2od3 Citations

Structural basis of Na+ activation mimicry in murine thrombin.

J Biol Chem 282 16355-61 (2007)
Cited: 8 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 17428793


Unlike human thrombin, murine thrombin lacks Na+ activation due to the charge reversal substitution D222K in the Na+ binding loop. However, the enzyme is functionally stabilized in a Na+-bound form and is highly active toward physiologic substrates. The structural basis of this peculiar property is unknown. Here, we present the 2.2 A resolution x-ray crystal structure of murine thrombin in the absence of inhibitors and salts. The enzyme assumes an active conformation, with Ser-195, Glu-192, and Asp-189 oriented as in the Na+-bound fast form of human thrombin. Lys-222 completely occludes the pore of entry to the Na+ binding site and positions its side chain inside the pore, with the Nzeta atom H-bonded to the backbone oxygen atoms of Lys-185, Asp-186b, and Lys-186d. The same architecture is observed in the 1.75 A resolution structure of a thrombin chimera in which the human enzyme carries all residues defining the Na+ pore in the murine enzyme. These findings demonstrate that Na+ activation in thrombin is linked to the architecture of the Na+ pore. The molecular strategy of Na+ activation mimicry unraveled for murine thrombin is relevant to serine proteases and enzymes activated by monovalent cations in general.

Reviews citing this publication (3)

  1. Thrombin. Di Cera E. Mol Aspects Med 29 203-254 (2008)
  2. Conformational selection in trypsin-like proteases. Pozzi N, Vogt AD, Gohara DW, Di Cera E. Curr Opin Struct Biol 22 421-431 (2012)
  3. Allostery in trypsin-like proteases suggests new therapeutic strategies. Gohara DW, Di Cera E. Trends Biotechnol 29 577-585 (2011)

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