5m5r Citations

Cellular and viral peptides bind multiple sites on the N-terminal domain of clathrin.

OpenAccess logo Traffic 18 44-57 (2017)
Related entries: 5m5s, 5m5t, 5m5u, 5m5v, 5m61

Cited: 19 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 27813245


Short peptide motifs in unstructured regions of clathrin-adaptor proteins recruit clathrin to membranes to facilitate post-Golgi membrane transport. Three consensus clathrin-binding peptide sequences have been identified and structural studies show that each binds distinct sites on the clathrin heavy chain N-terminal domain (NTD). A fourth binding site for adaptors on NTD has been functionally identified but not structurally characterised. We have solved high resolution structures of NTD bound to peptide motifs from the cellular clathrin adaptors β2 adaptin and amphiphysin plus a putative viral clathrin adaptor, hepatitis D virus large antigen (HDAg-L). Surprisingly, with each peptide we observe simultaneous peptide binding at multiple sites on NTD and viral peptides binding to the same sites as cellular peptides. Peptides containing clathrin-box motifs (CBMs) with the consensus sequence LΦxΦ[DE] bind at the 'arrestin box' on NTD, between β-propeller blades 4 and 5, which had previously been thought to bind a distinct consensus sequence. Further, we structurally define the fourth peptide binding site on NTD, which we term the Royle box. In vitro binding assays show that clathrin is more readily captured by cellular CBMs than by HDAg-L, and site-directed mutagenesis confirms that multiple binding sites on NTD contribute to efficient capture by CBM peptides.

Reviews - 5m5r mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Weak Molecular Interactions in Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis. Smith SM, Baker M, Halebian M, Smith CJ. Front Mol Biosci 4 72 (2017)

Articles - 5m5r mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Cellular and viral peptides bind multiple sites on the N-terminal domain of clathrin. Muenzner J, Traub LM, Kelly BT, Graham SC. Traffic 18 44-57 (2017)
  2. Large-scale phage-based screening reveals extensive pan-viral mimicry of host short linear motifs. Mihalič F, Simonetti L, Giudice G, Sander MR, Lindqvist R, Peters MBA, Benz C, Kassa E, Badgujar D, Inturi R, Ali M, Krystkowiak I, Sayadi A, Andersson E, Aronsson H, Söderberg O, Dobritzsch D, Petsalaki E, Överby AK, Jemth P, Davey NE, Ivarsson Y. Nat Commun 14 2409 (2023)

Reviews citing this publication (5)

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  2. Evolving models for assembling and shaping clathrin-coated pits. Chen Z, Schmid SL. J Cell Biol 219 e202005126 (2020)
  3. Extreme Fuzziness: Direct Interactions between Two IDPs. Wang W, Wang D. Biomolecules 9 E81 (2019)
  4. Role of Clathrin and Dynamin in Clathrin Mediated Endocytosis/Synaptic Vesicle Recycling and Implications in Neurological Diseases. Prichard KL, O'Brien NS, Murcia SR, Baker JR, McCluskey A. Front Cell Neurosci 15 754110 (2021)
  5. The Chemical Inhibitors of Endocytosis: From Mechanisms to Potential Clinical Applications. Szewczyk-Roszczenko OK, Roszczenko P, Shmakova A, Finiuk N, Holota S, Lesyk R, Bielawska A, Vassetzky Y, Bielawski K. Cells 12 2312 (2023)

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