1cgf Citations

Crystal structures of recombinant 19-kDa human fibroblast collagenase complexed to itself.

Biochemistry 33 8207-17 (1994)
Cited: 65 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 8031754


Collagenase is a member of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family of enzymes. Aberrant regulation of this family has been implicated in pathologies such as arthritis and metastasis. Two crystal forms of the catalytic (19-kDa) domain of human fibroblast collagenase have been determined using collagenase complexed with a peptide-based inhibitor (CPLX) as a starting model [Lovejoy et al. (1994) Science 263, 375]. The first crystal form (CF1) contains one molecule in the asymmetric unit and has been determined at 1.9-A resolution with an R factor of 19.8%. The second crystal form (CF2) contains two molecules (A and B) in the asymmetric unit and has been determined at 2.1-A resolution with an R factor of 19.7%. The catalytic domain of collagenase is spherical with an active site cleft that contains a ligated catalytic zinc ion. Collagenase shares some structural homology with the bacterial zinc proteinase, thermolysin [Matthews et al. (1972) Nature, New Biol. 238, 37], and the crayfish digestive peptidase, astacin [Bode et al. (1992) Nature 358, 164]. The amino terminus (Leu 102 to Gly 105) of CF1 and CF2 molecules A and B differs from the conformation found in CPLX by bending away from the molecule and interacting with the active site cleft of symmetry-related molecules. In this alternative conformation, both the mainchain nitrogen and carbonyl oxygen of Leu 102 ligate the symmetry-related catalytic zinc. Although there are structural differences in the active site clefts of CF1, CF2, and CPLX, a number of complex-stabilizing interactions are conserved. The structure of collagenase will be useful for developing compounds that selectively inhibit individual members of the closely related matrix metalloproteinase family.

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  3. Binary image representation of a ligand binding site: its application to efficient sampling of a conformational ensemble. Sung E, Kim S, Shin W. BMC Bioinformatics 11 256 (2010)

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