3rlf Citations

Snapshots of the maltose transporter during ATP hydrolysis.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108 15152-6 (2011)
Related entries: 3puv, 3puw, 3pux

Cited: 123 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 21825153


ATP-binding cassette transporters are powered by ATP, but the mechanism by which these transporters hydrolyze ATP is unclear. In this study, four crystal structures of the full-length wild-type maltose transporter, stabilized by adenosine 5'-(β,γ-imido)triphosphate or ADP in conjunction with phosphate analogs BeF(3)(-), VO(4)(3-), or AIF(4)(-), were determined to 2.2- to 2.4-Å resolution. These structures led to the assignment of two enzymatic states during ATP hydrolysis and demonstrate specific functional roles of highly conserved residues in the nucleotide-binding domain, suggesting that ATP-binding cassette transporters catalyze ATP hydrolysis via a general base mechanism.

Reviews - 3rlf mentioned but not cited (5)

  1. Structural diversity of ABC transporters. ter Beek J, Guskov A, Slotboom DJ. J Gen Physiol 143 419-435 (2014)
  2. Influences of membrane mimetic environments on membrane protein structures. Zhou HX, Cross TA. Annu Rev Biophys 42 361-392 (2013)
  3. Structural and functional diversity calls for a new classification of ABC transporters. Thomas C, Aller SG, Beis K, Carpenter EP, Chang G, Chen L, Dassa E, Dean M, Duong Van Hoa F, Ekiert D, Ford R, Gaudet R, Gong X, Holland IB, Huang Y, Kahne DK, Kato H, Koronakis V, Koth CM, Lee Y, Lewinson O, Lill R, Martinoia E, Murakami S, Pinkett HW, Poolman B, Rosenbaum D, Sarkadi B, Schmitt L, Schneider E, Shi Y, Shyng SL, Slotboom DJ, Tajkhorshid E, Tieleman DP, Ueda K, Váradi A, Wen PC, Yan N, Zhang P, Zheng H, Zimmer J, Tampé R. FEBS Lett 594 3767-3775 (2020)
  4. An integrated transport mechanism of the maltose ABC importer. Mächtel R, Narducci A, Griffith DA, Cordes T, Orelle C. Res Microbiol 170 321-337 (2019)
  5. ATP Analogues for Structural Investigations: Case Studies of a DnaB Helicase and an ABC Transporter. Lacabanne D, Wiegand T, Wili N, Kozlova MI, Cadalbert R, Klose D, Mulkidjanian AY, Meier BH, Böckmann A. Molecules 25 E5268 (2020)

Articles - 3rlf mentioned but not cited (10)

  1. Snapshots of the maltose transporter during ATP hydrolysis. Oldham ML, Chen J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108 15152-15156 (2011)
  2. Multiscale Simulations of Biological Membranes: The Challenge To Understand Biological Phenomena in a Living Substance. Enkavi G, Javanainen M, Kulig W, Róg T, Vattulainen I. Chem Rev 119 5607-5774 (2019)
  3. Architecture of a channel-forming O-antigen polysaccharide ABC transporter. Bi Y, Mann E, Whitfield C, Zimmer J. Nature 553 361-365 (2018)
  4. Structural basis for substrate specificity in the Escherichia coli maltose transport system. Oldham ML, Chen S, Chen J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110 18132-18137 (2013)
  5. Inferring interaction partners from protein sequences using mutual information. Bitbol AF. PLoS Comput Biol 14 e1006401 (2018)
  6. Structure of MlaFB uncovers novel mechanisms of ABC transporter regulation. Kolich LR, Chang YT, Coudray N, Giacometti SI, MacRae MR, Isom GL, Teran EM, Bhabha G, Ekiert DC. Elife 9 e60030 (2020)
  7. Regulatory mechanisms of lipopolysaccharide synthesis in Escherichia coli. Shu S, Mi W. Nat Commun 13 4576 (2022)
  8. Correlations from structure and phylogeny combine constructively in the inference of protein partners from sequences. Gerardos A, Dietler N, Bitbol AF. PLoS Comput Biol 18 e1010147 (2022)
  9. ATP hydrolysis and nucleotide exit enhance maltose translocation in the MalFGK2E importer. Abreu B, Cruz C, Oliveira ASF, Soares CM. Sci Rep 11 10591 (2021)
  10. Protein Modification Employing Non-Canonical Amino Acids to Prepare SUMOylation Detecting Bioconjugates. Williard AC, Switzer HJ, Howard CA, Yin R, Russell BL, Sanyal R, Yu S, Myers TM, Flood BM, Kerscher O, Young DD. Pharmaceutics 14 2826 (2022)

Reviews citing this publication (18)

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  2. Transport of sugars. Chen LQ, Cheung LS, Feng L, Tanner W, Frommer WB. Annu Rev Biochem 84 865-894 (2015)
  3. A glimpse of structural biology through X-ray crystallography. Shi Y. Cell 159 995-1014 (2014)
  4. The Type 1 secretion pathway - the hemolysin system and beyond. Thomas S, Holland IB, Schmitt L. Biochim Biophys Acta 1843 1629-1641 (2014)
  5. Molecular mechanism of the Escherichia coli maltose transporter. Chen J. Curr Opin Struct Biol 23 492-498 (2013)
  6. Clinically-Relevant ABC Transporter for Anti-Cancer Drug Resistance. Xiao H, Zheng Y, Ma L, Tian L, Sun Q. Front Pharmacol 12 648407 (2021)
  7. Mechanism of Action of ABC Importers: Conservation, Divergence, and Physiological Adaptations. Lewinson O, Livnat-Levanon N. J Mol Biol 429 606-619 (2017)
  8. ABC Transport Proteins in Cardiovascular Disease-A Brief Summary. Schumacher T, Benndorf RA. Molecules 22 E589 (2017)
  9. Invited review: Architectures and mechanisms of ATP binding cassette proteins. Hopfner KP. Biopolymers 105 492-504 (2016)
  10. Structure and mechanism of ATP-dependent phospholipid transporters. López-Marqués RL, Poulsen LR, Bailly A, Geisler M, Pomorski TG, Palmgren MG. Biochim Biophys Acta 1850 461-475 (2015)
  11. Visualizing functional motions of membrane transporters with molecular dynamics simulations. Shaikh SA, Li J, Enkavi G, Wen PC, Huang Z, Tajkhorshid E. Biochemistry 52 569-587 (2013)
  12. ECF-Type ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters. Rempel S, Stanek WK, Slotboom DJ. Annu Rev Biochem 88 551-576 (2019)
  13. Structure and mechanism of energy-coupling factor transporters. Zhang P. Trends Microbiol 21 652-659 (2013)
  14. Active transporters as enzymes: an energetic framework applied to major facilitator superfamily and ABC importer systems. Shilton BH. Biochem J 467 193-199 (2015)
  15. Biophysical Approaches Facilitate Computational Drug Discovery for ATP-Binding Cassette Proteins. Molinski SV, Bozóky Z, Iram SH, Ahmadi S. Int J Med Chem 2017 1529402 (2017)
  16. The Switch and Reciprocating Models for the Function of ABC Multidrug Exporters: Perspectives on Recent Research. Jones PM, George AM. Int J Mol Sci 24 2624 (2023)
  17. Functional Roles of the Conserved Amino Acid Sequence Motif C, the Antiporter Motif, in Membrane Transporters of the Major Facilitator Superfamily. Varela MF, Ortiz-Alegria A, Lekshmi M, Stephen J, Kumar S. Biology (Basel) 12 1336 (2023)
  18. How Cryo-EM Has Expanded Our Understanding of Membrane Transporters. Baril SA, Gose T, Schuetz JD. Drug Metab Dispos 51 904-922 (2023)

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