Function and Biology

Crystal Structure of SUMO1 in complex with Daxx

Source organism: Homo sapiens
Biochemical function: not assigned
Biological process: not assigned
Cellular component: not assigned

GO terms

Biochemical function:
  • not assigned
Biological process:
  • not assigned
Cellular component:
  • not assigned

Sequence family

Pfam Protein family (Pfam)
Domain description: Ubiquitin-2 like Rad60 SUMO-like
Occurring in:
  1. Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1
The deposited structure of PDB entry 4wjq contains 2 copies of Pfam domain PF11976 (Ubiquitin-2 like Rad60 SUMO-like) in Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1. Showing 1 copy in chain A.

InterPro InterPro annotations
Domain description: Ubiquitin-like domain
Occurring in:
  1. Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1
Domain description: Rad60/SUMO-like domain
Occurring in:
  1. Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1
Domain description: Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1, Ubl domain
Occurring in:
  1. Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1
Domain description: Ubiquitin-like domain superfamily
Occurring in:
  1. Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1

Structure domain

CATH CATH domain
Class: Alpha Beta
Architecture: Roll
Topology: Ubiquitin-like (UB roll)
Homology: Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase Catalytic Subunit; Chain A, domain 1
Occurring in:
  1. Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1
The deposited structure of PDB entry 4wjq contains 2 copies of CATH domain (Ubiquitin-like (UB roll)) in Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1. Showing 1 copy in chain A.