1f42 Citations

Charged residues dominate a unique interlocking topography in the heterodimeric cytokine interleukin-12.

EMBO J 19 3530-41 (2000)
Cited: 102 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 10899108


Human interleukin-12 (IL-12, p70) is an early pro-inflammatory cytokine, comprising two disulfide-linked subunits, p35 and p40. We solved the crystal structures of monomeric human p40 at 2.5 A and the human p70 complex at 2.8 A resolution, which reveals that IL-12 is similar to class 1 cytokine-receptor complexes. They also include the first description of an N-terminal immunoglobulin-like domain, found on the p40 subunit. Several charged residues from p35 and p40 intercalate to form a unique interlocking topography, shown by mutagenesis to be critical for p70 formation. A central arginine residue from p35 projects into a deep pocket on p40, which may be an ideal target for a small molecule antagonist of IL-12 formation.

Reviews - 1f42 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae as a Respiratory Medicine: Is There a Potential Drug in the Treatment of COVID-19? Quan Y, Li L, Yin Z, Chen S, Yi J, Lang J, Zhang L, Yue Q, Zhao J. Front Pharmacol 12 784335 (2021)

Articles - 1f42 mentioned but not cited (5)

  1. Charged residues dominate a unique interlocking topography in the heterodimeric cytokine interleukin-12. Yoon C, Johnston SC, Tang J, Stahl M, Tobin JF, Somers WS. EMBO J. 19 3530-3541 (2000)
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  3. Finding of residues crucial for supersecondary structure formation. Kister AE, Gelfand I. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 106 18996-19000 (2009)
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  5. The localisation of the heparin binding sites of human and murine interleukin-12 within the carboxyterminal domain of the P40 subunit. Garnier P, Mummery R, Forster MJ, Mulloy B, Gibbs RV, Rider CC. Cytokine 110 159-168 (2018)

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