
X-ray diffraction
2.6Å resolution

Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Coagulation Factor XI in Complex with Kunitz Protease Inhibitor Domain of Protease Nexin II


Function and Biology Details

Structure analysis Details

Assembly composition:
hetero dimer (preferred)
PDBe Complex ID:
PDB-CPX-137281 (preferred)
Entry contents:
2 distinct polypeptide molecules
Macromolecules (2 distinct):
Coagulation factor XIa light chain Chain: A
Molecule details ›
Chain: A
Length: 237 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 26.71 KDa
Source organism: Homo sapiens
Expression system: Komagataella pastoris
  • Canonical: P03951 (Residues: 388-624; Coverage: 39%)
Gene name: F11
Sequence domains: Trypsin
Structure domains: Trypsin-like serine proteases
Soluble APP-beta Chain: B
Molecule details ›
Chain: B
Length: 57 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 6.28 KDa
Source organism: Homo sapiens
Expression system: Komagataella pastoris
  • Canonical: P05067 (Residues: 289-345; Coverage: 8%)
  • Best match: P05067-7 (Residues: 289-345)
Gene names: A4, AD1, APP
Sequence domains: Kunitz/Bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor domain
Structure domains: Pancreatic trypsin inhibitor Kunitz domain

Ligands and Environments

No bound ligands
No modified residues

Experiments and Validation Details

Entry percentile scores
X-ray source: RIGAKU RUH3R
Spacegroup: P3221
Unit cell:
a: 92.791Å b: 92.791Å c: 107.014Å
α: 90° β: 90° γ: 120°
R R work R free
0.216 0.216 0.255
Expression system: Komagataella pastoris