CHEBI:157596 - N-tetracosanoyl-sphingoid base

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This entity has been annotated by a third party. If you would like more information added to this entry, please contact ChEBI via email or GitHub.
ChEBI Name N-tetracosanoyl-sphingoid base
ChEBI ASCII Name N-tetracosanoyl-sphingoid base
Definition A ceramide having a tetracosanoyl chain with an undefined sphingoid base.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by a third party.
Submitter Lucila Aimo
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Formula C27H54NO3R
Net Charge 0
Average Mass (excl. R groups) 440.724
Monoisotopic Mass (excl. R groups) 440.41037
ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing N-tetracosanoyl-sphingoid base (CHEBI:157596) has functional parent tetracosanoate (CHEBI:31014)
N-tetracosanoyl-sphingoid base (CHEBI:157596) is a N-(very-long-chain fatty acyl)-sphingoid base (CHEBI:144712)
Synonyms Sources
an N-tetracosanoyl-sphingoid base UniProt
C24:0 ceramide SUBMITTER