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Protein and Associated NucleotideDomains with Inferred Trees
(View raw data for PF06211 - BAMBI)
BMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor (BAMBI)
(Pfam reference: accession no. PF06211)
(Interpro reference: accession no. IPR009345)

sequences alignment phylogeny
amino acids
(Pfam-A seed alignment)
2 sequences @ 264 aa
(ave. pairwise identity: 0.77)
(view Jalview alignment from Pfam)
New Hampshire format
(total tree length: 0.29)
(available for above)
2 sequences @ 792 bp
(ave. pairwise identity: 0.69)
New Hampshire format
(total tree length: 0.41)
amino acids, restricted set
(corresp. to available nt seqs)
2 sequences @ 264 aa
(ave. pairwise identity: 0.77)
New Hampshire format
(total tree length: 0.29)