CHEBI:24527 - herbicide

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name herbicide
Definition A substance used to destroy plant pests.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
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ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing herbicide (CHEBI:24527) is a pesticide (CHEBI:25944)
Incoming (R)-imazaquin (CHEBI:147359) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
14-dihydroxycornestin (CHEBI:756) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
2,3,6-TBA (CHEBI:81946) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
2,6-dichlorobenzamide (CHEBI:28435) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile (CHEBI:943) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
2-cyano-3-cyclopropyl-1-(2-mesyl-4-trifluoromethylphenyl)propan-1,3-dione (CHEBI:141214) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
2-hydrazinoethanol (CHEBI:50098) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile (CHEBI:17192) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
3,5-dichlorobenzoic acid (CHEBI:166846) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
4,6-dinitro-o-cresol (CHEBI:39349) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)butanoate (CHEBI:143277) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
4-[(2-aminophenyl)thio]butylphosphonic acid (CHEBI:219815) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
N-[(1R,2S)-2,6-dimethyindan-1-yl]-6-[(1R)-1-fluoroethyl]-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine (CHEBI:133238) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
N-[(1R,2S)-2,6-dimethyindan-1-yl]-6-[(1S)-1-fluoroethyl]-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine (CHEBI:133239) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
N-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (CHEBI:641) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
acetochlor (CHEBI:2394) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
acifluorfen (CHEBI:73172) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
aclonifen (CHEBI:137374) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
acrolein (CHEBI:15368) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
alachlor (CHEBI:2533) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
allyl alcohol (CHEBI:16605) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
ametryn (CHEBI:22472) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
amicarbazone (CHEBI:132840) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
aminocyclopyrachlor (CHEBI:62952) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
aminocyclopyrachlor-methyl (CHEBI:63215) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
aminocyclopyrachlor-potassium (CHEBI:62953) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
aminocyclopyrachlor-triethylammonium (CHEBI:193129) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
aminopyralid (CHEBI:62962) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
amitrole (CHEBI:40036) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
asulam (CHEBI:81696) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
asulam-potassium (CHEBI:142756) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
asulam-sodium (CHEBI:142672) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
atraton (CHEBI:82220) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
atrazine (CHEBI:15930) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
azimsulfuron (CHEBI:81746) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
barban (CHEBI:33421) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
beflubutamid (CHEBI:138192) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
benazolin (CHEBI:81951) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
benazolin-dimethylammonium (CHEBI:132891) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
benazolin-potassium (CHEBI:132892) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
bencarbazone (CHEBI:145865) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
benfluralin (CHEBI:132878) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
benquitrione (CHEBI:228214) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
bensulfuron (CHEBI:132880) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
bensulfuron-methyl (CHEBI:3017) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
bentazone (CHEBI:3018) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
bentranil (CHEBI:145402) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
benzobicyclon hydrolysate (CHEBI:141389) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
bicyclopyrone (CHEBI:136271) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
bispyribac (CHEBI:3129) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
bispyribac-sodium (CHEBI:81757) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
bixlozone (CHEBI:149466) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
broclozone (CHEBI:194505) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
bromacil (CHEBI:3177) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
bromobutide (CHEBI:34590) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
butachlor (CHEBI:3230) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
butafenacil (CHEBI:143863) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
cafenstrole (CHEBI:81787) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
cantharidin (CHEBI:64213) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
carbetamide (CHEBI:3394) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
carfentrazone (CHEBI:3415) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
chlorfenac (CHEBI:82235) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
chlorfenac(1−) (CHEBI:142831) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
chlorfenac-ammonium (CHEBI:142832) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
chlorfenac-sodium (CHEBI:142833) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
chloridazon (CHEBI:81838) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
chlorimuron (CHEBI:81953) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
chlornitrofen (CHEBI:3620) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
chloroacetic acid (CHEBI:27869) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
chlorotoluron (CHEBI:81981) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
chloroxuron (CHEBI:82200) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
chlorphthalim (CHEBI:133019) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
chlorpropham (CHEBI:34630) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
chlorsulfuron (CHEBI:3652) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
cinflubrolin (CHEBI:229487) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
cinidon ethyl (CHEBI:63927) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
cinmethylin (CHEBI:3708) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
clethodim (CHEBI:70721) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
clodinafop-propargyl (CHEBI:132921) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
clofibric acid (CHEBI:34648) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
clomazone (CHEBI:3751) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
clopyralid (CHEBI:62961) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
cloransulam (CHEBI:131998) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
cloransulam-methyl (CHEBI:3760) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
cyanazine (CHEBI:38069) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
cyclopyrimorate (CHEBI:142780) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
cycloxydim (CHEBI:4033) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
DAS734 (CHEBI:73166) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
DAS869 (CHEBI:40290) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
dazomet (CHEBI:75212) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
desmedipham (CHEBI:81733) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
destosyl pyrazolate (CHEBI:4302) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
DIBOA (CHEBI:63558) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
dicamba (CHEBI:81856) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
dicamba-biproamine (CHEBI:194157) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
dicamba-methyl (CHEBI:194161) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
dicamba-olamine (CHEBI:194160) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
dicamba-potassium (CHEBI:194159) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
dicamba-sodium (CHEBI:194158) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
diflufenican (CHEBI:81824) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
dimethachlor (CHEBI:81911) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
dimethenamid (CHEBI:81789) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
dimethenamid-P (CHEBI:83640) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
dinoseb (CHEBI:34719) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
diquat (CHEBI:64163) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
ethametsulfuron (CHEBI:145551) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
ethametsulfuron-methyl (CHEBI:145553) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
ethofumesate (CHEBI:81990) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
ethoxyquin (CHEBI:77323) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
fenobucarb (CHEBI:34304) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
fenoxasulfone (CHEBI:173078) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
fenuron (CHEBI:5013) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
florpyrauxifen (CHEBI:133650) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
florpyrauxifen-benzyl (CHEBI:133651) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
fluazifop-butyl (CHEBI:5097) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
fluazifop-P-butyl (CHEBI:132964) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
flucarbazone (CHEBI:138417) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
flucarbazone-sodium (CHEBI:82010) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
fluchloraminopyr (CHEBI:193056) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
flufenacet (CHEBI:81920) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
flufenpyr (CHEBI:132055) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
flufenpyr-ethyl (CHEBI:132056) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
flumioxazin (CHEBI:8939) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
flumipropyn (CHEBI:5105) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
fluometuron (CHEBI:82012) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
flurochloridone (CHEBI:5131) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
fluroxypyr (CHEBI:82017) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
flurtamone (CHEBI:138737) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
fluthiacet (CHEBI:82018) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
fomesafen (CHEBI:81925) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
fomesafen-sodium (CHEBI:138164) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
foramsulfuron (CHEBI:83502) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
glufosinate (CHEBI:52136) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
glufosinate-P (CHEBI:142852) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
glufosinate-P-ammonium (CHEBI:142860) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
glyphosate (CHEBI:27744) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
halauxifen (CHEBI:145477) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
haloxydine (CHEBI:82213) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
haloxyfop-sodium (CHEBI:136695) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
herbimycin (CHEBI:5674) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
imazamethabenz (CHEBI:138116) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
imazamox (CHEBI:81857) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
imazamox-ammonium (CHEBI:133232) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
imazapic (CHEBI:147366) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
imazapic-ammonium (CHEBI:147387) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
imazapyr (CHEBI:82021) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
imazapyr-isopropylammonium (CHEBI:133212) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
imazaquin (CHEBI:5869) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
imazaquin-ammonium (CHEBI:147370) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
indaziflam (CHEBI:133237) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
indolauxipyr (CHEBI:194525) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
indolauxipyr-cyanomethyl (CHEBI:194526) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
inuloxin A (CHEBI:171660) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
iofensulfuron (CHEBI:229770) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
iofensulfuron sodium (CHEBI:229772) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
ioxynil (CHEBI:81821) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
isoproturon (CHEBI:6049) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
isoxaben (CHEBI:63956) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
juglone (CHEBI:15794) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
lenacil (CHEBI:6407) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
linuron (CHEBI:6482) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
mefenacet (CHEBI:34830) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
mesotrione (CHEBI:38321) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
metamitron (CHEBI:6791) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
metazachlor (CHEBI:6798) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
methometon (CHEBI:38072) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
methyl {[2-chloro-4-fluoro-5-(1-oxo-3-sulfanylidenetetrahydro-1H-[1,2,4]triazolo[1,2-a]pyridazin-2(3H)-yl)phenyl]sulfanyl}acetate (CHEBI:141220) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
metolachlor (CHEBI:6902) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
metoxuron (CHEBI:6907) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
metribuzin (CHEBI:34846) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
metsulfuron methyl (CHEBI:39678) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
molinate (CHEBI:6964) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
monuron (CHEBI:38214) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
MT-2153 (CHEBI:145514) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
napropamide (CHEBI:82025) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
naptalam (CHEBI:60833) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
nerolidol (CHEBI:7524) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
nicosulfuron (CHEBI:7554) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
nitrofen (CHEBI:7590) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
norflurazon (CHEBI:50842) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
orbencarb (CHEBI:7778) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
orthosulfamuron (CHEBI:141068) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
oryzalin (CHEBI:73163) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
Oxyfluorfen (CHEBI:82029) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
paraquat (CHEBI:34905) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
paraquat dichloride (CHEBI:28786) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
pendimethalin (CHEBI:83569) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
pentoxazone (CHEBI:81852) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
pethoxamide (CHEBI:83523) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
phenmedipham (CHEBI:81734) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
picloram (CHEBI:34922) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
picloram-methyl (CHEBI:145557) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
picolinafen (CHEBI:138736) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
pinoxaden acid (CHEBI:141347) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
potassium cyanate (CHEBI:38904) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
profoxydim (CHEBI:144786) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
prometon (CHEBI:34934) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
prometryn (CHEBI:26276) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
propachlor (CHEBI:19503) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
propanil (CHEBI:34936) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
propazine (CHEBI:38067) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
propham (CHEBI:82035) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
propyzamide (CHEBI:34935) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
prosulfocarb (CHEBI:81941) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
Pyraclonil (CHEBI:81866) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
pyraflufen (CHEBI:138287) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
pyraquinate (CHEBI:229757) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
pyrasulfotole (CHEBI:141518) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
pyributicarb (CHEBI:81736) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
pyriminobac (CHEBI:82038) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
pyriminobac-methyl (CHEBI:81780) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
pyrimisulfan (CHEBI:143521) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
quinclorac (CHEBI:81974) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
quinclorac-dimethylammonium (CHEBI:132180) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
quinclorac-methyl (CHEBI:132879) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
quinmerac (CHEBI:84199) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
quinoxaline herbicide (CHEBI:137504) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
rimsulfuron (CHEBI:8866) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
S-23142 (CHEBI:231817) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
S-3100-CA (CHEBI:191219) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
saflufenacil (CHEBI:142824) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
sebuthylazine (CHEBI:83521) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
secbumeton (CHEBI:82228) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
simazine (CHEBI:27496) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
simeton (CHEBI:30264) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
simetryn (CHEBI:34976) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
sodium arsenite (CHEBI:29678) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
sodium chlorate (CHEBI:65242) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
sodium dimethylarsinate (CHEBI:62956) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
sulcotrione (CHEBI:83465) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
sulfentrazone (CHEBI:9339) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
sulfometuron (CHEBI:82042) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
sulfometuron methyl (CHEBI:9348) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
tebutam (CHEBI:82043) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
tefuryltrione (CHEBI:140318) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
tembotrione (CHEBI:132273) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
terbumeton (CHEBI:81947) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
terbutryn (CHEBI:44156) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
terbutylazine (CHEBI:30263) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
tetflupyrolimet (CHEBI:191391) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
thiencarbazone (CHEBI:145501) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
thiencarbazone-methyl (CHEBI:145500) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
thifensulfuron (CHEBI:132053) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
thifensulfuron-methyl (CHEBI:83453) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
topramezone (CHEBI:131999) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
triafamone (CHEBI:229766) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
triasulfuron (CHEBI:9673) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
triaziflam (CHEBI:143894) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
tribenuron (CHEBI:83571) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
tribenuron methyl (CHEBI:9678) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
tricamba (CHEBI:82184) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
trichlopyr (CHEBI:9682) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
trifludimoxazin (CHEBI:141519) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
trifluralin (CHEBI:35027) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
triflusulfuron (CHEBI:142847) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
tritosulfuron (CHEBI:83500) has role herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
defoliant (CHEBI:23582) is a herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
phenoxy herbicide (CHEBI:60575) is a herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
photosynthetic electron-transport chain inhibitor (CHEBI:26087) is a herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
proherbicide (CHEBI:136646) is a herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
urea herbicide (CHEBI:188147) is a herbicide (CHEBI:24527)
Synonyms Sources
herbicides ChEBI
Herbizid ChEBI
Unkrautbekämpfungsmittel ChEBI
Unkrautvertilgungsmittel ChEBI
Wildkrautbekämpfungsmittel ChEBI
Manual Xref Database
Herbicide Wikipedia
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Last Modified
15 August 2024