2bva Citations

Crystal Structures of the p21-activated kinases PAK4, PAK5, and PAK6 reveal catalytic domain plasticity of active group II PAKs.

OpenAccess logo Structure 15 201-13 (2007)
Related entries: 2c30, 2cdz, 2f57

Cited: 72 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 17292838


p21-activated kinases have been classified into two groups based on their domain architecture. Group II PAKs (PAK4-6) regulate a wide variety of cellular functions, and PAK deregulation has been linked to tumor development. Structural comparison of five high-resolution structures comprising all active, monophosphorylated group II catalytic domains revealed a surprising degree of domain plasticity, including a number of catalytically productive and nonproductive conformers. Rearrangements of helix alphaC, a key regulatory element of kinase function, resulted in an additional helical turn at the alphaC N terminus and a distortion of its C terminus, a movement hitherto unseen in protein kinases. The observed structural changes led to the formation of interactions between conserved residues that structurally link the glycine-rich loop, alphaC, and the activation segment and firmly anchor alphaC in an active conformation. Inhibitor screening identified six potent PAK inhibitors from which a tri-substituted purine inhibitor was cocrystallized with PAK4 and PAK5.

Reviews - 2bva mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Substrate and docking interactions in serine/threonine protein kinases. Goldsmith EJ, Akella R, Min X, Zhou T, Humphreys JM. Chem Rev 107 5065-5081 (2007)
  2. The scientific impact of the Structural Genomics Consortium: a protein family and ligand-centered approach to medically-relevant human proteins. Gileadi O, Knapp S, Lee WH, Marsden BD, Müller S, Niesen FH, Kavanagh KL, Ball LJ, von Delft F, Doyle DA, Oppermann UC, Sundström M. J Struct Funct Genomics 8 107-119 (2007)

Articles - 2bva mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. Activation segment dimerization: a mechanism for kinase autophosphorylation of non-consensus sites. Pike AC, Rellos P, Niesen FH, Turnbull A, Oliver AW, Parker SA, Turk BE, Pearl LH, Knapp S. EMBO J 27 704-714 (2008)
  2. 3D structure analysis of PAKs: A clue to the rational design for affinity reagents and blockers. Jha RK, Strauss CE. Cell Logist 2 69-77 (2012)
  3. PAK4 crystal structures suggest unusual kinase conformational movements. Zhang EY, Ha BH, Boggon TJ. Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom 1866 356-365 (2018)
  4. PAC-FragmentDEL - photoactivated covalent capture of DNA-encoded fragments for hit discovery. Ma H, Murray JB, Luo H, Cheng X, Chen Q, Song C, Duan C, Tan P, Zhang L, Liu J, Morgan BA, Li J, Wan J, Baker LM, Finnie W, Guetzoyan L, Harris R, Hendrickson N, Matassova N, Simmonite H, Smith J, Hubbard RE, Liu G. RSC Med Chem 13 1341-1349 (2022)

Reviews citing this publication (20)

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  8. PAKing up to the endothelium. Galan Moya EM, Le Guelte A, Gavard J, Gavard J. Cell Signal 21 1727-1737 (2009)
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