2h59 Citations

Insights into the sirtuin mechanism from ternary complexes containing NAD+ and acetylated peptide.

Structure 14 1231-40 (2006)
Related entries: 2h4f, 2h4h, 2h4j

Cited: 81 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 16905097


Sirtuin proteins comprise a unique class of NAD+-dependent protein deacetylases. Although several structures of sirtuins have been determined, the mechanism by which NAD+ cleavage occurs has remained unclear. We report the structures of ternary complexes containing NAD+ and acetylated peptide bound to the bacterial sirtuin Sir2Tm and to a catalytic mutant (Sir2Tm(H116Y)). NAD+ in these structures binds in a conformation different from that seen in previous structures, exposing the alpha face of the nicotinamide ribose to the carbonyl oxygen of the acetyl lysine substrate. The NAD+ conformation is identical in both structures, suggesting that proper coenzyme orientation is not dependent on contacts with the catalytic histidine. We also present the structure of Sir2Tm(H116A) bound to deacteylated peptide and 3'-O-acetyl ADP ribose. Taken together, these structures suggest a mechanism for nicotinamide cleavage in which an invariant phenylalanine plays a central role in promoting formation of the O-alkylamidate reaction intermediate and preventing nicotinamide exchange.

Reviews - 2h59 mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. Modulation of epigenetic targets for anticancer therapy: clinicopathological relevance, structural data and drug discovery perspectives. Andreoli F, Barbosa AJ, Parenti MD, Del Rio A. Curr Pharm Des 19 578-613 (2013)
  2. ADP-ribosylation systems in bacteria and viruses. Mikolčević P, Hloušek-Kasun A, Ahel I, Mikoč A. Comput Struct Biotechnol J 19 2366-2383 (2021)
  3. A Molecular Perspective on Sirtuin Activity. Teixeira CSS, Cerqueira NMFSA, Gomes P, Sousa SF. Int J Mol Sci 21 E8609 (2020)

Articles - 2h59 mentioned but not cited (5)

  1. Structural and functional analysis of human SIRT1. Davenport AM, Huber FM, Hoelz A. J Mol Biol 426 526-541 (2014)
  2. Conformational changes in redox pairs of protein structures. Fan SW, George RA, Haworth NL, Feng LL, Liu JY, Wouters MA. Protein Sci 18 1745-1765 (2009)
  3. Helitron distribution in Brassicaceae and whole Genome Helitron density as a character for distinguishing plant species. Hu K, Xu K, Wen J, Yi B, Shen J, Ma C, Fu T, Ouyang Y, Tu J. BMC Bioinformatics 20 354 (2019)
  4. Discovery of SIRT7 Inhibitor as New Therapeutic Options Against Liver Cancer. Zhang C, Li Y, Liu B, Ning C, Li Y, Wang Y, Li Z. Front Cell Dev Biol 9 813233 (2021)
  5. Identification of Inhibitors to Trypanosoma cruzi Sirtuins Based on Compounds Developed to Human Enzymes. Matutino Bastos T, Botelho Pereira Soares M, Haddad Franco C, Alcântara L, Antonini L, Sabatino M, Mautone N, Holanda Freitas-Junior L, Moraes CB, Ragno R, Rotili D, Schenkman S, Mai A, Silvio Moretti N. Int J Mol Sci 21 E3659 (2020)

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