2hgh Citations

Induced fit and "lock and key" recognition of 5S RNA by zinc fingers of transcription factor IIIA.


Transcription factor IIIA (TFIIIA) is a Cys2His2 zinc finger protein that regulates expression of the 5 S ribosomal RNA gene by binding specifically to the internal control element. TFIIIA also functions in transport and storage of 5 S RNA by binding directly to the RNA transcript. To obtain insights into the mechanism by which TFIIIA recognizes 5 S RNA, we determined the solution structure of the middle three zinc fingers bound to the central core of 5 S RNA. Finger 4 utilizes "lock and key" recognition to bind in the widened major groove of the pre-structured RNA loop E motif. This interaction is mediated by direct hydrogen bonding interactions with bases. In contrast, recognition of loop A, a flexible junction of three helices, occurs by an induced fit mechanism that involves reorganization of the conserved CAUA motif and structuring of the finger 5-finger 6 interface to form a complementary RNA binding surface.

Reviews - 2hgh mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Conservation of the three-dimensional structure in non-homologous or unrelated proteins. Sousounis K, Haney CE, Cao J, Sunchu B, Tsonis PA. Hum Genomics 6 10 (2012)

Articles - 2hgh mentioned but not cited (11)

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