2wd2 Citations

Chimeric microtubule disruptors.


A chimeric approach is used to discover microtubule disruptors with excellent in vitro activity and oral bioavailability; a ligand-protein interaction with carbonic anhydrase that enhances bioavailability is characterised by protein X-ray crystallography. Dosing of a representative chimera in a tumour xenograft model confirms the excellent therapeutic potential of the class.

Articles - 2wd2 mentioned but not cited (1)

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Reviews citing this publication (3)

  1. Recent Advances in chemistry and pharmacology of 2-methoxyestradiol: An anticancer investigational drug. Kumar BS, Raghuvanshi DS, Hasanain M, Alam S, Sarkar J, Mitra K, Khan F, Negi AS. Steroids 110 9-34 (2016)
  2. Sulfatase inhibitors: a patent review. Williams SJ. Expert Opin Ther Pat 23 79-98 (2013)
  3. Thermodynamic, kinetic, and structural parameterization of human carbonic anhydrase interactions toward enhanced inhibitor design. Linkuvienė V, Zubrienė A, Manakova E, Petrauskas V, Baranauskienė L, Zakšauskas A, Smirnov A, Gražulis S, Ladbury JE, Matulis D. Q Rev Biophys 51 e10 (2018)

Articles citing this publication (9)

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  2. Tetrahydroisoquinolinone-based steroidomimetic and chimeric microtubule disruptors. Leese MP, Jourdan FL, Major MR, Dohle W, Hamel E, Ferrandis E, Fiore A, Kasprzyk PG, Potter BV. ChemMedChem 9 85-108, 1 (2014)
  3. Synthesis, antitubulin, and antiproliferative SAR of C3/C1-substituted tetrahydroisoquinolines. Dohle W, Leese MP, Jourdan FL, Major MR, Bai R, Hamel E, Ferrandis E, Kasprzyk PG, Fiore A, Newman SP, Purohit A, Potter BV. ChemMedChem 9 350-370 (2014)
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