2e4f Citations

Structural Diversity in the Cytoplasmic Region of G Protein-Gated Inward Rectifier K+ Channels

Channels 1 39-45 (2007)
Cited: 8 times

Reviews - 2e4f mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. Emerging roles for G protein-gated inwardly rectifying potassium (GIRK) channels in health and disease. Lüscher C, Slesinger PA. Nat Rev Neurosci 11 301-315 (2010)
  2. Phosphoinositide control of membrane protein function: a frontier led by studies on ion channels. Logothetis DE, Petrou VI, Zhang M, Mahajan R, Meng XY, Adney SK, Cui M, Baki L. Annu Rev Physiol 77 81-104 (2015)
  3. Alcohol-binding sites in distinct brain proteins: the quest for atomic level resolution. Howard RJ, Slesinger PA, Davies DL, Das J, Trudell JR, Harris RA. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 35 1561-1573 (2011)

Articles - 2e4f mentioned but not cited (5)

  1. A discrete alcohol pocket involved in GIRK channel activation. Aryal P, Dvir H, Choe S, Slesinger PA. Nat Neurosci 12 988-995 (2009)
  2. Cholesterol sensitivity of KIR2.1 is controlled by a belt of residues around the cytosolic pore. Rosenhouse-Dantsker A, Logothetis DE, Levitan I. Biophys J 100 381-389 (2011)
  3. A structural determinant for the control of PIP2 sensitivity in G protein-gated inward rectifier K+ channels. Inanobe A, Nakagawa A, Matsuura T, Kurachi Y. J Biol Chem 285 38517-38523 (2010)
  4. Anomalous ion diffusion within skeletal muscle transverse tubule networks. Shorten PR, Soboleva TK. Theor Biol Med Model 4 18 (2007)
  5. Functional mapping of the N-terminal arginine cluster and C-terminal acidic residues of Kir6.2 channel fused to a G protein-coupled receptor. Principalli MA, Lemel L, Rongier A, Godet AC, Langer K, Revilloud J, Darré L, Domene C, Vivaudou M, Moreau CJ. Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr 1859 2144-2153 (2017)