CHEBI:197389 - L-aspartate methyl ester residue

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This entity has been annotated by a third party. If you would like more information added to this entry, please contact ChEBI via email or GitHub.
ChEBI Name L-aspartate methyl ester residue
ChEBI ASCII Name L-aspartate methyl ester residue
Definition An amino-acid ester residue that is the methyl ester of a L-aspartate residue.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by a third party.
Submitter Elisabeth COUDERT
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Formula C5H7NO3
Net Charge 0
Average Mass 129.114
Monoisotopic Mass 129.04259
SMILES C(*)(=O)[C@@H](N*)CC(OC)=O
ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing L-aspartate methyl ester residue (CHEBI:197389) has functional parent L-aspartate residue (CHEBI:29961)
L-aspartate methyl ester residue (CHEBI:197389) is a L-α-amino acid residue (CHEBI:83228)
L-aspartate methyl ester residue (CHEBI:197389) is enantiomer of D-aspartate methyl ester residue (CHEBI:176590)
Incoming D-aspartate methyl ester residue (CHEBI:176590) is enantiomer of L-aspartate methyl ester residue (CHEBI:197389)
Synonyms Sources
4-methyl L-aspartate residue SUBMITTER
L-aspartate methyl ester residue UniProt
Citation Waiting for Citations Type Source
29679495 PubMed citation SUBMITTER