Genomes Pages - Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J chromosome 11, MGSCv37 C57BL/6J


Ordered segments from the CON entry CM001004 (expanded version).

Genome Project: PRJNA20689.

2 entries.

Accession numbers of all the entries listed below may be downloaded as a text file for use in downloading using the Sequence Version Archive.

List of available genomes (on 5-MAY-2015)

  Description Length (bp) Sequence Proteins
Plain HTML
1 Mus musculus chromosome 11 genomic contig, GRC reference primary assembly (1 part in a CON entry) 31,445,122 GL456157 GL456157  
2 Mus musculus chromosome 11 genomic contig, GRC reference primary assembly (1 part in a CON entry) 87,300,923 GL456158 GL456158  

Page generated 12:36pm Tue 5-MAY-2015