1jhg Citations

An atomic view of the L-tryptophan binding site of trp repressor.

Nat Struct Biol 3 986-7 (1996)
Cited: 17 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 8946848

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  2. Quantitative prediction of protein-protein binding affinity with a potential of mean force considering volume correction. Su Y, Zhou A, Xia X, Li W, Sun Z. Protein Sci 18 2550-2558 (2009)
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  6. Detecting DNA-binding helix-turn-helix structural motifs using sequence and structure information. Pellegrini-Calace M, Thornton JM. Nucleic Acids Res 33 2129-2140 (2005)
  7. Fast gap-free enumeration of conformations and sequences for protein design. Roberts KE, Gainza P, Hallen MA, Donald BR. Proteins 83 1859-1877 (2015)
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  12. Guest-protein incorporation into solvent channels of a protein host crystal (hostal). Sprenger J, Carey J, Schulz A, Drouard F, Lawson CL, von Wachenfeldt C, Linse S, Lo Leggio L. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 77 471-485 (2021)
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