5cpv Citations

Restrained least squares refinement of native (calcium) and cadmium-substituted carp parvalbumin using X-ray crystallographic data at 1.6-A resolution.

J Biol Chem 264 16620-8 (1989)
Cited: 59 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 2777802


Carp parvalbumin coordinates calcium through one carbonyl oxygen atom and the oxygen-containing side chains of 5 amino acid residues, or 4 residues and a water molecule, in a helix-loop-helix structural motif. Other calcium-binding proteins, including calmodulin and troponin C, also possess this unique calcium-binding design, which is designated EF-hand or calmodulin fold. Parvalbumin has two such sites, labeled CD and EF. Each of the calcium-binding sites of refined structures of proteins belonging to this group has a 7-oxygen coordination sphere except those of the structure of parvalbumin as it was reported in 1975. This structure had been refined at 1.9 A using difference Fourier techniques on film data. The CD site appeared to be 6-coordinate and the EF site 8-coordinate. Results of NMR experiments using 113Cd-substituted parvalbumin, however, indicate that the sites are similar to one another with coordination number greater than 6. To resolve the inconsistency between crystallographic and NMR results, 1.6 A area detector data was collected for native and cadmium-substituted parvalbumin; the structures have been refined to R factors of 18.7% and 16.4%, respectively, with acceptable geometry and low errors in atomic coordinates. Differences between the parvalbumin structure described in 1975 and the present structure are addressed, including the discovery of 7-coordination for both the CD and EF sites.

Reviews - 5cpv mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Polarizable Force Fields for Biomolecular Simulations: Recent Advances and Applications. Jing Z, Liu C, Cheng SY, Qi R, Walker BD, Piquemal JP, Ren P. Annu Rev Biophys 48 371-394 (2019)
  2. Structure of allergens and structure based epitope predictions. Dall'antonia F, Pavkov-Keller T, Zangger K, Keller W. Methods 66 3-21 (2014)

Articles - 5cpv mentioned but not cited (7)

  1. Development of a polarizable force field for proteins via ab initio quantum chemistry: first generation model and gas phase tests. Kaminski GA, Stern HA, Berne BJ, Friesner RA, Cao YX, Murphy RB, Zhou R, Halgren TA. J Comput Chem 23 1515-1531 (2002)
  2. Many-body effect determines the selectivity for Ca2+ and Mg2+ in proteins. Jing Z, Liu C, Qi R, Ren P. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115 E7495-E7501 (2018)
  3. Interfaces between allergen structure and diagnosis: know your epitopes. Pomés A, Chruszcz M, Gustchina A, Wlodawer A. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 15 506 (2015)
  4. Study of interactions between metal ions and protein model compounds by energy decomposition analyses and the AMOEBA force field. Jing Z, Qi R, Liu C, Ren P. J Chem Phys 147 161733 (2017)
  5. Structure of avian thymic hormone, a high-affinity avian beta-parvalbumin, in the Ca2+-free and Ca2+-bound states. Schuermann JP, Tan A, Tanner JJ, Henzl MT. J. Mol. Biol. 397 991-1002 (2010)
  6. Local functional descriptors for surface comparison based binding prediction. Cipriano GM, Phillips GN, Gleicher M. BMC Bioinformatics 13 314 (2012)
  7. Quantitative Assessment of Chirality of Protein Secondary Structures and Phenylalanine Peptide Nanotubes. Sidorova A, Bystrov V, Lutsenko A, Shpigun D, Belova E, Likhachev I. Nanomaterials (Basel) 11 3299 (2021)

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