Function and Biology

Crystal Structure of Yersinia pestis LsrG

Source organism: Yersinia pestis
Biochemical function: intramolecular oxidoreductase activity, interconverting aldoses and ketoses
Biological process: not assigned
Cellular component: cytosol

EC (4S)-4-hydroxy-5-phosphooxypentane-2,3-dione isomerase

Reaction catalysed:
(2S)-2-hydroxy-3,4-dioxopentyl phosphate = 3-hydroxy-2,4-dioxopentyl phosphate
Systematic name:
(2S)-2-hydroxy-3,4-dioxopentyl phosphate aldose-ketose-isomerase
Alternative Name(s):
  • LsrG (gene name)
  • Phospho-AI-2 isomerase

Sequence family

Pfam Protein family (Pfam)
Domain description: Antibiotic biosynthesis monooxygenase
Occurring in:
  1. (4S)-4-hydroxy-5-phosphonooxypentane-2,3-dione isomerase
The deposited structure of PDB entry 2gff contains 2 copies of Pfam domain PF03992 (Antibiotic biosynthesis monooxygenase) in (4S)-4-hydroxy-5-phosphonooxypentane-2,3-dione isomerase. Showing 1 copy in chain B.

InterPro InterPro annotations
Domain description: Antibiotic biosynthesis monooxygenase domain
Occurring in:
  1. (4S)-4-hydroxy-5-phosphonooxypentane-2,3-dione isomerase
Domain description: (4S)-4-hydroxy-5-phosphonooxypentane-2,3-dione isomerase
Occurring in:
  1. (4S)-4-hydroxy-5-phosphonooxypentane-2,3-dione isomerase
Domain description: Dimeric alpha-beta barrel
Occurring in:
  1. (4S)-4-hydroxy-5-phosphonooxypentane-2,3-dione isomerase

Structure domain

CATH CATH domain
Class: Alpha Beta
Architecture: 2-Layer Sandwich
Topology: Alpha-Beta Plaits
Homology: Alpha-Beta Plaits
Occurring in:
  1. (4S)-4-hydroxy-5-phosphonooxypentane-2,3-dione isomerase
The deposited structure of PDB entry 2gff contains 2 copies of CATH domain (Alpha-Beta Plaits) in (4S)-4-hydroxy-5-phosphonooxypentane-2,3-dione isomerase. Showing 1 copy in chain B.