5ac9 Citations

Structure-based energetics of protein interfaces guides foot-and-mouth disease virus vaccine design.


Virus capsids are primed for disassembly, yet capsid integrity is key to generating a protective immune response. Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) capsids comprise identical pentameric protein subunits held together by tenuous noncovalent interactions and are often unstable. Chemically inactivated or recombinant empty capsids, which could form the basis of future vaccines, are even less stable than live virus. Here we devised a computational method to assess the relative stability of protein-protein interfaces and used it to design improved candidate vaccines for two poorly stable, but globally important, serotypes of FMDV: O and SAT2. We used a restrained molecular dynamics strategy to rank mutations predicted to strengthen the pentamer interfaces and applied the results to produce stabilized capsids. Structural analyses and stability assays confirmed the predictions, and vaccinated animals generated improved neutralizing-antibody responses to stabilized particles compared to parental viruses and wild-type capsids.

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  2. Principles of Protein Stability and Their Application in Computational Design. Goldenzweig A, Fleishman SJ. Annu Rev Biochem 87 105-129 (2018)
  3. Towards improvements in foot-and-mouth disease vaccine performance. Belsham GJ. Acta Vet Scand 62 20 (2020)
  4. Global Foot-and-Mouth Disease Research Update and Gap Analysis: 3 - Vaccines. Robinson L, Knight-Jones TJ, Charleston B, Rodriguez LL, Gay CG, Sumption KJ, Vosloo W. Transbound Emerg Dis 63 Suppl 1 30-41 (2016)
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