3fo5 Citations

Comparative structural analysis of lipid binding START domains.

OpenAccess logo PLoS One 6 e19521 (2011)
Related entries: 2pso, 2r55, 3p0l

Cited: 73 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 21738568



Steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein related lipid transfer (START) domains are small globular modules that form a cavity where lipids and lipid hormones bind. These domains can transport ligands to facilitate lipid exchange between biological membranes, and they have been postulated to modulate the activity of other domains of the protein in response to ligand binding. More than a dozen human genes encode START domains, and several of them are implicated in a disease.

Articles - 3fo5 mentioned but not cited (5)

  1. Comparative structural analysis of lipid binding START domains. Thorsell AG, Lee WH, Persson C, Siponen MI, Nilsson M, Busam RD, Kotenyova T, Schüler H, Lehtiö L. PLoS One 6 e19521 (2011)
  2. Molecular basis for sterol transport by StART-like lipid transfer domains. Horenkamp FA, Valverde DP, Nunnari J, Reinisch KM. EMBO J 37 e98002 (2018)
  3. Human brown fat inducible thioesterase variant 2 cellular localization and catalytic function. Chen D, Latham J, Zhao H, Bisoffi M, Farelli J, Dunaway-Mariano D. Biochemistry 51 6990-6999 (2012)
  4. Identifying Cancer-Relevant Mutations in the DLC START Domain Using Evolutionary and Structure-Function Analyses. Holub AS, Bouley RA, Petreaca RC, Husbands AY. Int J Mol Sci 21 E8175 (2020)
  5. The dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors vildagliptin and K-579 inhibit a phospholipase C: a case of promiscuous scaffolds in proteins. Chakraborty S, Rendón-Ramírez A, Ásgeirsson B, Dutta M, Ghosh AS, Oda M, Venkatramani R, Rao BJ, Dandekar AM, Goñi FM. F1000Res 2 286 (2013)

Reviews citing this publication (17)

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  2. The mammalian START domain protein family in lipid transport in health and disease. Clark BJ. J Endocrinol 212 257-275 (2012)
  3. Intracellular Cholesterol Trafficking and Impact in Neurodegeneration. Arenas F, Garcia-Ruiz C, Fernandez-Checa JC. Front Mol Neurosci 10 382 (2017)
  4. START ships lipids across interorganelle space. Alpy F, Tomasetto C. Biochimie 96 85-95 (2014)
  5. Deactivating Fatty Acids: Acyl-CoA Thioesterase-Mediated Control of Lipid Metabolism. Tillander V, Alexson SEH, Cohen DE. Trends Endocrinol Metab 28 473-484 (2017)
  6. Regulation of peroxisomal lipid metabolism: the role of acyl-CoA and coenzyme A metabolizing enzymes. Hunt MC, Tillander V, Alexson SE. Biochimie 98 45-55 (2014)
  7. Insights into the mechanisms of sterol transport between organelles. Mesmin B, Antonny B, Drin G. Cell Mol Life Sci 70 3405-3421 (2013)
  8. Lipid transfer proteins rectify inter-organelle flux and accurately deliver lipids at membrane contact sites. Hanada K. J Lipid Res 59 1341-1366 (2018)
  9. Co-evolution of sphingomyelin and the ceramide transport protein CERT. Hanada K. Biochim Biophys Acta 1841 704-719 (2014)
  10. Binding domain-driven intracellular trafficking of sterols for synthesis of steroid hormones, bile acids and oxysterols. Midzak A, Papadopoulos V. Traffic 15 895-914 (2014)
  11. The binding site specificity of STARD4 subfamily: Breaking the cholesterol paradigm. Létourneau D, Lefebvre A, Lavigne P, LeHoux JG. Mol Cell Endocrinol 408 53-61 (2015)
  12. Emerging roles for human glycolipid transfer protein superfamily members in the regulation of autophagy, inflammation, and cell death. Mishra SK, Gao YG, Zou X, Stephenson DJ, Malinina L, Hinchcliffe EH, Chalfant CE, Brown RE. Prog Lipid Res 78 101031 (2020)
  13. How α-Helical Motifs Form Functionally Diverse Lipid-Binding Compartments. Malinina L, Patel DJ, Brown RE. Annu Rev Biochem 86 609-636 (2017)
  14. The StarD4 subfamily of steroidogenic acute regulatory-related lipid transfer (START) domain proteins: new players in cholesterol metabolism. Calderon-Dominguez M, Gil G, Medina MA, Pandak WM, Rodríguez-Agudo D. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 49 64-68 (2014)
  15. STARD5 specific ligand binding: comparison with STARD1 and STARD4 subfamilies. Létourneau D, Lefebvre A, Lavigne P, LeHoux JG. Mol Cell Endocrinol 371 20-25 (2013)
  16. STAR splicing mutations cause the severe phenotype of lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia: insights from a novel splice mutation and review of reported cases. Camats N, Pandey AV, Fernández-Cancio M, Fernández JM, Ortega AM, Udhane S, Andaluz P, Audí L, Flück CE. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 80 191-199 (2014)
  17. Cholesterol Redistribution in Pancreatic β-Cells: A Flexible Path to Regulate Insulin Secretion. Galli A, Arunagiri A, Dule N, Castagna M, Marciani P, Perego C. Biomolecules 13 224 (2023)

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