3feg Citations

Crystal structures of human choline kinase isoforms in complex with hemicholinium-3: single amino acid near the active site influences inhibitor sensitivity.

OpenAccess logo J Biol Chem 285 16330-40 (2010)
Related entries: 3g15, 3lq3

Cited: 35 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 20299452


Human choline kinase (ChoK) catalyzes the first reaction in phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis and exists as ChoKalpha (alpha1 and alpha2) and ChoKbeta isoforms. Recent studies suggest that ChoK is implicated in tumorigenesis and emerging as an attractive target for anticancer chemotherapy. To extend our understanding of the molecular mechanism of ChoK inhibition, we have determined the high resolution x-ray structures of the ChoKalpha1 and ChoKbeta isoforms in complex with hemicholinium-3 (HC-3), a known inhibitor of ChoK. In both structures, HC-3 bound at the conserved hydrophobic groove on the C-terminal lobe. One of the HC-3 oxazinium rings complexed with ChoKalpha1 occupied the choline-binding pocket, providing a structural explanation for its inhibitory action. Interestingly, the HC-3 molecule co-crystallized with ChoKbeta was phosphorylated in the choline binding site. This phosphorylation, albeit occurring at a very slow rate, was confirmed experimentally by mass spectroscopy and radioactive assays. Detailed kinetic studies revealed that HC-3 is a much more potent inhibitor for ChoKalpha isoforms (alpha1 and alpha2) compared with ChoKbeta. Mutational studies based on the structures of both inhibitor-bound ChoK complexes demonstrated that Leu-401 of ChoKalpha2 (equivalent to Leu-419 of ChoKalpha1), or the corresponding residue Phe-352 of ChoKbeta, which is one of the hydrophobic residues neighboring the active site, influences the plasticity of the HC-3-binding groove, thereby playing a key role in HC-3 sensitivity and phosphorylation.

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