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4 entries found, displaying 1 to 4.

Periglaucine C
CHEBI:66733 CHEBI:66733 CHEBI:66733
Tanimoto Score: 1.0
Formula: C20H21NO7
Mass: 387.38320
Charge: 0
Periglaucine A
CHEBI:66731 CHEBI:66731 CHEBI:66731
Tanimoto Score: 0.95
Formula: C20H23NO6
Mass: 373.39970
Charge: 0
Periglaucine B
CHEBI:66732 CHEBI:66732 CHEBI:66732
Tanimoto Score: 0.95
Formula: C20H23NO6
Mass: 373.39970
Charge: 0
Periglaucine D
CHEBI:66734 CHEBI:66734 CHEBI:66734
Tanimoto Score: 0.94
Formula: C23H27NO7
Mass: 429.46300
Charge: 0
4 entries found, displaying 1 to 4.