1am5 Citations

Structure and proposed amino-acid sequence of a pepsin from atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).

Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 54 32-46 (1998)
Cited: 16 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 9761815


The crystal structure of a pepsin from the gastric mucosa of Atlantic cod has been determined to 2.16 A resolution. Data were collected on orthorhombic crystals with cell dimensions a = 35.98, b = 75.40 and c = 108.10 A, on a FAST area-detector system. The phase problem was solved by the molecular-replacement method using porcine pepsin (PDB entry 5PEP) as a search model. The structure has been refined to a crystallographic R factor of 20.8% using all reflections between 8.0 and 2.16 A, without prior knowledge of the primary sequence. The resulting crystal structure is very similar to the porcine enzyme, consisting of two domains with predominantly beta-sheet structure in the same sequential positions as the enzyme from pig. In the course of the model building, 122 residues were substituted and two residues deleted from the starting model to give a polypeptide chain of 324 amino acids and a sequence identity of 57.7% with the pig pepsin. No carbohydrate residues were located. Sequence alignment with available aspartic proteinases, indicates that the fish enzyme seems to be more related to mammalian gastric pepsins than to the mammalian gastricsins and chymosins, lysosomal cathepsin D's and a pepsin from tuna fish. The amino-acid composition of the cod enzyme, however, is more in accordance with the cathepsin D's.

Reviews - 1am5 mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Psychrophilic enzymes: from folding to function and biotechnology. Feller G. Scientifica (Cairo) 2013 512840 (2013)
  2. Discovery, Molecular Mechanisms, and Industrial Applications of Cold-Active Enzymes. Santiago M, Ramírez-Sarmiento CA, Zamora RA, Parra LP. Front Microbiol 7 1408 (2016)

Articles - 1am5 mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. Analysis of crystal structures of aspartic proteinases: on the role of amino acid residues adjacent to the catalytic site of pepsin-like enzymes. Andreeva NS, Rumsh LD. Protein Sci 10 2439-2450 (2001)
  2. Adhesive-cohesive model for protein compressibility: an alternative perspective on stability. Dadarlat VM, Post CB. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100 14778-14783 (2003)
  3. Active site detection by spatial conformity and electrostatic analysis--unravelling a proteolytic function in shrimp alkaline phosphatase. Chakraborty S, Minda R, Salaye L, Bhattacharjee SK, Rao BJ. PLoS One 6 e28470 (2011)
  4. Entropy Analysis of Protein Sequences Reveals a Hierarchical Organization. Anashkina AA, Petrushanko IY, Ziganshin RH, Orlov YL, Nekrasov AN. Entropy (Basel) 23 1647 (2021)

Reviews citing this publication (2)

  1. Cold-adapted enzymes. Siddiqui KS, Cavicchioli R. Annu Rev Biochem 75 403-433 (2006)
  2. Some like it cold: biocatalysis at low temperatures. Georlette D, Blaise V, Collins T, D'Amico S, Gratia E, Hoyoux A, Marx JC, Sonan G, Feller G, Gerday C. FEMS Microbiol Rev 28 25-42 (2004)

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