1xow Citations

Structural basis for androgen receptor interdomain and coactivator interactions suggests a transition in nuclear receptor activation function dominance.

Mol Cell 16 425-38 (2004)
Related entries: 1xq3, 2ao6

Cited: 172 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 15525515


The androgen receptor (AR) is required for male sex development and contributes to prostate cancer cell survival. In contrast to other nuclear receptors that bind the LXXLL motifs of coactivators, the AR ligand binding domain is preferentially engaged in an interdomain interaction with the AR FXXLF motif. Reported here are crystal structures of the ligand-activated AR ligand binding domain with and without bound FXXLF and LXXLL peptides. Key residues that establish motif binding specificity are identified through comparative structure-function and mutagenesis studies. A mechanism in prostate cancer is suggested by a functional AR mutation at a specificity-determining residue that recovers coactivator LXXLL motif binding. An activation function transition hypothesis is proposed in which an evolutionary decline in LXXLL motif binding parallels expansion and functional dominance of the NH(2)-terminal transactivation domain in the steroid receptor subfamily.

Reviews - 1xow mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Androgen receptor: structure, role in prostate cancer and drug discovery. Tan MH, Li J, Xu HE, Melcher K, Yong EL. Acta Pharmacol Sin 36 3-23 (2015)
  2. Emerging New Concepts of Degrader Technologies. Ding Y, Fei Y, Lu B. Trends Pharmacol Sci 41 464-474 (2020)

Articles - 1xow mentioned but not cited (13)

  1. Identification of SRC3/AIB1 as a preferred coactivator for hormone-activated androgen receptor. Zhou XE, Suino-Powell KM, Li J, He Y, Mackeigan JP, Melcher K, Yong EL, Xu HE. J Biol Chem 285 9161-9171 (2010)
  2. Pharmacophore-based virtual screening versus docking-based virtual screening: a benchmark comparison against eight targets. Chen Z, Li HL, Zhang QJ, Bao XG, Yu KQ, Luo XM, Zhu WL, Jiang HL. Acta Pharmacol Sin 30 1694-1708 (2009)
  3. Trinucleotide repeats: a structural perspective. Almeida B, Fernandes S, Abreu IA, Macedo-Ribeiro S. Front Neurol 4 76 (2013)
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  5. Fragment-based Shape Signatures: a new tool for virtual screening and drug discovery. Zauhar RJ, Gianti E, Welsh WJ. J Comput Aided Mol Des 27 1009-1036 (2013)
  6. Allosteric interactions prime androgen receptor dimerization and activation. Wasmuth EV, Broeck AV, LaClair JR, Hoover EA, Lawrence KE, Paknejad N, Pappas K, Matthies D, Wang B, Feng W, Watson PA, Zinder JC, Karthaus WR, de la Cruz MJ, Hite RK, Manova-Todorova K, Yu Z, Weintraub ST, Klinge S, Sawyers CL. Mol Cell 82 2021-2031.e5 (2022)
  7. Antagonizing the Androgen Receptor with a Biomimetic Acyltransferase. Zhang Y, Mantravadi PK, Jobbagy S, Bao W, Koh JT. ACS Chem Biol 11 2797-2802 (2016)
  8. Insights about multi-targeting and synergistic neuromodulators in Ayurvedic herbs against epilepsy: integrated computational studies on drug-target and protein-protein interaction networks. Choudhary N, Singh V. Sci Rep 9 10565 (2019)
  9. Endostatin inhibits androgen-independent prostate cancer growth by suppressing nuclear receptor-mediated oxidative stress. Lee JH, Kang M, Wang H, Naik G, Mobley JA, Sonpavde G, Garvey WT, Darley-Usmar VM, Ponnazhagan S. FASEB J 31 1608-1619 (2017)
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