEBI:68291) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
inumakoic acid (CHEBI:68292) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Iododithiobrevamide (CHEBI:210481) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
iodothyronine (CHEBI:24864) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Ioxynil octanoate (CHEBI:81928) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
isoacetovanillone (CHEBI:67899) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Isoamyl salicylate (CHEBI:173601) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
isobutrin (CHEBI:5989) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Isobutyl salicylate (CHEBI:173947) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Isobutyrolactone II (CHEBI:197948) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Isoeugenol phenylacetate (CHEBI:174698) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Isoevernin aldehyde (CHEBI:216936) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
isohomovanillic acid (CHEBI:70818) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
isomiroestrol (CHEBI:193573) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Isoneobavachalcone (CHEBI:187439) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
isonocardicin A (CHEBI:16483) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
isonocardicin C (CHEBI:81022) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
isopropyl salicylate (CHEBI:38703) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
isovanillin (CHEBI:193161) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ivacaftor (CHEBI:66901) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ixerochinolide (CHEBI:66100) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
jaspamide (CHEBI:66104) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
jasplakinolide D (CHEBI:68271) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
jasplakinolide Q (CHEBI:68272) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
JBIR-125 (CHEBI:211018) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
JBIR-94 (CHEBI:216394) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
jerantinine A (CHEBI:66119) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
jerantinine B (CHEBI:66120) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
jerantinine C (CHEBI:66121) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
jerantinine D (CHEBI:66122) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
jerantinine E (CHEBI:66123) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
jerantinine F (CHEBI:66124) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Jiangrine A (CHEBI:200092) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Jiangrine C (CHEBI:202795) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Jiangrine D (CHEBI:227090) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
JTE-607 free base (CHEBI:167630) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
juglanin A (CHEBI:66126) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
juglanin B (CHEBI:66127) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
julichrome Q6 (CHEBI:145986) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
kanzonol P (CHEBI:69097) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
kinanthraquinone (CHEBI:167575) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
kinanthraquinone B (CHEBI:167576) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
kinocoumarin (CHEBI:85125) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
kitastatin 1 (CHEBI:66146) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
L-Metanephrine (CHEBI:6270) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
L-Normetanephrine (CHEBI:6277) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Labrenzbactin (CHEBI:222454) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
laccaridione A (CHEBI:66540) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
laccaridione B (CHEBI:66541) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lactonamycin (CHEBI:66553) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lactucopicrin (CHEBI:90275) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lactucopicrin 15-oxalate (CHEBI:90280) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lanigerol (CHEBI:66549) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Lathyroxin A (CHEBI:209289) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Lathyroxin B (CHEBI:209283) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
laudanine (CHEBI:76103) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
laurebiphenyl (CHEBI:66554) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
laurinterol (CHEBI:66555) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
laurolistine (CHEBI:66557) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
legioliulin (CHEBI:156300) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Leptazoline D (CHEBI:210170) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lespeflorin C3 (CHEBI:66564) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lespeflorin G10 (CHEBI:66569) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lespeflorin G2 (CHEBI:66565) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lespeflorin G3 (CHEBI:66566) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lespeflorin G5 (CHEBI:66567) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lespeflorin G8 (CHEBI:66568) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lespeflorin H2 (CHEBI:66570) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lichexanthone (CHEBI:67821) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-1029 (CHEBI:86679) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-116 (CHEBI:86680) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-126 (CHEBI:86682) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-132 (CHEBI:86685) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-134 (CHEBI:86687) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-135 (CHEBI:86688) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-138 (CHEBI:86690) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-195 (CHEBI:86702) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-2007 (CHEBI:86708) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-2015 (CHEBI:86711) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-202 (CHEBI:86716) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-2026 (CHEBI:86722) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-2033 (CHEBI:86727) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-2034 (CHEBI:86728) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-2050 (CHEBI:86744) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-2063 (CHEBI:86756) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-2064 (CHEBI:86757) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-214 (CHEBI:86777) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-217 (CHEBI:86778) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-218 (CHEBI:86779) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-280 (CHEBI:86803) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-285 (CHEBI:86807) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-290 (CHEBI:86813) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-293 (CHEBI:86816) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-294 (CHEBI:86817) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-3010 (CHEBI:86827) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-3031 (CHEBI:86845) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-3034 (CHEBI:86848) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-3035 (CHEBI:86849) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-3036 (CHEBI:86850) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-3037 (CHEBI:86851) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-3038 (CHEBI:86852) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-3039 (CHEBI:86853) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-3040 (CHEBI:86854) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-3041 (CHEBI:86855) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-3053 (CHEBI:86865) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-3057 (CHEBI:86868) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-3058 (CHEBI:86869) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-3062 (CHEBI:86873) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-50 (CHEBI:86882) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lignin cw compound-99 (CHEBI:86896) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ligstroside (CHEBI:149585) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lindechunine A (CHEBI:66577) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
LLP-3 (CHEBI:78766) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lobarin (CHEBI:144069) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Loseolamycin A1 (CHEBI:221430) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
LSM-20628 (CHEBI:109231) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
LSM-28414 (CHEBI:116966) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Lucidulactone A (CHEBI:197744) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Lumizinone A (CHEBI:225556) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Lumizinone B (CHEBI:225560) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
luzonial A (CHEBI:66598) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
luzonial B (CHEBI:66599) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
luzonidial B (CHEBI:66600) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
LY 117018 (CHEBI:90187) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
lyratol D (CHEBI:66608) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
m-Eugenol (CHEBI:167418) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
maackiain (CHEBI:73029) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
maackiapterocarpan A (CHEBI:66645) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
macluraxanthone B (CHEBI:66649) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
macluraxanthone C (CHEBI:66650) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
maculosin (CHEBI:6631) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
marinacarboline B (CHEBI:69593) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Marinomycin A (CHEBI:213454) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Marinomycin B (CHEBI:221380) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Marinomycin C (CHEBI:220588) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Marinomycin D (CHEBI:212156) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Marinopyrazinone B (CHEBI:199083) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Maristachone A (CHEBI:204692) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Maristachone B (CHEBI:197707) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Maristachone C (CHEBI:205020) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Medinoterb acetate (CHEBI:82193) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
melleolide F (CHEBI:167712) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
menthyl salicylate (CHEBI:135976) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Merocyclophane A (CHEBI:212157) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Merocyclophane B (CHEBI:198473) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Merocyclophane C (CHEBI:218478) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Merocyclophane D (CHEBI:218447) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
mesalamine (CHEBI:6775) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
metacetamol (CHEBI:76987) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
metachromin T (CHEBI:66696) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Metasequirin E (CHEBI:69965) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Metasequirin F (CHEBI:69966) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Methyl (2-hydroxyphenyl)acetate (CHEBI:180585) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
methyl (2E)-3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)acrylate (CHEBI:131393) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Methyl 2,5-dihydroxybenzoate (CHEBI:191966) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Methyl 2,6-dihydroxybenzoate (CHEBI:192874) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Methyl 2-(10-heptadecenyl)-6-hydroxybenzoate (CHEBI:169431) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
methyl 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetate (CHEBI:68078) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
methyl 2-[(3S)-9,10-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1-oxo-1H,3H,4H-naphtho[2,3-c]pyran-3-yl]acetate (CHEBI:146012) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
methyl 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate (CHEBI:176565) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
methyl 3-hydroxybenzoate (CHEBI:165218) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Methyl 4-(4,6-dihydroxy-5-methoxy-2,5-dimethyl-3-oxocyclohexen-1-yl)oxy-2-hydroxy-3,6-dimethylbenzoate (CHEBI:181274) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Methyl 5-chloro-2-hydroxybenzoate (CHEBI:194865) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Methyl 5-hydroxy-2-benzimidazole carbamate (CHEBI:6852) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
methyl 8-hydroxy-6-methyl-9-oxo-9H-xanthene-1-carboxylate (CHEBI:68226) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
methyl brevifolincarboxylate (CHEBI:66711) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
methyl syringate (CHEBI:45820) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
methyl vanillate (CHEBI:46477) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Methyl-10-gingerol (CHEBI:191431) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Methyldavallialactone (CHEBI:214095) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Methylinoscavin A (CHEBI:204181) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Methylinoscavin B (CHEBI:201621) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Methylinoscavin C (CHEBI:198307) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Methylinoscavin D (CHEBI:225931) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Metoprolol succinate (CHEBI:6905) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Metoprolol tartrate (CHEBI:6906) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Microansamycin I (CHEBI:216932) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
microdiplodiasol (CHEBI:68283) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Mirin (CHEBI:188315) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
MK 351A (CHEBI:177385) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ML355 (CHEBI:195557) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
mochimganine (CHEBI:192760) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Modecainide (CHEBI:230065) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
mollicellin B (CHEBI:68801) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
mollicellin L (CHEBI:68725) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
mollicellin M (CHEBI:68726) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
monapinone A (CHEBI:145922) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
monapinone E (CHEBI:146004) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Monaspilosin (CHEBI:199052) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
monodictysin B (CHEBI:66398) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
monodictysin C (CHEBI:66399) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
morellic acid (CHEBI:66401) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
morellin (CHEBI:6995) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
mycophenolate mofetil (CHEBI:8764) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
mycophenolic acid (CHEBI:168396) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
mycophenolic acid O-acyl-glucuronide (CHEBI:64689) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Myricanone (CHEBI:141540) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-(3-acetamidopropyl)-3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzamide (CHEBI:215269) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-(3-acetamidopropyl)-4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzamide (CHEBI:215262) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-(4-amino-3-hydroxybutyl)-3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-enimidic acid (CHEBI:193526) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-(4-aminobutyl)-3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)oxirane-2-carboximidic acid (CHEBI:193858) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-(4-aminobutyl)-3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propanimidic acid (CHEBI:186625) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-(4-aminobutyl)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propanimidic acid (CHEBI:190315) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-N-methyl-N'-thiophen-2-ylsulfonylbenzenecarboximidamide (CHEBI:108932) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethoxycarbothioamide (CHEBI:180822) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-[(4-hydroxy-2-iodo-5-methoxyphenyl)methyl]nonanamide (CHEBI:107654) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methyl]-8-methyl-6-nonenamide (CHEBI:94524) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methyl]-9-octadecenamide (CHEBI:93517) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methyl]eicosa-5,8,11,14-tetraenamide (CHEBI:92595) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-[(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methyl]octanamide (CHEBI:173991) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-[2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)ethyl]-3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-enimidic acid (CHEBI:193506) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-[2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)ethyl]-3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)propanimidic acid (CHEBI:189949) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-arachidonoyl vanillylamine (CHEBI:187796) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-Dihydroferuloyltyramine (CHEBI:175048) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-methylphloretamide (CHEBI:220698) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-methylpretrichodermamide B (CHEBI:221257) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-trans-Feruloyloctopamine (CHEBI:191530) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N-Vanillyloleamide (CHEBI:177616) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
N1-acetyl-N7-o-hydroxyphenylacetyl cadaverine (CHEBI:220691) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Naamine G (CHEBI:188560) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nabscebetain A (CHEBI:206787) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nabscebetain B (CHEBI:206794) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
naloxegol (CHEBI:82975) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
naxagolide (CHEBI:177372) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
nelfinavir (CHEBI:7496) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
neosartoricin (CHEBI:72750) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
neotriptophenolide (CHEBI:132346) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
nidulalin A (CHEBI:66625) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
nigerloxin (CHEBI:133971) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
nigerone (CHEBI:145950) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nigrospoxydon C (CHEBI:217988) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
nitrophenol (CHEBI:25562) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nocarasin B (CHEBI:218642) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
nocardicin C (CHEBI:81021) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
nocardione A (CHEBI:66634) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nocazoline A (CHEBI:69711) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
nonivamide (CHEBI:46936) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Norcapsaicin (CHEBI:174089) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nordihydrocapsaicin (CHEBI:174101) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nordihydrocapsiate (CHEBI:174795) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
norfenefrine (CHEBI:134779) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Norfenefrine hydrochloride (CHEBI:31918) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
norrubrofusarin (CHEBI:81264) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nostoclide N2 (CHEBI:222778) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nostocyclophane D (CHEBI:210206) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nostocyclyne A (CHEBI:203332) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nostosin A (CHEBI:213146) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nostosin B (CHEBI:213140) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nostosin C (CHEBI:213115) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nostosin D (CHEBI:213121) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nostosin E (CHEBI:213127) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Nostosin F (CHEBI:213131) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
novclobiocin 109 (CHEBI:132424) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
novobiocin (CHEBI:28368) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
NS 1619 (CHEBI:34879) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
NU 1025 (CHEBI:75399) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
O-Methyltyrosol acetate (CHEBI:205881) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
O-sulfate-6-hydroxydihydroferulic acid (CHEBI:144527) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
o-Tolyl acetate (CHEBI:179656) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
obochalcolactone (CHEBI:66802) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
obtusafuran (CHEBI:66804) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Obtustyrene (CHEBI:173731) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ochracenomicin A (CHEBI:66807) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ochratoxin α (CHEBI:133917) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ochrindole A (CHEBI:167043) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ochrocarpin A (CHEBI:66811) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ochrocarpin B (CHEBI:66812) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ochrocarpin C (CHEBI:66813) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ochrocarpin D (CHEBI:66814) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ochrocarpin E (CHEBI:66815) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ochrocarpin F (CHEBI:66816) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ochrocarpin G (CHEBI:66817) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
odoratol (CHEBI:7729) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Oleacein (CHEBI:175090) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
oleocanthal (CHEBI:85673) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
oleuropein (aldehyde form) (CHEBI:68989) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
olodaterol (CHEBI:82700) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Oryzarol (CHEBI:172645) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Outovirin C (CHEBI:227526) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
oviedomycin (CHEBI:156291) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
oxidized Renilla luciferin (CHEBI:17959) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
oxyacanthine (CHEBI:7853) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
oxymetazoline (CHEBI:7862) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
oxyphenbutazone (CHEBI:76258) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
oxyphenisatine acetate (CHEBI:135638) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
p-HPEA-EDA (CHEBI:174916) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
p-Hydroxybenzyl-alcohol-diacetate (CHEBI:86914) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
p-Hydroxyfelbamate (CHEBI:80584) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
p-hydroxymexiletine (CHEBI:173536) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
p-Hydroxyphenylacetothiohydroximate (CHEBI:80981) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
p-Hydroxyprimidone (CHEBI:165225) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
p-methoxyphenol (CHEBI:69441) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
p-Tolyl isobutyrate (CHEBI:173829) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
p-Tolyl phenylacetate (CHEBI:174170) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Paecilocin B, (rel)- (CHEBI:69301) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Paecilocin C, (rel)- (CHEBI:69302) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Paeonol (CHEBI:69581) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pannarin (CHEBI:144185) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Papupyrrolal (CHEBI:198055) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
paracetamol (CHEBI:46195) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
parfumine (CHEBI:68994) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Peniciadametizine B (CHEBI:216304) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Penicilactone B (CHEBI:209249) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Penicillenone (CHEBI:210885) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Penicilquei A (CHEBI:211614) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Penicilquei B (CHEBI:211621) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Penicilquei C (CHEBI:211628) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Penicilquei D (CHEBI:211633) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
penicitrinol B (CHEBI:191934) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Penigainamide A (CHEBI:221769) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
penipanoid A (CHEBI:68109) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
penipanoid B (CHEBI:68110) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
penipanoid C (CHEBI:68111) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Penipyranicin A (CHEBI:225517) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Penipyrol B (CHEBI:227163) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Peniquinone A (CHEBI:208560) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Penisclerotiorin A (CHEBI:213837) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pennicitrinone C (CHEBI:191933) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Pestalospirane A (CHEBI:69698) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Pestalospirane B (CHEBI:69699) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
PFI-3 (CHEBI:149519) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Phaffiaol (CHEBI:209456) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phenanthrol (CHEBI:25962) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Phenethyl salicylate (CHEBI:173744) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phenol (CHEBI:15882) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phenol formaldehyde resin (CHEBI:188352) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phenol red (CHEBI:31991) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Phenol-formaldehyde, cross-linked, triethylenetetramine activated (CHEBI:186033) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phenolic donor (CHEBI:139520) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phenolic phthiocerol (CHEBI:59237) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phenolic steroid (CHEBI:177917) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phenolphthalein (CHEBI:34914) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phenoxyphenol (CHEBI:39262) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phentolamine (CHEBI:8081) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Phenyl butyrate (CHEBI:180407) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phenyl salicylate (CHEBI:34918) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Phenyl thiophene-2-carboxylate (CHEBI:195086) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Phenylbutenote (CHEBI:205908) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phenylephrine (CHEBI:8093) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Phenyliodoundecynoate (CHEBI:31994) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Phomalichenone A (CHEBI:226857) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Phomoaspardiol (CHEBI:215851) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Phomone A (CHEBI:205846) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Phomonitroester (CHEBI:220098) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Phomopsuidiol (CHEBI:215863) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phomoxanthone A (CHEBI:66749) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phomoxanthone B (CHEBI:66750) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phosphatoquinone A (CHEBI:66751) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phosphatoquinone B (CHEBI:66752) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
phoyunbene D (CHEBI:66756) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
PI-103 (CHEBI:90524) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Pichiafuran B (CHEBI:206547) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Pintulin (CHEBI:198467) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
piperlactam S (CHEBI:132657) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pisonin A (CHEBI:67358) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pisonin D (CHEBI:67361) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pisonin E (CHEBI:67362) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
plakortolide M (CHEBI:68410) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
plakortolide N (CHEBI:68411) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
plakortolide S (CHEBI:68416) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
plakortone N (CHEBI:68421) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
platensimycin B4 (CHEBI:68239) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
platensimycin B4 methyl ester (CHEBI:68240) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Pleosporallin E (CHEBI:199349) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pleosporone (CHEBI:66765) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
plumbagin (CHEBI:8273) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
PM-94128 (CHEBI:66766) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
polygonimitin B (CHEBI:81347) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
polyketomycin (CHEBI:66771) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
polyphenol (CHEBI:26195) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pre-pseudomonine (CHEBI:196949) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
premycofactocin (CHEBI:150862) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
premycofactocinol (CHEBI:156521) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
prenylcandidusin B (CHEBI:67531) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
prenylcandidusin C (CHEBI:67532) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
prenylterphenyllin (CHEBI:67533) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
prenylterphenyllin B (CHEBI:67527) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Pretenellin A (CHEBI:211997) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Pretrichodermamide A (CHEBI:205371) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Pretrichodermamide C (CHEBI:200929) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Pretrichodermamide D (CHEBI:212021) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Pretrichodermamide E (CHEBI:212027) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Pretrichodermamide F (CHEBI:212032) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Preubetaidone (CHEBI:197621) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
promysalin (CHEBI:171658) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
propofol (CHEBI:44915) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
propyl dihydroferulate (CHEBI:78758) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
propylparaben (CHEBI:32063) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
protoaphin aglucone (CHEBI:15795) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
protoasukamycin (CHEBI:90901) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Prototenellin B (CHEBI:219458) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Prototenellin C (CHEBI:199595) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Prototenellin D (CHEBI:216311) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Prototenellin E (CHEBI:198947) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pseudomonine (CHEBI:196587) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
psilocin (CHEBI:8613) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Psoracorylifol A (CHEBI:203191) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pterolinus C (CHEBI:67383) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pterolinus D (CHEBI:67384) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pterolinus E (CHEBI:67385) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pterolinus H (CHEBI:67390) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pterolinus I (CHEBI:67391) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Pulicatin A (CHEBI:70584) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Pulicatin B (CHEBI:70585) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Pulvinatal (CHEBI:65705) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
purpurogallin (CHEBI:8647) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pyochelin (CHEBI:29669) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pyriculariol (CHEBI:142636) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pyriculol (CHEBI:80728) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
pyrocatechol sulfate (CHEBI:68505) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Quadrilineatin (CHEBI:220777) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
quininib (CHEBI:133170) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
quinol sulfate (CHEBI:71062) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
quinolobactin (CHEBI:171659) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
radicicol (CHEBI:556075) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
raloxifene (CHEBI:8772) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
raspberry ketone (CHEBI:68656) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
rataniaphenol I (CHEBI:69254) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
rataniaphenol II (CHEBI:69255) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
rataniaphenol III (CHEBI:69253) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ravidomycin (CHEBI:84037) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
resiniferatoxin (CHEBI:8809) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
resorcinol monoacetate (CHEBI:29672) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
resorcinol sulfate (CHEBI:71267) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
respirantin (CHEBI:66299) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Reticulone (CHEBI:226750) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
rhamnacene (CHEBI:133721) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Rhizonyl alcohol (CHEBI:214105) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
rhuscholide A (CHEBI:66306) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Rigidiusculamide A (CHEBI:224095) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Rigidiusculamide B (CHEBI:206619) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Ro 25-6981 (CHEBI:92897) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
RO0480500-002 (CHEBI:43183) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
robustaside D (CHEBI:70146) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
robustaside E (CHEBI:70143) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
robustaside G (CHEBI:70145) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
robustine (CHEBI:8883) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Roccellatol (CHEBI:220613) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
rose bengal free acid (CHEBI:87202) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
rubimaillin (CHEBI:141063) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
rubrofusarin (CHEBI:8908) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
rubrofusarin B (CHEBI:133805) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Rubrolide R (CHEBI:212813) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
S a S b S (CHEBI:86926) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
S b S AcO (CHEBI:86931) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Salicifoline (CHEBI:80899) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
salicylamide (CHEBI:32114) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
salicylhydroxamic acid (CHEBI:45615) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Salmoquinone (CHEBI:208202) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
salsalate (CHEBI:9014) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
sandwicensin (CHEBI:66165) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
sarpagine (CHEBI:9036) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
SB 415286 (CHEBI:91107) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
SB-202190 (CHEBI:79090) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Scalbucillin B (CHEBI:204580) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
sch 54445 (CHEBI:66180) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
schweinfurthin H (CHEBI:66438) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
scytalone (CHEBI:16945) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Secoretipolide E (CHEBI:211852) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
semiviriditoxin (CHEBI:146008) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
sennosides (CHEBI:84154) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Sequosempervirin D (CHEBI:69976) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Ser-Tyr (CHEBI:73652) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
serotonin (CHEBI:28790) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Sesamolinol (CHEBI:9127) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
shamixanthone (CHEBI:64499) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
siamenol (CHEBI:66479) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
sibiromycin (CHEBI:90941) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
simulanol (CHEBI:86940) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
sinapate ester (CHEBI:60935) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
sinapic acid (CHEBI:77131) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Sinapoylagmatine (CHEBI:191190) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
sinapyl alcohol (CHEBI:28813) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Sinapyl alcohol diacetate (CHEBI:86942) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
siphonazole (CHEBI:188854) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
SN-38 (CHEBI:8988) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
SN-38 carboxylic acid (CHEBI:149481) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
sojagol (CHEBI:9183) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Solorinin (CHEBI:144303) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Soraphinol C (CHEBI:200827) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Sorbicillin (CHEBI:167836) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
sorocenol G (CHEBI:66514) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
sotorasib (CHEBI:178199) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Spathullin B (CHEBI:206390) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Sporulosaldein A (CHEBI:207533) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Sporulosaldein B (CHEBI:207537) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Sporulosaldein C (CHEBI:207542) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Spoxazomicin A (CHEBI:200916) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Spoxazomicin B (CHEBI:199930) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Spoxazomicin D (CHEBI:206252) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
SR12813 (CHEBI:77317) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Stachyline C (CHEBI:70077) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
stemphyperylenol (CHEBI:141330) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
stigmatellin A (CHEBI:32155) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
stilben-4-ol (CHEBI:36664) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
stilbenol (CHEBI:36027) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Strepoxepinmycin A (CHEBI:210462) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Strepoxepinmycin B (CHEBI:210466) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Streptopyrrole (CHEBI:203701) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
strongylin A (CHEBI:66526) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
SU1498 (CHEBI:87158) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
subereaphenol D (CHEBI:69836) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Succinobucol (CHEBI:177810) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
sugiol (CHEBI:138961) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
sulochrin (CHEBI:16159) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
swerchirin (CHEBI:9368) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
sydowinin A (CHEBI:68227) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
sydoxanthone C (CHEBI:192356) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Sylvopinol (CHEBI:173658) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Syn-12-hydroxypretenellin A (CHEBI:208456) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
synephrine (CHEBI:29081) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Synephrine acetonide (CHEBI:231985) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
syringic acid (CHEBI:68329) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
syringyl alcohol (CHEBI:86948) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
SZL-P1-41 (CHEBI:75919) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Tagetenolone (CHEBI:224767) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Tagetolone (CHEBI:216466) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
talaroconvolutin A (CHEBI:173105) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Talaroenamine E (CHEBI:203371) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
TAN 420C (CHEBI:201408) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
TAN-1612 (CHEBI:133807) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Tandyukisin E (CHEBI:217370) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
teniposide (CHEBI:75988) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Terezine E (CHEBI:214478) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Terezine F (CHEBI:214486) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Terezine G (CHEBI:214491) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Terezine M (CHEBI:210950) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
termilignan B (CHEBI:66202) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Termitomycamide E (CHEBI:225182) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
terphenyllin (CHEBI:67537) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
terprenin (CHEBI:67534) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Terrelactone A (CHEBI:227653) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Terrelactone B (CHEBI:207673) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Terrephenol A (CHEBI:206332) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Terrephenol B (CHEBI:204334) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Terrestrol D (CHEBI:221672) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Terrestrol E (CHEBI:203505) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Terrusnolide A (CHEBI:218142) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tetracenomycin D3 (CHEBI:32202) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tetracenomycin F1 (CHEBI:32205) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Tetrachloropyrocatechol methyl ether (CHEBI:223892) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tetrangomycin (CHEBI:32211) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tetrangulol (CHEBI:32212) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tetraphen-1-ol (CHEBI:132369) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Thailandamide lactone (CHEBI:198047) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Thellungianin G (CHEBI:174474) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
threo-1-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-1,2,3-propanetriol (CHEBI:173248) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
threo-Syringoylglycerol (CHEBI:191577) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
thymol (CHEBI:27607) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
thyronine (CHEBI:30661) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tilimycin (CHEBI:156293) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tilivalline (CHEBI:156292) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tinyatoxin (CHEBI:9603) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tiratricol (CHEBI:40021) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
TMC-135A (CHEBI:66232) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
TMC-135B (CHEBI:66233) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
TMC-52A (CHEBI:66238) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
TMC-52B (CHEBI:66239) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
TMC-95A (CHEBI:40322) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
TMC-95B (CHEBI:66246) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
TMC-95C (CHEBI:66247) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
TMC-95D (CHEBI:66248) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Tolylacetate (CHEBI:9627) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Tolypocladenol A1 (CHEBI:218736) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Tolypocladenol A2 (CHEBI:218730) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Tolypocladenol B (CHEBI:227523) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Tolypocladenol C (CHEBI:212503) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Tolypyridone E (CHEBI:225153) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Tolypyridone F (CHEBI:225159) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Tolypyridone G (CHEBI:225163) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Tolypyridone H (CHEBI:225168) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tomaymycin (CHEBI:157681) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tomelukast (CHEBI:75310) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
TOP-53 (CHEBI:134547) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
topopyrone A (CHEBI:66252) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
topopyrone B (CHEBI:66253) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
topopyrone C (CHEBI:66254) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
topopyrone D (CHEBI:66255) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
toralactone (CHEBI:78029) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
torkinib (CHEBI:90679) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Torrubiellone D (CHEBI:70289) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Tremutin B (CHEBI:226250) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Trichodenol B (CHEBI:218429) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Trichorin B (CHEBI:212229) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
triclosan (CHEBI:164200) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Trieffusol C (CHEBI:209911) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Trienomycin I (CHEBI:213927) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
trifloroside (CHEBI:132850) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
triptobenzene A (CHEBI:132349) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
triptobenzene H (CHEBI:132351) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
triptohypol B (CHEBI:132338) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
triptonolide (CHEBI:132347) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
triptonoterpene (CHEBI:132348) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
triptonoterpene methyl ether (CHEBI:132483) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
triptonoterpenol (CHEBI:132613) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Trolox (CHEBI:82625) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tschimganine (CHEBI:142517) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tubulosine (CHEBI:9775) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
turmeronol (CHEBI:176636) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tyramines (CHEBI:27175) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Tyrosol propionate (CHEBI:211095) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tyrphostin AG 825 (CHEBI:75405) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
tyrvalin (CHEBI:167319) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
urolithin A 3-O-glucuronide (CHEBI:89099) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
urolithin A 8-O-glucuronide (CHEBI:89554) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Ustethylin A (CHEBI:217215) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Ustethylin B (CHEBI:220937) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ustilaginoidin A (CHEBI:146013) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
ustiloxin B (CHEBI:167111) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Vaccinol A (CHEBI:200475) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Vaccinol B (CHEBI:204206) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Vancouverone B (CHEBI:214945) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
vanillin (CHEBI:18346) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Vanillin 1,2-butylene glycol acetal (CHEBI:174151) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Vanillin a G b CA (CHEBI:86955) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Vanillin isobutyrate (CHEBI:168997) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
vanilloylacetic acid (CHEBI:142914) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Vanillyl octanamide (CHEBI:190133) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
vanillylmandelic acid (CHEBI:20106) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
vanilpyruvic acid (CHEBI:88402) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
vanitiolide (CHEBI:135033) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
variecolorquinone A (CHEBI:66350) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
variecolorquinone B (CHEBI:66351) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
variecoxanthone C (CHEBI:68862) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Verimol J (CHEBI:179567) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
vernakalant (CHEBI:135956) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
vieillardixanthone (CHEBI:66367) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
vilanterol (CHEBI:75037) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
virensol A (CHEBI:171670) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
viscumneoside VI (CHEBI:132860) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Watasemycin A (CHEBI:70582) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Watasemycin B (CHEBI:70583) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
WZB-117 (CHEBI:229781) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Xenognosin A (CHEBI:10075) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
xibornol (CHEBI:131713) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Xylariacyclone A (CHEBI:206298) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
yahyaxanthone (CHEBI:66491) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Yangjinhualine A (CHEBI:201247) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
yersiniabactin (CHEBI:29707) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Ypaoamide A (CHEBI:213893) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
YUA001 (CHEBI:200819) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
YWA1 (CHEBI:133763) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Z-proxamidine (CHEBI:226901) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
zeaenol (CHEBI:67556) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
zingerone (CHEBI:68657) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
zucapsaicin (CHEBI:135952) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
{2-hydroxy-5-[2-hydroxy-3-(2,4,6-trihydroxyphenyl)propyl]phenyl}oxidanesulfonic acid (CHEBI:180805) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
{3-[(1E)-3-(4-hydroxy-2-methoxyphenyl)prop-1-en-1-yl]phenyl}oxidanesulfonic acid (CHEBI:184215) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
{3-[2-hydroxy-3-(2,4,6-trihydroxyphenyl)propyl]phenyl}oxidanesulfonic acid (CHEBI:185705) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
{4-[(1E)-3-(4-hydroxy-2-methoxyphenyl)prop-1-en-1-yl]phenyl}oxidanesulfonic acid (CHEBI:176359) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
{[1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-3-oxopropan-2-yl]oxy}sulfonic acid (CHEBI:184576) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
{[3-(2,5-dihydroxyphenyl)prop-2-en-1-yl]oxy}sulfonic acid (CHEBI:194034) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
{[3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)oxiran-2-yl]methoxy}sulfonic acid (CHEBI:184150) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
{[4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)butan-2-yl]oxy}sulfonic acid (CHEBI:193375) is a phenols (CHEBI:33853)
Synonyms Sources
a phenol UniProt
arenols IUPAC
Aryl alcohol KEGG COMPOUND
Manual Xrefs Databases
Phenols Wikipedia
Phenols MetaCyc
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Last Modified
04 September 2024