CHEBI:52010 - chlorphenamine

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ChEBI Name chlorphenamine
Definition A tertiary amino compound that is propylamine which is substituted at position 3 by a pyridin-2-yl group and a p-chlorophenyl group and in which the hydrogens attached to the nitrogen are replaced by methyl groups. A histamine H1 antagonist, it is used to relieve the symptoms of hay fever, rhinitis, urticaria, and asthma.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Submitter Rafael Alc�ntara
Secondary ChEBI IDs CHEBI:52008, CHEBI:3644
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Roles Classification
Chemical Role(s): Bronsted base
A molecular entity capable of accepting a hydron from a donor (Bronsted acid).
(via organic amino compound )
Biological Role(s): serotonin uptake inhibitor
A compound that specifically inhibits the reuptake of serotonin in the brain. This increases the serotonin concentration in the synaptic cleft which then activates serotonin receptors to a greater extent.
H1-receptor antagonist
H1-receptor antagonists are the drugs that selectively bind to but do not activate histamine H1 receptors, thereby blocking the actions of endogenous histamine.
histamine antagonist
Histamine antagonists are the drugs that bind to but do not activate histamine receptors, thereby blocking the actions of histamine or histamine agonists.
Application(s): serotonin uptake inhibitor
A compound that specifically inhibits the reuptake of serotonin in the brain. This increases the serotonin concentration in the synaptic cleft which then activates serotonin receptors to a greater extent.
Antidepressants are mood-stimulating drugs used primarily in the treatment of affective disorders and related conditions.
H1-receptor antagonist
H1-receptor antagonists are the drugs that selectively bind to but do not activate histamine H1 receptors, thereby blocking the actions of endogenous histamine.
histamine antagonist
Histamine antagonists are the drugs that bind to but do not activate histamine receptors, thereby blocking the actions of histamine or histamine agonists.
antipruritic drug
A drug, usually applied topically, that relieves pruritus (itching).
anti-allergic agent
A drug used to treat allergic reactions.
Related Structures
chlorphenamine is a Structural Derivative of
Mass : 17.03056
Formula : H3N
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