1h4l Citations

Structure and regulation of the CDK5-p25(nck5a) complex.

Mol Cell 8 657-69 (2001)
Cited: 147 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 11583627


CDK5 plays an indispensable role in the central nervous system, and its deregulation is involved in neurodegeneration. We report the crystal structure of a complex between CDK5 and p25, a fragment of the p35 activator. Despite its partial structural similarity with the cyclins, p25 displays an unprecedented mechanism for the regulation of a cyclin-dependent kinase. p25 tethers the unphosphorylated T loop of CDK5 in the active conformation. Residue Ser159, equivalent to Thr160 on CDK2, contributes to the specificity of the CDK5-p35 interaction. Its substitution with threonine prevents p35 binding, while the presence of alanine affects neither binding nor kinase activity. Finally, we provide evidence that the CDK5-p25 complex employs a distinct mechanism from the phospho-CDK2-cyclin A complex to establish substrate specificity.

Reviews - 1h4l mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. Targeting cyclin-dependent kinases in human cancers: from small molecules to Peptide inhibitors. Peyressatre M, Prével C, Pellerano M, Morris MC. Cancers (Basel) 7 179-237 (2015)
  2. Substrate and docking interactions in serine/threonine protein kinases. Goldsmith EJ, Akella R, Min X, Zhou T, Humphreys JM. Chem Rev 107 5065-5081 (2007)
  3. Structure-based discovery of cyclin-dependent protein kinase inhibitors. Martin MP, Endicott JA, Noble MEM. Essays Biochem 61 439-452 (2017)

Articles - 1h4l mentioned but not cited (12)

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