2vs6 Citations

The C-terminal fragment of the ribosomal P protein complexed to trichosanthin reveals the interaction between the ribosome-inactivating protein and the ribosome.

OpenAccess logo Nucleic Acids Res 37 602-10 (2009)
Related entries: 2jdl, 2jjr

Cited: 47 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 19073700


Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) inhibit protein synthesis by enzymatically depurinating a specific adenine residue at the sarcin-ricin loop of the 28S rRNA, which thereby prevents the binding of elongation factors to the GTPase activation centre of the ribosome. Here, we present the 2.2 A crystal structure of trichosanthin (TCS) complexed to the peptide SDDDMGFGLFD, which corresponds to the conserved C-terminal elongation factor binding domain of the ribosomal P protein. The N-terminal region of this peptide interacts with Lys173, Arg174 and Lys177 in TCS, while the C-terminal region is inserted into a hydrophobic pocket. The interaction with the P protein contributes to the ribosome-inactivating activity of TCS. This 11-mer C-terminal P peptide can be docked with selected important plant and bacterial RIPs, indicating that a similar interaction may also occur with other RIPs.

Articles - 2vs6 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. The C-terminal fragment of the ribosomal P protein complexed to trichosanthin reveals the interaction between the ribosome-inactivating protein and the ribosome. Too PH, Ma MK, Mak AN, Wong YT, Tung CK, Zhu G, Au SW, Wong KB, Shaw PC. Nucleic Acids Res 37 602-610 (2009)

Reviews citing this publication (12)

  1. Interaction of ricin and Shiga toxins with ribosomes. Tumer NE, Li XP. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 357 1-18 (2012)
  2. Targeting ricin to the ribosome. May KL, Yan Q, Tumer NE. Toxicon 69 143-151 (2013)
  3. Structures and Ribosomal Interaction of Ribosome-Inactivating Proteins. Shi WW, Mak AN, Wong KB, Shaw PC. Molecules 21 E1588 (2016)
  4. How Ricin Damages the Ribosome. Grela P, Szajwaj M, Horbowicz-Drożdżal P, Tchórzewski M. Toxins (Basel) 11 E241 (2019)
  5. Structures of eukaryotic ribosomal stalk proteins and its complex with trichosanthin, and their implications in recruiting ribosome-inactivating proteins to the ribosomes. Choi AK, Wong EC, Lee KM, Wong KB. Toxins (Basel) 7 638-647 (2015)
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  7. Biological activities of ribosome-inactivating proteins and their possible applications as antimicrobial, anticancer, and anti-pest agents and in neuroscience research. Akkouh O, Ng TB, Cheung RC, Wong JH, Pan W, Ng CC, Sha O, Shaw PC, Chan WY. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 99 9847-9863 (2015)
  8. Extensive Evolution of Cereal Ribosome-Inactivating Proteins Translates into Unique Structural Features, Activation Mechanisms, and Physiological Roles. De Zaeytijd J, Van Damme EJ. Toxins (Basel) 9 E123 (2017)
  9. Functional Assays for Measuring the Catalytic Activity of Ribosome Inactivating Proteins. Zhou Y, Li XP, Kahn JN, Tumer NE. Toxins (Basel) 10 E240 (2018)
  10. Do the A subunits contribute to the differences in the toxicity of Shiga toxin 1 and Shiga toxin 2? Basu D, Tumer NE. Toxins (Basel) 7 1467-1485 (2015)
  11. Structural and Functional Investigation and Pharmacological Mechanism of Trichosanthin, a Type 1 Ribosome-Inactivating Protein. Shi WW, Wong KB, Shaw PC. Toxins (Basel) 10 E335 (2018)
  12. A Sixty-Year Research and Development of Trichosanthin, a Ribosome-Inactivating Protein. Lu JQ, Wong KB, Shaw PC. Toxins (Basel) 14 178 (2022)

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