3ovl Citations

Towards a pharmacophore for amyloid.


Diagnosing and treating Alzheimer's and other diseases associated with amyloid fibers remains a great challenge despite intensive research. To aid in this effort, we present atomic structures of fiber-forming segments of proteins involved in Alzheimer's disease in complex with small molecule binders, determined by X-ray microcrystallography. The fiber-like complexes consist of pairs of β-sheets, with small molecules binding between the sheets, roughly parallel to the fiber axis. The structures suggest that apolar molecules drift along the fiber, consistent with the observation of nonspecific binding to a variety of amyloid proteins. In contrast, negatively charged orange-G binds specifically to lysine side chains of adjacent sheets. These structures provide molecular frameworks for the design of diagnostics and drugs for protein aggregation diseases.

Reviews - 3ovl mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. NMR Meets Tau: Insights into Its Function and Pathology. Lippens G, Landrieu I, Smet C, Huvent I, Huvent I, Gandhi NS, Gigant B, Despres C, Qi H, Lopez J. Biomolecules 6 (2016)
  2. Insights into the Structural Conformations of the Tau Protein in Different Aggregation Status. Pinzi L, Bisi N, Sorbi C, Franchini S, Tonali N, Rastelli G. Molecules 28 4544 (2023)

Articles - 3ovl mentioned but not cited (9)

  1. Towards a pharmacophore for amyloid. Landau M, Sawaya MR, Faull KF, Laganowsky A, Jiang L, Sievers SA, Liu J, Barrio JR, Eisenberg D. PLoS Biol. 9 e1001080 (2011)
  2. Tau-derived-hexapeptide 306VQIVYK311 aggregation inhibitors: nitrocatechol moiety as a pharmacophore in drug design. Mohamed T, Hoang T, Jelokhani-Niaraki M, Rao PP. ACS Chem Neurosci 4 1559-1570 (2013)
  3. Secondary Metabolites in Ramalina terebrata Detected by UHPLC/ESI/MS/MS and Identification of Parietin as Tau Protein Inhibitor. Cornejo A, Salgado F, Caballero J, Vargas R, Simirgiotis M, Areche C. Int J Mol Sci 17 (2016)
  4. Nanomechanics and intermolecular forces of amyloid revealed by four-dimensional electron microscopy. Fitzpatrick AW, Vanacore GM, Zewail AH. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112 3380-3385 (2015)
  5. Rosmarinic acid prevents fibrillization and diminishes vibrational modes associated to β sheet in tau protein linked to Alzheimer's disease. Cornejo A, Aguilar Sandoval F, Caballero L, Machuca L, Muñoz P, Caballero J, Perry G, Ardiles A, Areche C, Melo F. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem 32 945-953 (2017)
  6. The zipper groups of the amyloid state of proteins. Stroud JC. Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr. 69 540-545 (2013)
  7. Filamentous Aggregates of Tau Proteins Fulfil Standard Amyloid Criteria Provided by the Fuzzy Oil Drop (FOD) Model. Dułak D, Gadzała M, Banach M, Ptak M, Wiśniowski Z, Konieczny L, Roterman I. Int J Mol Sci 19 (2018)
  8. Investigating the Theranostic Potential of Graphene Quantum Dots in Alzheimer's Disease. Walton-Raaby M, Woods R, Kalyaanamoorthy S. Int J Mol Sci 24 9476 (2023)
  9. MELD-accelerated molecular dynamics help determine amyloid fibril structures. Sharma B, Dill KA. Commun Biol 4 942 (2021)

Reviews citing this publication (25)

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  25. Translational opportunities for amyloid-targeting fluorophores. Cao KJ, Yang J. Chem. Commun. (Camb.) 54 9107-9118 (2018)

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