2klg Citations

Use of relaxation enhancements in a paramagnetic environment for the structure determination of proteins using NMR spectroscopy.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 48 8259-62 (2009)
Cited: 33 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 19774576

Reviews citing this publication (9)

  1. NMR approaches for structural analysis of multidomain proteins and complexes in solution. Göbl C, Madl T, Simon B, Sattler M. Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc 80 26-63 (2014)
  2. Structure of allergens and structure based epitope predictions. Dall'antonia F, Pavkov-Keller T, Zangger K, Keller W. Methods 66 3-21 (2014)
  3. The dynamic duo: combining NMR and small angle scattering in structural biology. Hennig J, Sattler M. Protein Sci 23 669-682 (2014)
  4. Paramagnetic NMR in drug discovery. Softley CA, Bostock MJ, Popowicz GM, Sattler M. J Biomol NMR 74 287-309 (2020)
  5. Paramagnetic Chemical Probes for Studying Biological Macromolecules. Miao Q, Nitsche C, Orton H, Overhand M, Otting G, Ubbink M. Chem Rev 122 9571-9642 (2022)
  6. Solution NMR studies on the orientation of membrane-bound peptides and proteins by paramagnetic probes. Schrank E, Wagner GE, Zangger K. Molecules 18 7407-7435 (2013)
  7. NMR solution structure determination of large RNA-protein complexes. Yadav DK, Lukavsky PJ. Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc 97 57-81 (2016)
  8. Use of paramagnetic systems to speed-up NMR data acquisition and for structural and dynamic studies. Kocman V, Di Mauro GM, Veglia G, Ramamoorthy A. Solid State Nucl Magn Reson 102 36-46 (2019)
  9. 13C Direct Detected NMR for Challenging Systems. Felli IC, Pierattelli R. Chem Rev 122 9468-9496 (2022)

Articles citing this publication (24)

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  2. Hsp70 biases the folding pathways of client proteins. Sekhar A, Rosenzweig R, Bouvignies G, Kay LE. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113 E2794-801 (2016)
  3. NMR studies of hexaacylated endotoxin bound to wild-type and F126A mutant MD-2 and MD-2·TLR4 ectodomain complexes. Yu L, Phillips RL, Zhang D, Teghanemt A, Weiss JP, Gioannini TL. J Biol Chem 287 16346-16355 (2012)
  4. Structural analysis of large protein complexes using solvent paramagnetic relaxation enhancements. Madl T, Güttler T, Görlich D, Sattler M. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 50 3993-3997 (2011)
  5. Structural basis for homodimerization of the Src-associated during mitosis, 68-kDa protein (Sam68) Qua1 domain. Meyer NH, Tripsianes K, Vincendeau M, Madl T, Kateb F, Brack-Werner R, Sattler M. J Biol Chem 285 28893-28901 (2010)
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  7. Solution structure and membrane binding of the toxin fst of the par addiction module. Göbl C, Kosol S, Stockner T, Rückert HM, Zangger K. Biochemistry 49 6567-6575 (2010)
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