1abr Citations

Crystal structure of abrin-a at 2.14 A.

J Mol Biol 250 354-67 (1995)
Cited: 101 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 7608980


The crystal structure of abrin-a, a type II ribosome-inactivating protein from the seeds of Abrus precatorius, has been determined from a novel crystalline form by the molecular replacement method using the coordinates of ricin. The structure has been refined at 2.14 A to a R-factor of 18.9%. The root-mean-square deviations of bond lengths and angles from the standard values are 0.013 A and 1.82 degrees, respectively. The overall protein folding is similar to that of ricin, but there are differences in the secondary structure, mostly of the A-chain. Several parts of the molecular surface differ significantly; some of them are quite near the active site cleft, and probably influence ribosome recognition. The positions of invariant active site residues remain the same, except the position of Tyr74. Two water molecules of hydrogen-bonded active site residues have been located in the active site cleft. Both of them may be responsible for hydrolyzing the N-C glycosidic bond. The current abrin-a structure is lactose free; this is probably essential for abrin-a crystallization. The B-chain is a glycoprotein, and the positions of several sugar residues of two sugar chains linked to earlier predicted glycosylation sites were determined. One of the sugar chains is a bridge between two neighboring molecules, since one of its mannose residues is connected to the galactose binding site of the neighboring molecule. Another sugar chain covers the surface of the B-chain.

Reviews - 1abr mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Carbohydrate-binding modules: fine-tuning polysaccharide recognition. Boraston AB, Bolam DN, Gilbert HJ, Davies GJ. Biochem J 382 769-781 (2004)
  2. Biological Toxins as the Potential Tools for Bioterrorism. Janik E, Ceremuga M, Saluk-Bijak J, Bijak M. Int J Mol Sci 20 (2019)

Articles - 1abr mentioned but not cited (22)

  1. A unified statistical model to support local sequence order independent similarity searching for ligand-binding sites and its application to genome-based drug discovery. Xie L, Xie L, Bourne PE. Bioinformatics 25 i305-12 (2009)
  2. Predicting the accuracy of protein-ligand docking on homology models. Bordogna A, Pandini A, Bonati L. J Comput Chem 32 81-98 (2011)
  3. Quantitative prediction of protein-protein binding affinity with a potential of mean force considering volume correction. Su Y, Zhou A, Xia X, Li W, Sun Z. Protein Sci 18 2550-2558 (2009)
  4. Protein subunit interfaces: heterodimers versus homodimers. Zhanhua C, Gan JG, Lei L, Sakharkar MK, Kangueane P. Bioinformation 1 28-39 (2005)
  5. Statistical analysis of physical-chemical properties and prediction of protein-protein interfaces. Negi SS, Braun W. J Mol Model 13 1157-1167 (2007)
  6. Variation in structural location and amino acid conservation of functional sites in protein domain families. Pils B, Copley RR, Schultz J. BMC Bioinformatics 6 210 (2005)
  7. Recognizing protein-protein interfaces with empirical potentials and reduced amino acid alphabets. Launay G, Mendez R, Wodak S, Simonson T. BMC Bioinformatics 8 270 (2007)
  8. Structural interface parameters are discriminatory in recognising near-native poses of protein-protein interactions. Malhotra S, Sankar K, Sowdhamini R. PLoS One 9 e80255 (2014)
  9. Predicting Protein-Protein Interaction Sites Using Sequence Descriptors and Site Propensity of Neighboring Amino Acids. Kuo TH, Li KB. Int J Mol Sci 17 E1788 (2016)
  10. Mechanistic insights into the neutralization of cytotoxic abrin by the monoclonal antibody D6F10. Bagaria S, Ponnalagu D, Bisht S, Karande AA. PLoS ONE 8 e70273 (2013)
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  21. Structural re-alignment in an immunogenic surface region of ricin A chain. Zemla AT, Ecale Zhou CL. Bioinform Biol Insights 2 5-13 (2008)
  22. Unraveling the Roots of Selectivity of Peptide Affinity Reagents for Structurally Similar Ribosomal Inactivating Protein Derivatives. Sarkes DA, Hurley MM, Stratis-Cullum DN. Molecules 21 (2016)

Reviews citing this publication (10)

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  2. The structural role of sugars in glycoproteins. Wyss DF, Wagner G. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 7 409-416 (1996)
  3. Ricin. Olsnes S, Kozlov JV. Toxicon 39 1723-1728 (2001)
  4. The relevance of higher plants in lead compound discovery programs. Kinghorn AD, Pan L, Fletcher JN, Chai H. J. Nat. Prod. 74 1539-1555 (2011)
  5. Ribosome-inactivating and related proteins. Schrot J, Weng A, Melzig MF. Toxins (Basel) 7 1556-1615 (2015)
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