2j1y Citations

Structural basis for understanding oncogenic p53 mutations and designing rescue drugs.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103 15056-61 (2006)
Related entries: 1uol, 2bim, 2bin, 2bio, 2bip, 2biq, 2j1w, 2j1x, 2j1z, 2j20, 2j21

Cited: 190 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 17015838


The DNA-binding domain of the tumor suppressor p53 is inactivated by mutation in approximately 50% of human cancers. We have solved high-resolution crystal structures of several oncogenic mutants to investigate the structural basis of inactivation and provide information for designing drugs that may rescue inactivated mutants. We found a variety of structural consequences upon mutation: (i) the removal of an essential contact with DNA, (ii) creation of large, water-accessible crevices or hydrophobic internal cavities with no other structural changes but with a large loss of thermodynamic stability, (iii) distortion of the DNA-binding surface, and (iv) alterations to surfaces not directly involved in DNA binding but involved in domain-domain interactions on binding as a tetramer. These findings explain differences in functional properties and associated phenotypes (e.g., temperature sensitivity). Some mutants have the potential of being rescued by a generic stabilizing drug. In addition, a mutation-induced crevice is a potential target site for a mutant-selective stabilizing drug.

Reviews - 2j1y mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Structural and Drug Targeting Insights on Mutant p53. Gomes AS, Ramos H, Inga A, Sousa E, Saraiva L. Cancers (Basel) 13 3344 (2021)

Articles - 2j1y mentioned but not cited (5)

  1. Structural basis for understanding oncogenic p53 mutations and designing rescue drugs. Joerger AC, Ang HC, Fersht AR. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103 15056-15061 (2006)
  2. Benchmarks for flexible and rigid transcription factor-DNA docking. Kim R, Corona RI, Hong B, Guo JT. BMC Struct Biol 11 45 (2011)
  3. Impact of low-frequency hotspot mutation R282Q on the structure of p53 DNA-binding domain as revealed by crystallography at 1.54 angstroms resolution. Tu C, Tan YH, Shaw G, Zhou Z, Bai Y, Luo R, Ji X. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 64 471-477 (2008)
  4. Tumorigenic p53 mutants undergo common structural disruptions including conversion to α-sheet structure. Bromley D, Daggett V. Protein Sci 29 1983-1999 (2020)
  5. Mechanism of Tianma Gouteng Decoction in the treatment of Parkinson's disease based on network pharmacology and molecular docking. Ni P, Zhao B, Pang Y, Pan K. Am J Transl Res 15 596-611 (2023)

Reviews citing this publication (52)

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  2. Awakening guardian angels: drugging the p53 pathway. Brown CJ, Lain S, Verma CS, Fersht AR, Lane DP. Nat Rev Cancer 9 862-873 (2009)
  3. Targeting mutant p53 for efficient cancer therapy. Bykov VJN, Eriksson SE, Bianchi J, Wiman KG. Nat Rev Cancer 18 89-102 (2018)
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