3n3a Citations

Structural basis for activation of class Ib ribonucleotide reductase.

Science 329 1526-30 (2010)
Related entries: 3n37, 3n38, 3n39, 3n3b

Cited: 83 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 20688982


The class Ib ribonucleotide reductase of Escherichia coli can initiate reduction of nucleotides to deoxynucleotides with either a Mn(III)2-tyrosyl radical (Y•) or a Fe(III)2-Y• cofactor in the NrdF subunit. Whereas Fe(III)2-Y• can self-assemble from Fe(II)2-NrdF and O2, activation of Mn(II)2-NrdF requires a reduced flavoprotein, NrdI, proposed to form the oxidant for cofactor assembly by reduction of O2. The crystal structures reported here of E. coli Mn(II)2-NrdF and Fe(II)2-NrdF reveal different coordination environments, suggesting distinct initial binding sites for the oxidants during cofactor activation. In the structures of Mn(II)2-NrdF in complex with reduced and oxidized NrdI, a continuous channel connects the NrdI flavin cofactor to the NrdF Mn(II)2 active site. Crystallographic detection of a putative peroxide in this channel supports the proposed mechanism of Mn(III)2-Y• cofactor assembly.

Reviews - 3n3a mentioned but not cited (3)

Articles - 3n3a mentioned but not cited (5)

  1. Metal-free class Ie ribonucleotide reductase from pathogens initiates catalysis with a tyrosine-derived dihydroxyphenylalanine radical. Blaesi EJ, Palowitch GM, Hu K, Kim AJ, Rose HR, Alapati R, Lougee MG, Kim HJ, Taguchi AT, Tan KO, Laremore TN, Griffin RG, Krebs C, Matthews ML, Silakov A, Bollinger JM, Allen BD, Boal AK. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115 10022-10027 (2018)
  2. Metal-free ribonucleotide reduction powered by a DOPA radical in Mycoplasma pathogens. Srinivas V, Lebrette H, Lundin D, Kutin Y, Sahlin M, Lerche M, Eirich J, Branca RMM, Cox N, Sjöberg BM, Högbom M. Nature 563 416-420 (2018)
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  4. Redox-induced structural changes in the di-iron and di-manganese forms of Bacillus anthracis ribonucleotide reductase subunit NrdF suggest a mechanism for gating of radical access. Grāve K, Lambert W, Berggren G, Griese JJ, Bennett MD, Logan DT, Högbom M. J Biol Inorg Chem 24 849-861 (2019)
  5. Redox-controlled reorganization and flavin strain within the ribonucleotide reductase R2b-NrdI complex monitored by serial femtosecond crystallography. John J, Aurelius O, Srinivas V, Saura P, Kim IS, Bhowmick A, Simon PS, Dasgupta M, Pham C, Gul S, Sutherlin KD, Aller P, Butryn A, Orville AM, Cheah MH, Owada S, Tono K, Fuller FD, Batyuk A, Brewster AS, Sauter NK, Yachandra VK, Yano J, Kaila VRI, Kern J, Lebrette H, Högbom M. Elife 11 e79226 (2022)

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