CHEBI:74761 - 2-methylhistamine

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name 2-methylhistamine
Definition An aralkylamino compound that is histamine bearing a methyl substituent at the 2 position on the ring.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Supplier Information
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Formula C6H11N3
Net Charge 0
Average Mass 125.17160
Monoisotopic Mass 125.09530
InChI InChI=1S/C6H11N3/c1-5-8-4-6(9-5)2-3-7/h4H,2-3,7H2,1H3,(H,8,9)
SMILES Cc1ncc(CCN)[nH]1
Roles Classification
Chemical Role(s): Bronsted base
A molecular entity capable of accepting a hydron from a donor (Bronsted acid).
(via organic amino compound )
Biological Role(s): metabolite
Any intermediate or product resulting from metabolism. The term 'metabolite' subsumes the classes commonly known as primary and secondary metabolites.
histamine agonist
A drug that binds to and activates histamine receptors. Although they have been suggested for a variety of clinical applications, histamine agonists have so far been more widely used in research than therapeutically.
Application(s): histamine agonist
A drug that binds to and activates histamine receptors. Although they have been suggested for a variety of clinical applications, histamine agonists have so far been more widely used in research than therapeutically.
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ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing 2-methylhistamine (CHEBI:74761) has functional parent histamine (CHEBI:18295)
2-methylhistamine (CHEBI:74761) has role histamine agonist (CHEBI:35678)
2-methylhistamine (CHEBI:74761) has role metabolite (CHEBI:25212)
2-methylhistamine (CHEBI:74761) is a aralkylamino compound (CHEBI:64365)
2-methylhistamine (CHEBI:74761) is a imidazoles (CHEBI:24780)
Manual Xrefs Databases
CPD-10831 MetaCyc
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Registry Numbers Types Sources
34392-54-6 CAS Registry Number KEGG COMPOUND
34392-54-6 CAS Registry Number ChemIDplus
907356 Reaxys Registry Number Reaxys
Citations Waiting for Citations Types Sources
1151865 PubMed citation Europe PMC
3783601 PubMed citation Europe PMC
Last Modified
26 February 2016