2023 virtual PDB Art exhibition
You can explore the virtual exhibition below, or by visiting the online gallery at Artsteps.
Virtual 2023 PDB Art Exhibition Opening
Protein Data Bank in Europe (PDBe) hosted an online art exhibition to celebrate artwork created through the PDB Art project in 2023. This virtual event, on Tuesday 19th September 2023 at 5:00pm BST, marked the official opening of the 2023 virtual exhibition. It included an overview of the artworks created in this years' project, plus a talk from Dr. Brady Johnston, whose Blender add-on 'Molecular Nodes' has led to a revolution in development of compelling molecular visualisations and animations. We also announced awards for the best artworks in the project in 2023, voted for by the public. View the exhibition opening below or on our PDBe YouTube channel.
Explore the aesthetic beauty of life at the smallest of scales
The Protein Data Bank in Europe, The Art Society CANTAB and The Art Society GRANTA are working with local school art departments to create artworks inspired by life’s building blocks. PDBe maintains a worldwide free database containing many thousands of 3D shapes of biological molecules important for health research. The molecules are too small to see even with a normal microscope, and are very complex. In this project, PDBe scientists help students explore the database (PDBe.org) and ways of depicting molecules, using structure as inspiration for the artworks.
The video below gives an introduction to the project, with insight from scientists, teachers and students that have taken part.
More PDB Art information and resources:
Artworks and Exhibitions |
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